Funding worldwide - PROMOS & DUE-Mobil
Application periods
You can apply for PROMOS grants between 1 and 30 November. Applications for DUE-Mobil grants can be submitted between 1 and 30 April.
The students who will receive grants will be selected by the PROMOS/DUE-Mobil coordinator of the relevant faculty. Please find the online application form and further information below in step 2 of the application process.
Application for remaining DUE-Mobil funds for 2021 is now closed.
What do the programmes offer for students with disabilities?
Students with a degree of disability of at least 50 percent and students with a chronic illness can request additional funds of up to €10,000 for up to six months if additional costs are incurred for their stay abroad and other relevant bodies do not provide financial support.
The following documents must be submitted:
- A rejection of cost assumption from your health insurance or supplementary insurance provider
- A copy of your disability card
- In the case of individuals with a chronic illness: a doctor’s certificate describing the medical requirements
- Additional documents to explain the requirement and appropriateness of the higher expenditure
Please contact Aldona Wesner ( for further information.

Questions and answers regarding PROMOS and DUE-Mobil
What are PROMOS & DUE-Mobil?
PROMOS and DUE-Mobil grants can be used to fund study-related stays abroad with a duration of up to six months for students and doctoral candidates.
- PROMOS is a grant programme offered by the DAAD, which is funded through means provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). For 2021, funds are available to the University of Duisburg-Essen to provide support for the mobility of students and doctoral candidates as part of the PROMOS programme. Doctoral candidates (with the exception of medical students) cannot receive grants for the ‘study abroad’ and ‘work placement’ lines of funding.
- Based on the PROMOS grant model, the University of Duisburg-Essen provides DUE-Mobil grants, which are financed through quality improvement funds, for short-term stays abroad with a duration of up to six months. DUE-Mobil grants can be used to fund the same types of stays abroad as with PROMOS. The same funding conditions apply for both grant programmes.
- It is not permissible to receive funding for a stay abroad through both grant programmes simultaneously.
What can be funded through PROMOS & DUE-Mobil?
- Students' study abroad periods in countries that do not participate in the ERASMUS+ programme (1-6 months)
- Students staying abroad in order to write their final theses (1–6 months)
- Students’ work placements in countries that do not participate in the Erasmus+ programme (6 weeks to 6 months)
- Students' and doctoral candidates' language courses (3 weeks to 6 months)
- Students’ and doctoral candidates’ subject-related courses (5 days to 6 weeks)
- Study trips in which at least five students and one member of the teaching staff participate (for a maximum of 12 days)
Please find information on funding conditions and the documents required for applications for the above-mentioned types of stays abroad below (under ‘PROMOS and DUE-Mobil funding conditions’).
Please note that the faculties can put restrictions on the lines of funding. Thus, funding may not be available for certain stays abroad that are eligible according to the DAAD. Please consult the relevant contact person or the webpages of your faculty for information on the lines of funding available at the individual faculties (see the list of contacts in the faculties below).
What are the requirements?
- You must be registered as a regular student in a University of Duisburg-Essen study programme that culminates in a higher education degree (up to and including doctoral studies).
- Students who do not hold German citizenship cannot receive funding for stays in their home country. The country in which a student/doctoral candidate has been predominantly residing over the past five years is considered their home country.
- A good level of academic achievement.
How much financial support will be awarded?
A monthly grant amounting to between €350 and €550 (depending on the host country).
- The amount you receive is exclusively based on the DAAD grant rates: partial grant for the stay abroad, partial mobility grant, lump sum for a stay and lump sum to pay for course fees (see the PROMOS grant rates on this page).The grant rates themselves cannot be adjusted. However, it is possible to receive only individual benefits (e.g. partial grant for the stay abroad only or partial mobility grant only) or funding for only a part of your stay abroad (e.g. a study abroad period of four months and funding for two months).
- Whether PROMOS or DUE-Mobil funding can be granted to students who already receive support for the same period abroad from other public funding sources must be assessed separately.
- Tuition fees at the host university will not be covered.
What do the programmes offer for students with disabilities?
Grant holders with disabilities can request additional funds amounting to up to €10,000 if additional costs are incurred for their stay abroad and other relevant bodies do not provide financial support. A confirmation of the degree of disability (at least 50 percent) must be presented. Please contact Aldona Wesner ( for further information.
Have there been any adjustments due to the Covid-19 pandemic?
Due to the current situation resulting from Covid-19, an option is provided to begin funded periods in the study abroad, work placement, subject-related course and language course lines in digital formats (by using the partial grants for stays abroad or lump sums for course fees) and further pursue the programmes that started in online formats in person once the situation in the host country allows it.
If it is impossible to travel, the programme can also be completed online.
Please take the travel warnings from the Federal Foreign Office (in German) into consideration when planning your stay abroad. In view of the Covid-19 pandemic, non-essential tourist travel to many countries is currently advised against. Since the current warnings concern tourist travel only, applications for PROMOS/DUE-Mobil grants can be submitted. Please inform yourself about entry restrictions, quarantine regulations and obligations to take tests in your host country before travelling and consider whether it is possible and makes sense to go to your country of choice under the given circumstances.
If you hold German citizenship, please register on the Federal Foreign Office's ELEFAND emergency contact list and check the security advice provided there regularly. If you are a citizen of another country and find yourself in a situation of distress, please contact your home country’s local embassy or consulate. As is the case for German students, you can get information on travelling back to Germany from the German Federal Foreign Office.
You can find up-to-date information from the DAAD here.
Step by step: the application process

