Commendation 2016

For the first time napro thanked employees and UDE students with a commendation for their special commitment to sustainability at the summer festival 2016.

Amongst others napro awarded André Kreft (Faculty of Biology) and Arnim Spengler (Institute for Construction Management) for the installation of PC stations with unused computers of the UDE in refugee homes in Essen.

The purchasing team at the UDE was involved in the field of environmental sustainability. They introduced an environmentally and resource-efficient product catalogue for office supplies, which in the future will also be used for office furniture.

In June 2016, the Internal Services Division initiated a pilot project in which they placed an electric car on the Campus of Duisburg and Essen to reduce CO2-emissions.

The idea of ​​using and conserving resources as well as avoiding waste is being addressed by the AStA of the UDE. In Duisburg an Umsonstraum was set up in room LF023. This includes first and foremost a Foodsharing Fairteiler where salvaged food can be passed on to others. It also opened the possibility to share non-food items and created a recycling option for old mobile phones, batteries and pens.

Sustainability Process
University of Duisburg-Essen
45141 Essen
Tel.: +49 201 183-2358
Fax: +49 201 183-6789

Process Management
Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Niemann

Team Assistant/Secretary
Ruth Farghaly

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