Dr. rer. pol. Oliver Schwarz
News in 2014

2 December 2014 Political scientists: career paths and job opportunities
Round table discussion
What career opportunities are open to graduates in political science? What qualifications are expected of political scientists at their first job? Is a bachelor's degree enough to compete in today's job market? Or is a master's degree needed for career growth? These and other questions will be answered by graduated political scientists working in different fields. They will speak about their working life and give advice on how to manage the transition from student to working life successfully. The event takes place in the context of the mentoring program of the Institute of Political Science. The flyer can be found here.
Thursday, 11 December 2014 | 16:30 - 18:30
LB 134 | Campus Duisburg

1 December 2014 Documentary screening: Balkan Express
Hop on and let's take a ride across Southeast Europe. The Southeast Europe Association (SOG) continues its documentary series with Croatia and Moldova. The screening will be followed by audience discussion. For more information, please click here.
Croatia: Twilight of Heroes
09.12.2014 | 16:30 s.t. | LF 310 (Rotunde)
Moldova: Lost in Transition
13.01.2015 | 16:30 s.t. | LF 310 (Rotunde)

27 November 2014 Public lecture on EU enlargement
On 4 December, Oliver Schwarz will give a public lecture on the enlargement policy of the European Union. The lecture takes place in the framework of the course "Introduction to European integration" by Prof. Dr. Michael Kaeding. All are welcome at this public lecture.
04.12.2014 | MD 162 (Campus Duisburg) | 16:00 s.t.

13 October 2014 Consultation hours
With the beginning of lectures consultation hours of Oliver Schwarz will take place in LF 321 Tuesdays from 10:00 to 11:00 beginning on 21 October 2014 and ending on 10 February 2015. To make an appointment, please click here.

26 September 2014 EU foreign policy
At this year's annual conference of the Institute for European Politics (IEP) and the Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration (AEI) Oliver Schwarz will participate at the panel discussion on "The future role of enlargement policy as an instrument of EU foreign policy". The conference will take place from 25 to 26 September in the Representation of Saarland in Berlin. For more information, please click here.

16 September 2014 The Juncker Commission
Jean-Claude Junckers announcement of his team is not a revolution but it represents nothing less than a fundamental change in the prevailing architecture of the European Commission. A comment of Oliver Schwarz on the President-elect's approach to portfolios and management can be found on Regierungsforschung.de.

11 September 2014 New publication
Andrea Brait and Michael Gehler (eds.)
Grenzöffnung 1989. Innen- und Außenperspektiven und die Folgen für Österreich
Vienna, Cologne and Weimar: Böhlau Verlag 2014
ISBN 978-3-205-79496-7
Twenty contributions analyse the multifaceted impacts of the revolutionary year 1989 on Austria. National and international experts from five European countries examine the political, economic and diplomatic developments. Twenty-five years after the border opening they work out the historical dimension of 1989. In his contribution, Oliver Schwarz reviews the evolution of the European Union's enlargement policy.

21 July 2014 Consultation hours
The consultation hours of Oliver Schwarz during semester break are online available on Doodle. To make an appointment, please click here.

6 July 2014 EU signed association agreements
On 27 June the European Union signed far-reaching association and free trade agreements with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. On that occasion Oliver Schwarz gave an interview to the European Radio Network Euranet Plus. The full feature is available at the Euranet Plus online online archive (in German).

19 June 2014 Macedonia: New government confirmed
On Tuesday the Macedonian parliament has confirmed the new government. On the occasion of the fourth period of office of prime minister Nikola Gruevski Oliver Schwarz gave an interview to the international broadcaster "Deutsche Welle". Parts of his interview can be found here and here (in Macedonian)

5 June 2014 Panel discussion
In the context of the DAAD Summer Seminar "EU eastern enlargement: Quo vadis? Lessons learned and perspectives after ten years" Oliver Schwarz will participate at the panel discussion on the topic "Potential EU candidates: Chances and perspectives". The event will take place on 5 June at the University of Passau.

30 May 2014 EU enlargement
On accasion of EU enlargement commissioner Stefan Füles statement to offer a European perspective to Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova, Oliver Schwarz gave an interview to theOliver Schwarz gave an interview to the German internet portal Web.de. The article can be found here (in German).

