Dr. rer. pol. Oliver Schwarz
News in 2016

20 December 2016 New publication
Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels (eds.)
Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2016
Baden-Baden: Nomos 2016
ISBN 978-3-8487-3200-5
The Yearbook of European Integration from the Institute for European Politics has closely documented and analysed the process of European integration since 1980. For the eight time in a row Oliver Schwarz portrays in his contribution the latest developments in the EU's accession candidate Macedonia.

19 November 2016 Learning EU at school
On Tuesday, the 15 November, Oliver Schwarz visited the Reinhard und Max Mannesmann Gymnasium in Duisburg-Huckingen. There he discussed the development and future of the European integration process with secondary school students.

8 July 2016 ECPR General Conference
From 7 to 10 September, Oliver Schwarz will participate at the ECPR General Conference in Prague. In the panel on "The Crisis of Democracy Promotion: The Rhetorics and Practice of the EU's Democratization Policy in Its Neighbourhood" he will discuss on his paper "A force for the good? Assessing the EU’s normative power in the Western Balkans". For more information on the General Conference, please click here.

6 July 2016 New Publication
Two steps forward one step back: what shapes the process of EU enlargement in South-Eastern Europe?
Journal of European Integration
DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2016.1203309
Which factors shape the process of EU enlargement in South-Eastern Europe? This question continues to be a puzzling subject of scholarly debate. A set of hypotheses can be derived from current literature on EU enlargement. Broadly speaking, these hypotheses fall into two general categories: internal and external factors. Building on these factors, the analysis elaborates on the idea of different paths of EU enlargement, adopting a qualitative comparative perspective. More specifically, the study applies fuzzy-set QCA to eight candidate states from South-Eastern Europe. The results show that the factor of political transformation is a necessary condition for EU enlargement in South-Eastern Europe. However, political transformation is not individually sufficient for the outcome of enlargement, but only in conjunction with other factors. The results also demonstrate that what explains the lack of enlargement process is not automatically the negation of the conditions that explain progress in enlargement.

9 June 2016 Bosnia and Herzegovina between religious nationalism and European perspective
On 21 June, Dr. Kerim Kudo (KAS, Berlin) will give a speech on the topic "Bosnia and Herzegovina between religious nationalism and European perspective". The event is organized by the Southeast Europe Association (SOG). All people interested are welcome. For more information, please click here.

The border conflict between Croatia and Slovenia
On 14 June, Thomas Bickl (EPP press speaker, Brussels) will give a speech on the topic "The border conflict between Croatia and Slovenia: The EU headlocked by a bilateral conflict?". The event is organized by the Southeast Europe Association (SOG). All people interested are welcome. For more information, please click here.

ECSA-C 2016 Biennial Conference
Oliver Schwarz will present his latest research on "The management of citizenship and migration in Europe and beyond: A qualitative comparative analysis" at the 11th ECSA-C biennial conference in Halifax on 9-11 May 2016. For more information, please click here

4 April 2016
(Non-) Compliance with EU norms, rules and values
On 6 and 7 April 2016, the Jean Monnet Chair for Europena Integration und Politics is hosting an internation workshop on "(Non-) Compliance with EU norms, rules and values". The workshop is organised in cooperation with the Radboud University Nijmegen. All interested are welcome to attend the workshop. Registration by email is necessary. The workshop programme can be found here.

1 April 2016
Consultation hours
With the beginning of summer semester, consultation hours of Oliver Schwarz will take place in LF 321 Wednesdays from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. beginning on 13 April and ending on 13 July. To make an appointment, please click here.

18 March 2016 PSA Annual International Conference
From 21 to 23 March, Oliver Schwarz will participate at the PSA Annual International Conference in Brighton. In the panel on "International Norms and Norm Diffusion" he will discuss on his paper "A force for the good? Assessing national compliance with core norms of the European Union". For more information on the PSA Annual International Conference, please click here.

14 March 2016 Crisis of Democracy Promotion
From 10 to 11 March, Oliver Schwarz took part at the symposium "The Crisis of Democracy Promotion" at the University of Groningen. There he presented his latest research on "A force for the good? Assessing the EU’s normative power in the Western Balkans".

13 February 2016 Consultation hours
The consultation hours of Oliver Schwarz during semester break are available online on Doodle. To make an appointment, please click here.

1 February 2016 Public panel discussion
On 3 March, Oliver Schwarz will participate at the public panel discussion "Egoism instead of solidarity - Is the EU breaking over the current refugee crisis?". For more information on this event, please click here.

20 January 2016
Public lecture on EU enlargement
On 28 January, Oliver Schwarz will give a public lecture on the enlargement policy of the European Union. The lecture takes place in the framework of the course "Introduction to European integration" by Prof. Dr. Michael Kaeding. All are welcome at this public lecture.
28 January 2016 | LX1203 (Campus Duisburg) | 16:15 s.t.

15 January 2016 Chair of debate
On 21 January, the final event of the debating project "NRW debates Europe" will take place. Oliver Schwarz will chair the debate on social Europe as well on a European army. For more information, please click here.

6 January 2016 New publication
Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels (eds.)
Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2015
Baden-Baden: Nomos 2015
ISBN 978-3-8487-1931-0
The Yearbook of European Integration from the Institute for European Politics has closely documented and analysed the process of European integration since 1980. For the seventh time in a row Oliver Schwarz portrays in his contribution the latest developments in the EU's accession candidate Macedonia.

5 January 2016 Turko-scepticism in the EU vs. Euro-scepticism in Turkey
On 12 January, Julia Klein from the Institute for European Politics (IEP) will give a speech on the topic "Turko-scepticism in the EU vs. Euro-scepticism in Turkey". The event is organized by the Southeast Europe Association (SOG). All people interested are welcome. For more information, please click here.