03.07.2018 - 14:18
Benjamin Rabe: Workshop an der Dt. Botschaft in Tokyo
Potential and Challenges of Cluster Cooperation - Workshop at the German Embassy in Tokyo on June 28, 2018, organized by and with contributions of Benjamin Rabe (IN-EAST)
Opening Remarks:
Ingo Höllein (Embassy of the Federal Rep. of Germany)
Susanne Brucksch (DIJ): Reflections on Cluster Cooperation: Lessons from Medtech Partnerships
Benjamin Rabe (IN-EAST): Progress, Prospects & Problems in German-Japanese Cluster Cooperation: The Cases of Yonezawa and Hamamatsu
Tatsuhiro Takahashi (Yamagata University): Cluster Cooperation for Technology Development: What is Needed as Next Step for Solving Common Social Issues?
Panel Discussion:
Chair: Ingo Höllein
Participants: Susanne Brucksch, Benjamin Rabe, Tatsuhiro Takahashi