Hoda Ghanbarzadeh

Hoda Ghanbarzadeh

Master thesis student

Email:  hoda.ghanbarzadeh@stud.uni-due.de

Thesis topic:  Why? and How? Visual Explanations in a Scientific Literature Recommender System

Related project: RIMA

Supervisor(s):  M. Sc. Mouadh GuesmiM. Sc. Shoeb JoarderM. Sc. Qurat Ul Ain

Thesis duration:  01 / 2022 - 07 / 2022



During the last few decades, recommender systems have increasingly taken place in our lives.  However, many of these recommender systems are considered opaque for the users which can lead to a loss of trust and satisfaction in these systems. Here where the explainability plays an impressive role to fill this lack of intelligibility in intelligent context-aware systems. Particularly, making these systems capable of automatically generating explanations with different aims, styles, and types.

The aim of this thesis is to implement "why" and "how" visual explanations in scientific literature recommender systems and investigate their impact on the user's perception of the explanation in terms of different explanation aims.