Georg Blind

► Short CV
Since 2022, Georg is the senior postdoc researcher and lecturer for Japanese Business and Economics. He graduated from the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) with a double degree in business (CEMS Master) and economics in 2004. He also holds a degree in Japanese Studies from Heidelberg University (2008) and PhD in economics from Hohenheim University (2015). Before joining UDE he worked as assistant professor and senior researcher at the University of Zurich from 2010. For his research, he was invited as a JSPS research fellow to the University of Kyoto in 2008–2009 and to The University of Tokyo in 2016–2017. Georg has gained ample relevant business experience while working as a consultant for McKinsey & Company (2004–2007) and since starting his own business in 2012.
► Research Interests
- Behavioral economics
- Labor and self-employment in Japan
- Economic consequences of demographic change
- Issues of market entry into Japan
- Theory and Methodology of evolutionary economcis
► Recent Publications
“Generalized Rules, Nelson-Winter Routines and Ostrom Rules”. In: Nelson, Richard R.; Potts, Jason et al. 2022. Routledge Handbook of Evolutionary Economics [Mimeo. Invited.]
(with Stefania Lottanti von Mandach) “The Silent Revolution in Japan: Female Labour Market Participation from an Aggregate Perspective”. In: Eweje, G. et al. (eds.). 2021. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Gender Equality in Japan: Historical and Current Perspectives. Berlin: Springer, pp. 159–188. Fulltext: