Medical Technology Systems - Project "VASkum"


Comparison of the effects of hypergravity on the sensorimotor and cardio-vegetative systems of (un)adapted humans

Within the framework of the VASKum project, a statement is to be made regarding the effects of stress and the application of force from artificially generated hypergravity on the sensorimotor system. To this end, muscle activity (EMG) and brain activity (EEG), as well as other human physiological parameters, are to be investigated during the execution of fine motor movements. Artificial hypergravity will be generated using a short-arm centrifuge and an active upper body exoskeleton (Recupera REHA). After analyzing the results, it should be possible to determine whether the effects of artificially generated hypergravity using the short-arm centrifuge are comparable to those of artificially generated hypergravity using an active exoskeleton on muscle activity.

Project data

Duration: 01.09.2023 - 31.08.2026
Donee: University Duisburg-Essen/ Medical Technoloy Systems
Sonsor: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
Gran number: Founded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, German Aerospace Center e.V. FKZ: 50RP2340A (UDE) und 50RP2340B (DSHS)
Partner: Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Elsa Kirchner

Contact person:
Julia Habenicht, M.A.