Dr. rer. pol. Oliver Schwarz
News 2012

3 December 2012 Political Science: Career Opportunities and Work Life
Round table discussion
What career opportunities are open to graduates in political science? What qualifications are expected of political scientists at their first job? Is a bachelor's degree enough to compete in today's job market? Or is a master's degree needed for career growth? These and other questions will be answered by graduated political scientists working in different fields. They will speak about their working life and give advice on how to manage the transition from student to working life successfully. The event takes place in the context of the mentoring program of the Institute of Political Science.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012 | 16:00 - 18:00
LS 105, NRW School of Governance | Campus Duisburg

19 November 2012 Second Workshop of the Junior Research Group
On Friday, 7 December, the second workshop of the junior research group "The challenge of legitimacy. Society and government under changed conditions" will take place. The focus this time is on the legitimacy of political institutions. An overview of the planned schedule for the workshop is available here.
9 October 2012 Vacancy
The Chair for European Integration and European Politics at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Duisburg, is looking for a student assistant (m/f) to support its teaching and research activities. More information can be found here.

8 October 2012 Junior Research Group
On Friday, 19 October, the first colloquium of the junior research group "The challenge of legitimacy. Society and government under changed conditions" will take place. The research group is an initiative of the main research area "Transformation of contemporary societies" of the University of Duisburg-Essen. In a series of research workshops we want to approach the metatheme legitimacy from different perspectives in order to provide the broadest possible access to this complex phenomenon. An overview of the planned schedule for our first workshop is available here.
1 October 2012 Consultation Hours
Due to the project weeks for starting studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, the first consultation hour by Oliver Schwarz during the winter semester 2012/13 will be offered on Tuesday, 23 October.

26 September 2012 New Release
In November 2011 experts from science, politics, culture, media and the economy discussed on an international conference of the "Southeast Europe Association" reasons, results, and the way out the Greek debt crisis, as well as the accompanying European crisis management. This volume assembles the individual thought-provoking contributions. Click here for more information.