Dr. Maximilian Krug

Office: R12 T03 F12 E-Mail: maximilian.krug@uni-due.de |
Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft Universität Duisburg-Essen Universtitätsstraße 12 D-45141 Essen |
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Current information
Contact for the Multimodal Interaction & Eye-Tracking Lab
How do I write an empirical paper in communication science?
Instructions, documents, and further references can be found here.
Publications & Presentations
Current English publication:
Krug, Maximilian (2023): Overcoming Blanking: Verbal and Visual Features of Prompting in Theatre Rehearsals. In: Human Studies, 2023, 1-26. DOI
In my courses, I introduce students to the methods of conversation analysis and content analysis, discuss phenomena of multimodal face-to-face interaction, and conduct studies in the field of mass communication.
Research areas
In my current research, I investigate conflict in interpersonal communication. I explore disagreements and disalignments in multimodal face-to-face interaction and examine incivility and reactance in online communication. Furthermore, I engage in science communication and ask myself how scientific findings can be presented to the public in a meaningful way.