Bettina Detmann

Ingenieurwissenschaften, Abt. Bauwissenschaften, FG Geotechnik

Universitätsstr 15
45141 Essen
V15 R05 H94
nach Vereinbarung


  • Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Geotechnik

  • Gruppe der Professorinnen und Professoren, Fakultätsrat

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Hu, Botao; Shan, Yao; Zhao, Yu; Wang, Binglong; Zhou, Shunhua; Alberti, Giovanni S.; Ma, Wenjie; Detmann, Bettina
    Experimental study on tunneling-induced soil arching evolution in pile-raft foundations
    In: Transportation Geotechnics Jg. 48 (2024) 101340
  • Tian, Zhiyao; Zhou, Shunhua; Lee, Anthony; Shan, Yao; Detmann, Bettina
    How to identify earth pressures on in-service tunnel linings : Insights from Bayesian inversion to address non-uniqueness
    In: Transportation Geotechnics Jg. 48 (2024) 101344
  • Wang, Guankai; Shan, Yao; Detmann, Bettina; Lin, Weifan
    Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) model for predicting subgrade settlement induced by shield tunnelling beneath an existing railway subgrade
    In: Transportation Geotechnics Jg. 49 (2024) 101409
  • Detmann, Bettina; Gavioli, Chiara; Krejčí, Pavel; Lamač, Jan; Namlyeyeva, Yuliya
    A model for lime consolidation of porous solids
    In: Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications Jg. 65 (2022) 103483
  • Detmann, Bettina
    Modeling chemical reactions in porous media: a review
    In: Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics Jg. 33 (2021) Nr. 6, S. 2279 - 2300
  • Pelivanoski, Bojan; Detmann, Bettina; Ooms, Kristoffer; Winkler, Mari; Vasyukova, Ekaterina; Denecke, Martin
    Design of a 1000 L pilot-scale airlift bioreactor for nitrification with application of a three-phase hydrodynamic mathematical model and prediction of a low liquid circulation velocity
    In: Chemical Engineering Research and Design Jg. 153 (2020) S. 257 - 262
  • Detmann, Bettina; Krejčí, Pavel
    A multicomponent flow model in deformable porous media
    In: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences Jg. 42 (2019) Nr. 6, S. 1894 - 1906
  • Detmann, Bettina
    On models for porous media containing one, two or three pore fluids and the determination of associated macroscopic material parameters
    In: Mechanics Research Communications (2018)
  • Shan, Yao; Albers, Bettina; Zhou, Shunhua; Savidis, Stavros A.
    Investigation on the sensitive and insensitive zones of the rail support stiffness for the dynamic response of a vehicle system under low excitation frequencies
    In: Vehicle System Dynamics Jg. 55 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 23 - 40
  • Albers, Bettina;
    On the influence of the hysteretic behavior of the capillary pressure on the wave propagation in partially saturated soils
    MURPHYS-HSFS-2014: 7th International Workshop on MUlti-Rate Processes & HYSteresis (MURPHYS) & the 2nd International Workshop on Hysteresis and Slow-Fast Systems (HSFS) 7–11 April 2014, Berlin, Germany,
    In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCONF) Jg. 727 (2016) Nr. conference 1, S. 012001
  • Detmann, Bettina; Krejčí, Pavel; Rocca, Elisabetta
    Solvability of an unsaturated porous media flow problem with thermomechanical interaction
    In: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Jg. 48 (2016) Nr. 6, S. 4175 - 4201
  • Albers, Bettina; Krejčí, Pavel
    Unsaturated porous media flow with thermomechanical interaction
    In: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences Jg. 39 (2016) Nr. 9, S. 2220 - 2238
  • Liu, Wei; Albers, Bettina; Zhao, Yu; Tang, Xiao-wu
    Upper bound analysis for estimation of the influence of seepage on tunnel face stability in layered soils
    In: Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A Jg. 17 (2016) Nr. 11, S. 886 - 902
  • Albers, Bettina
    Main Drying and Wetting Curves of Soils : On Measurements, Prediction and Influence on Wave Propagation
    In: Engineering Transactions Jg. 63 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 5 - 34
  • Albers, Bettina
    Non-destructive testing of porous media by means of sound wave analysis
    In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM) Jg. 15 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 523 - 524
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Detmann, Bettina; Krejci, Pavel; Rocca, Elisabetta
    Periodic waves in unsaturated porous media with hysteresis
    In: European Congress of Mathematics / European Congress of Mathematics, Berlin, 18-22 July 2016 / Mehrmann, Volker; Skutella, Martin (Hrsg.) 2018, S. 219 - 234
  • Albers, Bettina; Krejčí, Pavel
    Hysteresis in unsaturated porous media : two models for wave propagation and engineering applications
    In: Continuous Media with Microstructure 2 / Continuous Media with Microstructure, Lagow, Poland, March 2-5 2015 / Albers, Bettina; Kuczma, Mieczyslaw (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 217 - 229
  • Bücher/Sammelwerke/Tagungsbände

  • ; Albers, Bettina; Kuczma, Mieczyslaw (Hrsg.)
    Continuous Media with Microstructure 2
    Continuous Media with Microstructure, Lagow, Poland, 2-5 March 2015,
    Cham (2016) 418 Seiten
  • Albers, Bettina; Wilmanski, Krzysztof
    Continuum Thermodynamics : Part II: Applications and Examples
    In: Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences New Jersey, NJ [u.a.] Jg. 85 (2015) 484 Seiten
  • Forschungsberichte

  • Perau, Eugen; Detmann, Bettina; Dahmen, Antonia (Hrsg.)
    Der Initialspannungszustand im Baugrund und Ansätze zu dessen Bestimmung : Eine kritische Betrachtung
    In: Dokumente Geotechnik Universität Duisburg-Essen Jg. DOK-02 (2021) 29 Seiten