Lab Interactive Data Exploration and Analytics
Lab Course: Interactive Data Exploration and Analytics (IDEA) (WS 22/23)
Semester: Winter Semester 2022/23
Lab language: English/German
Exam language: English/German
Exam type: Prototype, Presentation
Maximum number of participants: 15
Links: ELAS Project, Demo
The course will start on the 12th of October 2022 and will take place in a Blended Learning format (online + in-person). More information will be provided in the Moodle course room for the registered students. Registration is possible until the 3rd of October 2022 (see the registration section below).
About this course
The Interactive Data Exploration and Analytics (IDEA) lab course offered at the UDE Social Computing Group focuses on the effective integration of techniques from human-computer interaction (HCI), information visualization, and machine learning to help users interactively explore and visualize data.
The aim of this semester's IDEA lab is to extend the Exploratory Learning Analytics Toolkit for Students (ELAS) platform with new applications. AI students will work on improving, adapting, and integrating an existing application into the ELAS platform. Komedia students will work on iteratively designing and evaluating a new data-driven application to support UDE students in their learning activities, following a Human-Centered Design (HCD) approach.
In the first few weeks of the lab, we will provide a general overview of the ELAS platform, introduce the Web technologies used in ELAS (e.g. React, Flask, Axios, MongoDB, visualization libraries), and give tutorials on how to get started with the project. There will be weekly project management meetings to answer your questions and guide you with additional materials. We will also have regular sessions where you will present the progress of your projects (ideas/concepts, prototypes, evaluation, demos, end product).
Grading for this lab will be based on the content and quality of the project (prototypes, code, demos, presentations) as well as your performance (project management, collaboration, class participation, creativity) during the project.
Target audience
- Bachelor of Applied Computer Science
- Bachelor Komedia
Date and location
- Wed, 10:00 - 12:00
- Online / LK 052
- Starts on the 12th of October 2022
- AI students
- Basic knowledge and interest in developing Web applications using state-of-the-art Web frameworks
- Komedia students
- UI design and evaluation
- Interest in data science, learning analytics, and information visualization
- High motivation and commitment
- Good teamwork skills
We have 8 places for Bachelor Komedia and 7 places for Bachelor AI (first come, first served). Komedia students should register via the central registration system. Bachelor AI students should register by sending an email to Shoeb Joarder by 3rd October 2022 with your matriculation number, study program, and, if available, your knowledge/experience in Web technologies and data science. If the maximum number of participants is reached, we will use a waiting list. An invitation to the Moodle course will be sent out a week before the lab session starts.
Student Projects
- Learning Analytics lecture course (WS 21/22, WS 20/21, WS 19/20, WS 18/19)
- Advanced Web Technologies lecture course (SS21, SS20, SS19, SS18)
- IDEA lab course (SS21)
- LAVA lab course (SS20, WS19/20, SS19)
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Chatti (Lecturer)
M. Sc. Shoeb Joarder (Teaching Assistant)
Student Projects

Group name: ProjeX
Group members: Cedric Tala Temi, Tom Stolzenberg, Fernaz Khattab, Sophie Meier, Ebube Jude Ebite
Project description: ProjeX is an application of ELAS platform designed to simplify the process of finding a suitable project and group members for Bachelor's/Master's projects and thesis. The platform provides students with a centralized location to find projects and connect with other students who share similar working styles and interests. With ProjeX, students can easily search for projects based on their field of study and personal preferences. Additionally, students can create their own personal projects and find other students who are interested in collaborating on them. ProjeX streamlines the project-finding process, allowing students to focus on their research and academic goals without the stress of finding suitable projects and group members.
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Group name: StudentConnector
Group members: Tom Straub, Janis Evers, Mahmoud Dallah, Kirolos Zaky, Luca Pazdzior
Project description: StudentConnector is an application of ELAS platform designed to help students find study partners during pandemic times. The application facilitates exchange between students and enables them to ask questions about course material, as well as ask for help by directly contacting other students. StudentConnector serves the students with a reliable and accessible way to connect with their peers. With StudentConnector, students can collaborate and support each other to enhance their learning experience and overcome challenges in their academic journey.
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DataCampus Conference - IDEA Poster
The event was organized by the DataCampus UDE - an interdisciplinary association to promote data skills at the UDE. During the conference, impressions of the development of the field of data literacy and data science were given, practical examples for the promotion of data skills in the subjects were presented, and perspectives for the development and expansion of data literacy and data science offered at the UDE were jointly developed.