15.07.2016 - 10:59
Call for Papers - Deadline July 15, 2016
The IN-EAST is going to host an international workshop on China’s “New Normal”: Politics, Economic Reforms and Political Philosophy" on December 1-3, 2016.
The workshop is closely linked to the DFG project "Configurations of Governance and Development Paths in the Studies of Chinese Political Scientists"
Conference Theme
Under the overarching frame of “New Normal” (xin changtai) the PRC has started to embark on a new development path. The decisions of the Third Plenum (2013) and China’s 13th Five- Year-Plan illustrate the efforts to adjust China’s official governance model in order to cope with the negative side-effects of China’s high-speed, resource-intense economic growth of the past three decades. Sustainability, green urbanization and social justice have now become the core building bricks of China’s post-2007/2008 development strategy.
As China is heading towards a “New Normal”, old typologies and classifications of the PRC’s political and economic system should be critically examined and modified in order to avoid stereotype misinterpretations of China’s current governance reforms. So far, however, China’s “New Normal” and related policy change have not been subject to an in-depth academic investigation and most academic debates still operate with old, partly outdated frameworks of analysis.
This international workshop aims to overcome these lacunae by bringing together scholars from China, the US and Europe to discuss recent governance trends in China both in theory and practice. To come to a more differentiated understanding of China’s political economy and the “New Normal”, panels will include scholars from the fields of economy, political science, sociology as well as political philosophy.
We invite papers that examine the political, economic, social and cultural sub-fields of governance in China. Papers should focus on reform policies and governance innovation since 2012/2013 and address the issue of governance continuity versus governance change between the fourth and the fifth generation of Chinese leaders.
Publication Opportunity
We plan to publish a selection of papers as a special issue in the Journal of Chinese Political Science (JCPS).
Deadline Abstract Submission
The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, July 15, 2016. Paper proposals should be submitted via e-mail to: Please submit the author(s)’ full name(s), contact information, paper title and abstract. The subject line for e-mail paper submissions should be “Paper Submission International Workshop 2016”.
The proposal review committee will issue notifications of acceptance, via e-mail, to the primary author listed in the paper proposal by the end of July 2016.
Full papers should be submitted until November 15, 2016.
Travel Costs/Accommodation
The workshop is kindly supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Travel costs (economy class), accommodation and meals will be covered for the full three days of the workshop.