Dr. rer. pol. Oliver Schwarz

13 December 2018 Debating competition

29 November 2018 CfP: Democratic citizenship in flux?

16 November 2018 Mentoring "Impulse forum"

5 October 2018 Political scientists: career paths and job opportunities
Round table discussion
What career opportunities are open to graduates in political science? What qualifications are expected of political scientists at their first job? Is a bachelor's degree enough to compete in today's job market? Or is a master's degree needed for career growth? These and other questions will be answered by graduated political scientists working in different fields. They will speak about their working life and give advice on how to manage the transition from student to working life successfully. The event takes place in the context of the mentoring program of the Institute of Political Science. The flyer can be found here. The hashtag of the is #PoWisimBeruf.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018 | 12:00 - 14:00
Campus Duisburg | LB 104

4 October 2018 EU Citizens' Dialogue in Duisburg
On 10 October, Oliver Schwarz will participate at the EU Citizen's Dialogue in Duisburg. The event is organised by Europe Direct Duisburg, the VHS Duisburg, the University of Duisburg-Essen, the Sparkasse Duisburg and the Trans European Policy Studies Association (Tepsa). All who are interested are warmly invited to participate. Advanced registration is kindly requested in order of organisational reasons.

1 October 2018 Southeast Europe Association
On 9 October, Dr. Siniša Kušić will give a speech on the topic "Croatia's five years in the EU. A review". The event is organised by the Southeast Europe Association (SOG) in cooperation with the VHS Duisburg, Europe Direct Duisburg and the Bund der Kroaten. All people interested are welcome. For more information, please click here.

11 September 2018 Citizens' Dialogue on the Future of Europe
On 25 September, Oliver Schwarz will participate at the Citizen's Dialogue in Ratingen. All who are interested are warmly invited to participate. For a detailed program, please click here.

20 July 2018 Mercator Forum Europa!
On invitation by Stiftung Mercator, Oliver Schwarz will participate at the first "Mercator Forum Europa!”. The forum will take place on 6 and 7 September in Essen. With around 100 players from politics, academia and civil society, plus recent immigrants and long-standing residents looks for innovative approaches to respond to current European challenges. For more information on the forum, please click here. Follow the event on Twitter under the hashtag #MercatorForumEuropa..

19 July 2018 Consultation hours
The consultation hours of Oliver Schwarz during semester break are available online on Doodle. To make an appointment, please click here.

19 June 2018 Citizen's Dialogue in Essen
On 12 July, Oliver Schwarz will participate at the Citizen's Dialogue in Essen. All who are interested are warmly invited to participate. For a detailed program, please click here. Online registration is possible via the website of Europa-Union Germany. Follow the event on Twitter under the hashtag #EUD_Dialog.

18 June 2018 European elections 2019 multipier event
On 21 June, Oliver Schwarz will participate at a muliplier event on the occasion of the European Parliament election in 2019. The event is organised by the European Parliament Liaison Office Berlin. It will take place in the Café Europa of the City of Düsseldorf. For more information, please click here.

15 June 2018 Southeast Europe Association
On 11 July, SWP Brussels Head of Office Dr. Dušan Reljić will give a speech on the topic "The Western Balkans: Out of the waiting room, into the EU?". The event is organised by the Southeast Europe Association (SOG) in cooperation with the VHS Duisburg and Europe Direct Duisburg. All people interested are welcome. For more information, please click here.

31 May 2018 Southeast Europe Association
On 13 June, Maximilian Steinbeis will give a speech on the topic "Hungary, Poland ... Germany? On the waterproofness of the German Grundgesetz". The event is organised by the Southeast Europe Association (SOG) in cooperation with the VHS Duisburg and Europe Direct Duisburg. All people interested are welcome. For more information, please click here.

2 May 2018 Southeast Europe Association
On 30 May, Dr. Martin Mendelski from the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies will give a speech on the topic "Constitutional crises in Europe: between nation and union". The event is organised by the Southeast Europe Association (SOG) in cooperation with Europe Direct Duisburg and the VHS Duisburg. All people interested are welcome. For more information, please click here.

2 May 2018 2018 ECSA-C Biennial Conference
Oliver Schwarz will present his latest research on "EU membership policy at the crossroads: Analyzing the processes of accession and withdrawal" at the 12th ECSA-C biennial conference in Toronto on 9-11 May 2016. For the detailed conference program, please click here

10 April 2018 Civil forum
On 5 May, Oliver Schwarz will participate at the civil forum "Have a say on Europe" in Duisburg. All citizens are warmly invited. Online registration is possible via the website of the European Parliament. Follow the event on Twitter under the hashtag #MitredenEU.

9 April 2018 Consultation hours
With the beginning of summer semester, consultation hours of Oliver Schwarz will take place in LF 321 Tuesdays from 10 to 11 a.m. beginning on 9 April and ending on 17 July. To make an appointment, please click here.

21 February 2018 New publication
Isabell van Ackeren, Michael Kerres, Sandrina Heinrich (Hrsg.)
Flexibles Lernen mit digitalen Medien ermöglichen
Münster/New York: Waxmann 2018
ISBN 978-3-8309-3652-7
In a contribution to an edited volume on flexible learning and digital media, Oliver Schwarz presents a teaching project which was planned and carried out at the Institute of Political Science. The chapter was co-authored with Susanne Gerngroß.

13 February 2018 Consultation hours
The consultation hours of Oliver Schwarz during semester break are available online on Doodle. To make an appointment, please click here.