Placements abroad

Basic information
Where can I do a placement abroad?
Since you will look for a placement independently, you can generally do a placement wherever you like to. If you have to do a mandatory placement, you should get information on the basic requirements to be met from your faculty to ensure these are compatible with your planned placement.
How can I find a placement abroad?
An independent search for a placement is a very effective method for finding a placement. Placement agencies may also help you find a placement, but these are often associated with high costs. Please find some guidance and links on your independent placement search and reliable placement agencies below.
When should I start planning my placement abroad?
Students are often recommended to start planning their placement abroad one year in advance, and planning a placement this early may be helpful. However, many students get the opportunity to do a placement abroad at short notice.
How can I finance my placement abroad?
Financing a placement abroad poses a major obstacle to many students. This is where the grant programmes Erasmus+ for placements for Europe and PROMOS or DUE-Mobil for placements in further countries offer financial support. Our students have a good chance of receiving a grant. You can also get advice on BaföG grants for stays abroad from the ASTA General Student Committee (in German). BaföG grants for stays abroad can be combined with the grants mentioned above.
How to find a placement abroad

First Steps
What am I actually looking for?
Before you start looking for a placement, you should ask yourself the following questions:
- What country do I want to go to?
- Which requirements will the placement have to fulfill (if you do a mandatory placement)?
- What am I interested in?
- What do I want to learn?
Alternatively, you can look for a placement via placement organisations, however, you may not always find the very placement you are looking for and many commercial organisations demand high fees for arranging a placement. Please find some non-commercial organisations in the links below.

- Develop a search strategy
How can I find a placement?
An independent placement search online is the most effective method to find a placement that suits you.
You should search
- using a search engine
- in English or in the language of the your selected host country
- for an institution or business that suits your interests.
- If you are looking for a fashion company in Ireland, for example, search for ‘fashion company Ireland’. Once you have found some institutions or businesses that interest you, you can read their websites for further information.

Found the right institution or business?
How can I apply for a placement?
Once your independent online search has helped you find an institution or business you are interested in, you can informally request whether it is possible to do a placement in this institution.
Please find detailed information on writing applications in English and German on the website of the Career Service.
Application standards vary a little from one country to another. This is why getting information on application standards in your selected host country (e.g. on the websites of local universities) may be helpful.
Useful links
UDE Career Service (in German)
Advice on your job search and application
Information on placements abroad from the Faculty of Educational Sciences (in German)
Detailed information on placements, grants and placement offers
Placement Office of the Faculty of Humanities (in German)
Information and advice on placements as well as placement offers
ISMA (in German)
Information and advice on stays abroad from the Mercator School of Management
IBZ (in German)
Information centre of UDE’s Faculty of Social Sciences
International platform providing placement offers
IAESTE arranges placements abroad in the fields of natural sciences and engineering.
AIESEC (in German)
Offers placements abroad as well as voluntary work in international social projects
BVMD (in German)
Opportunities for medical students
Foreign language assistant placements, among other things.
ZAV (in German)
Advice on placements abroad, among other things
Search engine for schools in Great Britain
You can look for schools in Ireland on this website.
German Chambers of Commerce abroad
You can find international enterprises with business connections to Germany on this site.
Arranges placements in France, among other things
Got more questions?
Friedhelm Pottel
Tel.: +49 203 379 3849