Faculty of Educational Sciences

Welcome to the winter semester 2020/21!
For first semester students:
On behalf of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, I cordially welcome you at our faculty. You will certainly have a good start with a mixture of digital and in-person classes.
We wish you a good start into exciting studies and we are happy to welcoming you!
For all students:
We also wish you a good start into the new semester and we hope we could implement your feedback from the last semester into our course offerings.
Kind regards
Gisela Steins
(Dean, Faculty of Educational Sciences)
Faculty news
Latest news on COVID-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2)
Building access
The building S06 is closed until further notice. Only staff will be able to enter the building.
There are limited opening hours for the specialised library GW/GSW and LK since May 4th. For further information please go to the website of the university library https://www.uni-due.de/ub/en/eindex.php