ACS: Forschung


Applied Computer Science, Forschung









Dr.-rer.nat. Johannes Lucia Formann

Raum     V15 R01 H94
Telefon   0201 183 2821


Research Topics

​Below my main topics of intrest. All clustered around "interconnected systems".

ecurity of Cyber-Physical-Systems

Resilience against attackers, intrusion tolerance, lifecycle management in different domains (automotice, building automation, internet of things)

Safety of Cyber-Physical-Systems

Analyzing failure modes, calculation or simulation probabilities, developing efficient techniques for special applications, considering security breaches for the (functional) safety of a system.

Communication Protocols

In combination with safety and security, how to design communication protocols, that certain safety and/or security goals are fullfiled.


Which data can be collected without user noticing, which information can be extracted from that information (e. g. can the location be extracted from ambient light sensor and accelerometer in a mobile phone), how information can be shared without violating the privacy of the users.