FAQs – Psychological counselling service

Who can use the psychological counselling service?

The psychological counselling service can be used by all UDE students. Individuals external to UDE can unfortunately not receive counselling from us.

How can I make an appointment?

In order to request an appointment, please send us an email, preferably including your telephone number. We will then get in touch with you. Please take into account our office hours, as we can only reply to your emails within these hours. If you want to write to several counsellors, please include them all in the address line of one email to avoid being allocated multiple appointments. You can find the contact details to make an appointment here.

How long does it usually take to get an appointment?

According to demand, it may take several weeks between requesting an appointment and having your first appointment.

Which counsellors are available at which campus?

You can find information on the availability of our counsellors on the contact page. Please take into account our office hours, as we can only reply to your emails within these hours. If you would like to contact more than one counsellor, please write just one email and add the different people in CC.

What services are available for groups?

For some topics, group discussion can be more helpful than individual counselling or it can be a useful add-on. You can find our current services here (in German).

I’m looking for psychotherapy as opposed to counselling. Who can I contact?

If it is the first time that you are considering psychotherapy or you are still unsure and would like more details, please find here information on how to request psychotherapy and what the process is (in German).

Of course, you can also come to us for advice regarding all of your questions on this topic. You can find therapists in your local area via the website of the Psychotherapeutenkammer NRW (NRW association of psychotherapists) or on the website of the Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung Nordrhein (North Rhine association of statutory health insurance physicians) (both in German only).

Where can I receive counselling or consultation regarding other study-related issues (e.g. BAföG funding, accommodation, academic writing, changing study programmes, studying as a parent)?

In order to ensure that you receive the best service, UDE’s counselling teams and our most important cooperation partners have joined together as part of a counselling network. Using the A–Z list, you can find the relevant service provider for any counselling topics here.

I’m currently experiencing a mental health crisis and need urgent support. What can I do?

In order to get you the right support as quickly as possible, please make use of local psychosocial support services in this case.  

1. The services provided by the TelefonSeelsorge via phone, email or chat (German only; international helplines here). 

2. Psychiatric outpatient departments in the nearest large hospitals, for example:

  LVR-Klinikum in Essen (information in German)

 HELIOS Klinik in Duisburg (information in German)

Evangelisches Klinikum Niederrhein (information in German)

3. If there is an immediate risk or an emergency situation, please seek urgent support locally by calling the 112 emergency number.