To whom do I have to submit my PROMOS or DUE-Mobil application?
Initially, please check who the contact person in your faculty is. You can find a list of the different contact persons here.
Each faculty has its own application requirements. Therefore, different documents can be required for each faculty.

How and where do I apply for PROMOS & DUE-Mobil?
In order to apply for a PROMOS or DUE-Mobil grant, please fill out the online application form. To do so, log in to the outgoings application portal with your university credentials, select the PROMOS/DUE-Mobil Outgoings form, fill in all the fields (don’t forget to mark each individual page as fully completed) and submit the form. After submission, a PDF document containing your application details will be generated. This document is for your records.
In the course of the online application, you will be asked to upload various documents as PDF files.
Please note that applications for PROMOS study trips cannot be submitted via the online application portal. You can find further information here.
Which documents do I have to submit?
- The online application form
- A CV
- A motivation letter (the reasons why you want to study abroad and why you selected that country/university/language school, etc. and the preparations you have already made).
- A Transcript of Records/university transcript (full list of credits obtained so far)
- Copies of your university certificates
- Proof of language proficiency: proof that shows your language skill level such as a DAAD language certificate, a TOEFL certificate, a certificate from the Institute for Optional Studies (IOS) or your higher education entrance qualification certificate
- A current enrolment certificate
- Receipts/confirmation of other funding if applicable
- Confirmation of admission to the host institution (if you do not have one by the application deadline, please submit it as soon as possible)
The faculties can request further documents. Therefore, please take note of the information on the faculty webpages.

Which documents do I have to submit after I have completed my stay abroad?
Once you have completed your stay abroad, please submit your leaving documents (the Certificate of Stay, your personal report and your leaving certificate (e.g. in the form of a transcript of records/reference letter for a work placement) via this form: PROMOS/DUE-Mobil: documents to submit after your mobility.
University cooperations around the world
You’ve decided to do a semester abroad outside of Europe, but where exactly should you go?
UDE has a wide range of cooperation agreements with partner universities worldwide. Our agreements often also include a (partial) waiver of tuition fees at the partner university.
You can find a list of our global university cooperations sorted by subject and country in our search portal.
All the key facts at a glace...
Restrictions resulting from the coronavirus
If a travel warning from the Federal Foreign Office is in place at the time of your planned stay (in the country) for the relevant country or region, funding for this period abroad can generally not be provided. Please inform yourself about the current situation in good time and continuously.
Helpful information
PROMOS and DUE-Mobil grants are partial grants, i.e. a part of the costs of your stay and/or a lump sum to pay for travel expenses and, if you attend a language course or a subject-specific course, a lump sum to pay for course fees are awarded. The PROMOS grant rates are determined by the DAAD. Please find a list of grant rates here: 2021 and 2022. Please note that UDE does not cover any tuition fees as part of PROMOS and DUE-Mobil grants.
Please consult the contact persons in the faculties for faculty-specific information and assistance.
PROMOS & DUE-Mobil funding conditions
Download section
DAAD language test certificates (At UDE, DAAD language tests are conducted by the IOS. Please find further information here).
Certificate for PROMOS Grant 2022
Certificate for DUE-Mobil Grant 2022
Certificate of International Competence
Are you interested in volunteering in an intercultural environment, improving your foreign language skills and acquiring international competencies? Then why not go for the Certificate of International Competence?
Find out moreContact & consultationGot more questions?
Aldona Wesner
Tel.: +49 (0)201 183 6717