FAQs regarding the semester ticket

Students at the University of Duisburg-Essen will receive the so-called "Deutschlandsemesterticket" from the summer semester 2024. You can find more information on this in the FAQs below.

***Eine deutsche Version der FAQs finden Sie hier***

 What is the ‘Deutschlandsemesterticket’?

In late November 2023, the federal and state governments reached an agreement regarding a cheaper Deutschlandticket for students, the ‘Deutschlandsemesterticket’ or Germany semester ticket. As a result, students at the University of Duisburg-Essen can use local public transport services free of charge throughout Germany from the summer semester 2024. The Deutschlandsemesterticket will replace the VRR/NRW ticket.

 Who made the decision that students at the University of Duisburg-Essen will subscribe to the Deutschlandsemesterticket with effect from the summer semester 2024?

The decisions by the University’s General Student Committee (AStA) and the Student Parliament (StuPa) published as part of the 20th Beitragsordnung der Studierendenschaft (regulations on student body fees) dated 20 December 2023 form the basis for this.

The conditions and the price of the semester ticket are negotiated by the AStA with the transport associations. The AStA is therefore also the first point of contact for all questions about the semester ticket and problems with ticket inspections.

If you have any further questions, please contact the AStA directly as a direct contractual partner of the transport companies.

 How much is the Deutschlandsemesterticket?

The price of the Deutschlandsemesterticket for the summer semester 2024 is €176.40 in total. This corresponds to a monthly amount of €29.40 or, in direct comparison, 60% of the regular price of the Deutschlandticket.

 How can I get my Deutschlandsemesterticket?

Here is how you can obtain the new ticket:

  1. If you have not already done so, please download the myUDE app to your smartphone (more information, including links to the app stores, is available here: https://www.uni-due.de/myude/).
  2. Log in to the myUDE app with your University ID and password.
  3. Your ticket (barcode) will automatically be displayed under ‘Tickets & Passes’.
  4. You may need to "swipe" on the screen to switch between the ticket for the current winter semester and the ticket for the coming summer semester.

The new ticket is - in line with the tariff regulations of the regular Deutschland-Ticket - a purely digital ticket that is displayed via a cell phone app. The provision of a PDF document with the option of printing it out is no longer planned by the transport company from the summer semester onwards.
For information for students without a smartphone, please contact the AStA at vorsitz@asta-due.org.

 Do I still need the upgrade to the Deutschlandticket?

With the introduction of the Deutschlandsemesterticket in the summer semester 2024, it is no longer necessary to buy an upgrade. Please note that you have to cancel your subscription for the upgrade yourself in order to avoid paying twice.

 In what area is the Deutschlandsemesterticket valid?

The Deutschlandsemesterticket replaces the VRR/NRW ticket used to date and – following the example of the fare regulations of the regular Deutschlandticket – allows the use of local public transport throughout Germany. If you have any further questions on this matter, please contact the AStA as the immediate party to the contract with the public transport operators.

 Can I be exempt from the Deutschlandsemesterticket subscription?

The Deutschlandsemesterticket is purchased on the basis of a solidarity model. In accordance with our regulations on student body fees, this means that, as a rule, all students have to pay the student services and student body fees in full. If one of the exceptions defined in Section 6 of the regulations on student body fees applies, you have the option to request an exemption from the ticket subscription.

If you have the right to use public transport free of charge due to a disability, you can request an exemption from paying for the Deutschlandsemesterticket for the relevant period by presenting a corresponding token to the Studienservice (student service) team.

 Do I need to carry an identity document in addition to my ticket?

Since the Deutschlandsemesterticket is a personalised ticket, you must be able to present proof of your identity in the form of an official photo identification document (e.g. ID card or passport) at all times. Please be aware that you might be liable to pay a penalty fare if you are unable to present an identity document in the context of a ticket inspection.

 Is the ticket transferable and can I take other people and/or my bike along?

According to the fare regulations for the Deutschlandsemesterticket, taking along bicycles or other people free of charge is not permitted. Also, the ticket is not transferable to any third parties. Please be aware that the University of Duisburg-Essen’s Admissions and Enrolment Office and its General Student Committee do not have any influence on this.

 How do I get a printable PDF version of my ticket?

The tariff regulations for the Deutschlandsemesterticket stipulate that this is a personalized digital ticket. You can obtain the ticket via the myUDE app (see "How can I get my Deutschlandsemesterticket?").
From the summer semester onwards, the transport company will no longer provide a PDF document with the option to print it out.

Students without a smartphone can find information on the AStA homepage.

 Can I be partially reimbursed for the costs of my Deutschlandsemesterticket if I deregister in the course of the semester?

Please find information on the terms of reimbursement (in German) on the website of the AStA as the immediate party to the contract with the public transport operators.

 Who do I contact with questions and/or (technical) problems?

The conditions and the price of the semester ticket are negotiated by the AStA with the transport associations. The AStA is therefore also the first point of contact for all questions about the semester ticket and problems with ticket inspections. Please contact vorsitz@asta-due.org.

Otherwise, please first check via the HISinOne portal whether your semester fee has been received and booked on time (under ‘Student service‘ -> ‘Bills and payments‘ -> ‘Show details’ for the summer semester 2024: the ‘Unpaid’ amount in the ‘Ticket’ line must be €0.00). If you have any questions in that regard, please contact studienservice@uni-due.de.

If you have any other technical problems with the myUDE app or with obtaining tickets, please contact ZIM’s myUDE support at myude@uni-due.de.


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