How to participate

ParcipitationWe plan to continually extend the contents of UDE BioSLiDES

If you would like to participate in this, please email us at The following options are available for participation:

  • Quality control: although we try very hard, the error devil will certainly have struck in some places, be it in the form of typos, inaccurate or even wrong factual information, or missing information, and of course we could only test UDE BioSLiDES on a limited range of digital devices. If you stumble across any content inconsistencies or technical issues, please let us know.
  • Annotations: Drawing in, naming, and describing anatomical structures. This can be done "on board" within UDE BioSLiDES, but must be activated if required. You can download your own annotations from UDE BioSLiDES, and if you like to share them under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license , you could send them to us, so that we can add them to the digital specimen. In doing so, no rights of third parties may be violated, i.e. the descriptive texts must originate from yourself or from open, free sources (if applicable, with indication of the source) and may under no circumstances be copied e.g. from textbooks.
  • Specimens: We are always looking for microscope slides for scanning. These have to be made by private persons or they have to be given to us by the manufacturer with the explicit permission to scan the specimen and to distribute the scans under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. We will gladly mention your name and link to your website if necessary.
    For technical reasons, we can only scan material that is firmly mounted on a standard slide under a coverslip (a so-called "permanent slide"); brightfield and phase contrast illumination are available for this purpose.
  • Teaching materials / learning units: If you have created teaching materials or even complete learning units based on UDE BioSLiDES, and are willing to share them under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, we will be happy to include them or link them from our digital specimens.