For lectures and seminars, teaching staff lead their events within the University of Duisburg-Essen’s places of public assembly as organisers assigned this task by the host in accordance with Part 1 of the North Rhine-Westphalian special building regulations (Sonderbauverordnung NRW; SBauVO NRW). As such, they are obliged to familiarise themselves with the relevant places of assembly. The documents provided will give you a concise overview in the form of a summary leaflet, which you can bring to the lecture hall/classroom, and a comprehensive manual covering the contents and the legal basis in the form of presentation slides.

To enable teaching staff to assume the role of event organiser as assigned to them, the University of Duisburg-Essen offers online training. 

For this, teaching staff can register themselves via the Moodle portal. The registration process is described in the ‘Kurzanleitung zur Anmeldung – Sicheres Veranstaltungsmanagement’ (only available in German).

If you have any questions relating to the online training, please contact the Staff Unit for Occupational Safety & Health.