Dr. rer. pol. Oliver Schwarz

5 May 2019 Duisburg and the European elections
On 15 May, students will present the preliminary results of their research on "Duisburg and the European elections 2019" in a World Café setting. All people interested are welcome. For more information, please click here.

9 April 2019 Populism worldwide
On 16 April, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Heinisch (University of Salzburg) will give a speech on the topic "Populism worldwide". The event is organised by the Southeast Europe Association (SOG) in cooperation with the Mittagsforum of the Institute of Political Science. All people interested are welcome. For more information, please click here.

3 April 2019 Consultation hours
With the beginning of summer semester, consultation hours of Oliver Schwarz will take place in LF 321 Tuesdays from 10 to 11 a.m. beginning on 16 April and ending on 9 July. To make an appointment, please click here.

2 April 2019 European Elections
On 13 May, Oliver Schwarz will give a speech on "The European Elections 2019" at the town hall Haan. The event is organised by the cultural office of the city of Haan and the Europa-Union Haan. For more information, please click here.

28 February 2019 Utopia Europe
On 14 April, Oliver Schwarz will hold a lecture on the topic "European Integration. Utopia Europe" at the Theodor Heuss Academy in Gummersbach. The lecture is part of the seminar "Democracy between nation state and Europe" by the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation. For more information, please click here.

27 February 2019 Bye-bye Britannia
On 26 March, Oliver Schwarz will give a speech on the topic "Bye-bye Britannia: Europe in the aftermath of Brexit" at the VHS Ratingen. All people interested are welcome. For more information, please click here.

5 February 2019 Annual Meeting SOG
From 28 February until 2 March, Oliver Schwarz will participate at the Annual Meeting of the Southeast Europe Association. This year's meeting will take place at the University of Bamberg. For a detailed program, please click here.

4 February 2019 Consultation hours
The consultation hours of Oliver Schwarz during semester break are available online on Doodle. To make an appointment, please click here.

8 January 2019 Debating final
On Thursday, the 17 January, the grand final of the debating competition "NRW debattiert Europa" will take place at the University of Duisburg-Essen. For more information, please visit nrwdebattierteuropa.eu or follow the hastag #NRWdebattiertEuropa on Twitter.

7 January 2019 Student poster exhibition
Preliminary results of the Jean Monnet Module "Brexit Contagion, Copenhagen Dilemma and Enlargement Fatigue: European Union Membership Policy at the Crossroads" are now presented in a student poster exhibition at the Duisburg-Essen University Library. For more information, check out the latest entry on the BibBlog.