Travelling Conferences on Urban Transformations in Industrial Regions
Travelling Conferences on Urban Transformations in Industrial Regions
Travelling Conferences (TCs) are a format designed to promote and foster international exchange about specific current issues. More specifically, given the significant interest in questions of current urban transformation and comparable challenges in many metropolitan regions around the world (e.g. post-industrial transformation, demographic change, urban strategies of climate change mitigation and adaptation, waterfront development) as well as an interest in the ways in which policies, strategies, blueprints for such transformations are exchanged globally (e.g. research on policy diffusion, policy mobility, travelling concepts), this series of TCs aims to combine a theoretical and conceptual approach along with an empirical section on selected current policies. To accomplish this goal, a number of presentations are given at each conference, supplemented by panel and round-table discussions.
The thematically and structurally similar events take place in Osaka, Ulsan, Essen and Cincinnati between October 2019 and sometime in 2021. Representatives of the Ruhr region and the University Alliance Ruhr in Germany, which organize the conference series, are travelling to all four locations accompanied by members from institutions in the partner regions.
Osaka: November 18–19, 2019
Ulsan: November 21–22, 2019
Essen: (June 15–26, 2020) – postponed, new date tba –
Cincinnati: (September 14–15, 2020) – postponed, new date tba –
Competence Field Metropolitan Research, University Alliance Ruhr (UDE / RUB / TUDO)
IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies on Innovation in East Asia, University of Duisburg-Essen

Essen, [June 15–16, 2020] / postponed to 2021
Venue: Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site
Organized by:
Competence Field Metropolitan Research
University Alliance Ruhr (UDE / RUB / TUDO)
IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies on Innovation in East Asia
University of Duisburg-Essen
Download of the preliminary Program booklet
(dates are obsolete)