27 May 2014 Elections analysis
On 27 May Oliver Schwarz will present his view on the outcome of the eights elections to the European Parliament. One focus will be a comparative analysis with the NRW local elections together with Dr. Martin Florack from the NRW School of Governance. Another main focus will be put on the European dimension of the elections. The event takes place at 18:00 in the VHS Duisburg. A video report from the local TV station Studio 47 can be found here.

27 May 2014 Double voting
On accasion of the discussion of double voting at European elections Oliver Schwarz gave an interview to the German internet portal Web.de. In the interview he promotes that the EU needs a common electoral system. The article can be found here (in German).

24 May 2014 Voter turnout
In the run-up to the European elections, Oliver Schwarz gave an interview to the German TV station WDR. The news program "Aktuelle Stunde" from 24 May is available as a stream at the WDR mediatheque.

22 May 2014 Third dialgogue forum: Europe before the elections
On 22 May the third dialogue forum of the teaching research project "20 Years of European Citizenship: Progress And Challenges" takes place. The project is funded by Stiftung Mercator. Discussants are Peter Alberts (candidate for the European Parliament, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Jens Geier (MEP, SPD), Fabio de Masi (candidate for the European Parliament, Die Linke), Beret Roots (candidate for the European Parliament, FDP) und Dr. Renate Sommer (MEP, CDU).

21 May 2014 New publication
Oliver Schwarz and Lea Santkiewitsch present their third and last prediction on the outcome of the European elections 2014 on Regierungsforschung.de. The results in a nutshell: Although Eurosceptic parties will do well in the elections, they will not undermine the ability to work of the European Parliament. The complete results of their study are available here (in German).

20 May 2014 CampusFM
In the run-up to the European elections, Oliver Schwarz gave an interview to the student radio station "CampusFM" at the University of Duisburg-Essen. The feature is available at the radio's podcast feed.

9 May 2014 2014 ECSA-C Biennial
Oliver Schwarz will present the paper "Making a(ny) difference? Analyzing the (non-)respect of European core norms across the EU" co-authored with Michael Kaeding at the 10th ECSA-C biennial conference in Montreal on 8-10 May 2014. For more information, please click here.

8 May 2014 New publication
Oliver Schwarz and Lea Santkiewitsch present their updated prediction on the outcome of the European elections 2014 on Regierungsforschung.de. The results in a nutshell: The EPP Group is maintaining a slight lead over the S&D. The complete results of their study are available here(in German).

6 May 2014 European elections unimportant?
The Rheinische Post reports on the results of the teaching research project "20 Years of European Citizenship: Progress And Challenges" of Oliver Schwarz in its online edition. The article can be found on RP Online(in German).

6 May 2014 European Week
On accasion of the European Week Oliver Schwarz gives a presentation on the state of the European Union to pupils of the Reinhard-und-Max-Mannesmann-Gymnasium in Duisburg. For more information on the European School, please click here. Press reports on this event can be found on Der Westen and RP Online (in German).

3 May 2014 Unknown European citizen?
The Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung reports on the results of the teaching research project "20 Years of European Citizenship: Progress And Challenges" of Oliver Schwarz in its online edition. The article can be found on Der Westen(in German).

1 May 2014 10 years Eastern enlargement of the EU
On the occasion the 10th anniversary of the Eastern enlargement of the EU Oliver Schwarz gave an interview to the radio station WDR for its international channel "Funkhaus Europa". On 1 May 2004 Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia became members of the European Union.

29 April 2014 New publication
On the basis of national surveys Oliver Schwarz and Lea Santkiewitsch present a prediction on the outcome of the European Elections 2014. The results in a nutshell: In the forthcoming weeks Europe faces a neck-and-neck race between Socialists and EPP. Against the background of an EU-wide rise in Euroscepticism the election of the next president of the European Commission will be of outstanding importance. Their paper (in German) is available here.

28 April 2014 Second dialgogue forum: Europe's future - local challenges
On 28 April the second dialogue forum of the teaching research project "20 Years of European Citizenship: Progress And Challenges" takes place. The project is funded by Stiftung Mercator. Discussants are the city council members Martina Amann-Hilberath (Die Linke), Wilhelm Bies (FDP), Jürgen C. Brandt (SPD), Rainer Enzweiler (CDU), Stephan Krebs (DWG), Claudia Leiße (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen).

