Gastvorträge und Gastaufenthalte
Dr. Sebastian Owczarek, Warsaw University of Technology
27.11. - 08.12.2023
Dr. Antonio Tribuzio, Universität Bonn
"A variational theory of convolution-type functional"
Dr. Roberta Marziani, TU Dortmund
"3D variational models for dislocations"
Prof. Dr. Franz Gmeineder, Universität Konstanz
Gastaufenthalt 03.-06.04.2023
"Funktionen von beschränkter A-Variation: Von harmonischer Analysis zur Regularitätstheorie" sowie "Quasiconvexity, -growth and partial regularity"
Prof. Dr. Jean van Schaftingen, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgien
"Limiting Sobolev estimates for vector fields and cancelling differential operators"
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Anicic, Université de Haute Alsace, Frankreich
Gastaufenthalt 08. - 11.11.2022
"Existence theorems for nonlinearly elastic shells"
Prof. Dr. Jonas Hirsch, Universität Leipzig
"Some thoughts on the "regularity" of solution to constant coefficient PDE's, in patricular on the so called A-free measures"
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franz Gmeineder, Universität Konstanz
Gastaufenthalt 05.-10.04.2022
"Abschneidungen, differentielle Nebenbedingungen und Divsym-Quasikonvexität"
Dr. Sebastian Owczarek, Warsaw University of Technology, Polen
Gastaufenthalt November-Dezember 2021
Dr. Konstantinos Zemas, WWU Münster
"Rigidity estimates for isometric and conformal maps on the sphere"
Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Chełmiński, Universität Warschau, Polen
29.10. - 05.11.2019
"Plasticity without safe-load conditions"
Prof. François Ebobisse Bille, University of Cape Town
"A fourth oder gauge-invariant gradient plasticity model for polycrystals based on Kröner's incompatibility tensor"
Prof. Dr. Eliot Fried
Mathematics, Mechanics, and Materials Unit
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Onna, Okinawa, Japan
23. Juli 2018 Vortrag: "Dimensionally reduced energy and equilibrium conditions
for an isometrically deformed material surface"
Dr. Marco Valerio d'Agostino
Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon
Gastaufenthalt Juli 2018
Dr. Sebastian Owczarek, Warsaw University of Technology
Gastaufenthalt Juli 2018
Dr. Ionel-Dumitrel Ghiba, Universität Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iași, Rumänien
Gastaufenthalt Juli-August 2018
Domenico Tallarico
Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon
01.-29.06.2018, Gastaufenthalt
Alexios Aivaliotis
Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon
10.-29.6.2018, Gastaufenthalt
Dr. Marco Valerio d'Agostino
Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon
24.-27.04.2018, Gastaufenthalt
Alexios Aivaliotis, Alessandro Roda, Domenico Tallarico
Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon
03.-30.04.2018, Gastaufenthalt
Prof. François Ebobisse Bille, University of Cape Town
"Gradient plasticity with plastic spin"
Prof. François Ebobisse Bille, University of Cape Town
"On the space of bounded deformations BD."
Dr. Angela Madeo, Université de Lyon-INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées)
Laboratoire de Génie Civil et Ingénierie Environnementale (LGCIE)
"On certain engineering applications of Generalized Continuum Theories."
Dr. Dominic Breit, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh
"Sharp conditions for Korn inequalities in Orlicz spaces."
Dr. Waldemar Pompe, University of Warsaw
"The sum of squared logarithms inequality and generalizations."
Ionel Roventa, University of Craiova
"Relative convexity and relative Schur-convexity with applications."
"Majorization in spaces with global nonpositive curvature."
Prof. François Ebobisse Bille, University of Cape Town
"Well-posedness of some models in infinitesimal gradient plasticity."
Dr. Arash Yavari, Georgia Institute of Technology
"Nonlinear Elastic Inclusions in Isotropic Solids."
Prof. Dr. Oliver Sander, RWTH Aachen
"A Heterogeneous Model of the Human Knee Joint."
Dr. Raphael Schulz, Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik Erlangen
"Modeling and Analyzing of Biofilm Growth in Saturated Porous Media."
Dr. Sebastian Owczarek, Warsaw University of Technology
"The Armstrong-Frederick plasticity model with Cosserat effects - a regularity result."
"About regularity in plasticity."
Dr. Laurent Mertz, Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné Université de Nice
"Stochastic variational inequalities and their applications in engineering mechanics."
Dr. Dorothee Knees, Weierstrass-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, Berlin
Vertretungsprofessur WiSe 2012/2013 - Analysis
Dr. Sergiy Nesenenko, TU Darmstadt
Feodor-Lynen Rückkehrstipendium Stipendium: 01.10.2010-31.03.2011
Vertretungsprofessur Analysis: 15.04.-31.08.2011
Dr. Dumitrel Ghiba, Universität Iasi, Rumänien
Gastaufenthalt August-September 2012
Prof. Marta Lewicka, Universität Pittsburgh
Prof. Annie Raoult, Université Paris Descartes