IMB: AG Becker-Flegler

Group Becker-Flegler Research Interests

  1. Role of sphingolipids in infection and inflammation

    Sphingolipids in cystic fibrosis

    Sphingolipids as target molecules during bacterial and viral infections, especially infections with Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and SARS-CoV-2

    Bactericidal effect of sphingosine

    Molecular mechanism how hypoxia contributes to reduced sphingosine levels in infected lungs

    Sphingosine coating of endo-implants to fight against peri-implant infections

  2. Role of sphingolipids in tumor therapy

    Role of tumor-host sphingolipids in response to tumor therapy

    Role of the acid ceramidase and the acid sphingomyelinase within tumor therapy

  3. Inhibition of the mitochondrial Kv1.3 channel in cancer treatment



Katrin Anne Becker-Flegler 
(Prof. Dr. rer. nat.)
Tel.: +49(0)201-723-1949

Nadine Beckmann (Dr. rer. nat.)
Tel.: +49(0)201-723-1981

Carolin Sehl (BTA)
Tel.: +49(0)201-723-2874