1 April 2014 Consultation hours
With the beginning of lectures consultation hours of Oliver Schwarz will take place in LF 321 Tuesdays from 10:30 to 11:30 beginning on 8 April and ending on 15 July. To make an appointment, please click here.

22 March 2014 Poverty migration from Southeast Europe
On 22 March Oliver Schwarz takes part at the congress "Poverty migration from Southeast Europe. Possibilities and risks of the freedom of movement" organized by the Junge Union NRW. He will discuss the issue together with Thomas Mahlberg, MP and chairman of the Duisburg local branch of the CDU, Roman Franz, chairman of the State Association of German Sinti and Roma NRW and Diane Jägers, town councilor of Dortmund. The event takes place from 14:00 Uhr at the conference center "Der Kleine Prinz" in Duisburg. For more information, please click here (in German).

7 March 2014 New publication
Markus Porsche-Ludwig, Jürgen Bellers, Wolfgang Gieler (eds.)
Handbuch Europäischer Sozialpolitiken
Münster: LIT Verlag 2014
ISBN 978-3-643-12503-3
This handbook gives a comprehensive introduction to the social policies in selected nation-states of Europe. All contributions have a common structure: historical developments and characteristics, basic data and organizations as well as current social sector politics. In his contribution Oliver Schwarz portrays the social policy in Greece.

7 March 2014 New publication
Werner Weidenfeld, Wolfgang Wessels (eds.)
Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2013
Baden-Baden: Nomos 2013
ISBN 978-3-8487-0518-4
The Yearbook of European Integration from the Institute for European Politics has since 1980 closely documented and analysed the process of European integration. For the fifth time in a row Oliver Schwarz portrays in his contribution the latest developments in the EU's accession candidate Macedonia.

6 March 2014 Macedonian parliament dissolves
On the occasion of the Macedonian parliament's dissolution on 5 March Oliver Schwarz gave an interview to the international broadcaster "Deutsche Welle". Early elections are now scheduled for 27 April. The parliamentary elections will coincide with the second round of the regular presidential elections. The first round of the presidential elections takes place on 13 April. Parts of the interview can be found here (in Macedonian).

26 February 2014 Three-percent electoral threshold
On the occasion of the judgement of the Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe on the three-percent threshold for European elections, on 26 February Oliver Schwarz gave an interview to the radio station "SR 2 Kulturradio". His conversation with moderator Kai Schmieding is available here (in German).

26 February 2014 Three-percent electoral threshold
On the occasion of the judgement of the Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe on the three-percent threshold for European elections, on 26 February Oliver Schwarz gave an interview to the radio station "SR 3 Saarlandwelle". Parts of his interview can be found here (in German).

26 February 2014 Germany and Europe
On 26 February Oliver Schwarz holds a lecture on "Germany and Europe: Elections in Times of Crisis" at the Radboud University Nijmegen. His presentation is part of the lecture series "Questions for the 21st Century" and will take place from 13:45 to 15:30 in Erasmus Building, Room 2.51.

6 February 2014 Consultation hours
The consultation hours of Oliver Schwarz during semester break are online available on Doodle. To make an appointment, please click here.

6 February 2014 Students present survey results
The "WAZ" reports on the the first dialogue forum of Oliver Schwarz' teaching research project "20 Years of European Citizenship: Progress And Challenges" in its print edition from 6 February. The article can be found in the University's intern press review (in German).

5 February 2014 What do Duisburg's citizens think about Europe?
The "WAZ" reports on the the first dialogue forum of Oliver Schwarz' teaching research project "20 Years of European Citizenship: Progress And Challenges" in its online edition from 5 February. The article can be found on DerWesten (in German).

4 February 2014 First Dialgogue Forum: Duisburg in the Year of the European elections
On 4 February the first dialogue forum of the teaching research project "20 Years of European Citizenship: Progress And Challenges" takes place. Discussants are city council member Martina Ammann-Hilberath, the journalist David Huth, Dr. Stephan Koppelberg, European Commission head of the Regional Representation in Bonn, Prof. Dr. Susanne Pickel, Professor for comparative politics and the head of the Europa-Union Duisburg-Mülheim-Niederrhein, Brigitte Timmer.

9 January 2014 Students interview citizens about Europe
The "Rheinische Post" reports on the teaching research project "20 Years of European Citizenship: Progress And Challenges" of Oliver Schwarz in its print edition from 9 January. The article can be found in the University's intern press review (in German).