Current projects

Networked sensor technology for a smart urban water balance Smart Green City
As part of the Smart Green City project, a methodology is being developed to identify priority situations for adding decentralized storage to existing stormwater infiltration facilities. The goal is to increase the resilience of the Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI) by means of rainwater harvesting and -management.

Validation of a fish behavior and migration model for hydropower plant management.
In this project, UDE will work with local partners to refine, improve, and validate a hydropower management model that will provide operators with an indication of the likelihood of downstream migrating fish.

Testing low-cost sensors based on low power wide area networks for water monitoring.
Using low-cost, battery-powered sensors and integration with LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Networks) radio technologies, their potential contribution to real-time, immission-based surface water management will be questioned.

AI-based warning system against heavy rain and urban flash floods (KIWaSuS).
Together with neusta sd west GmbH, the sub-work package "AI-based data quality management" is being worked on as part of the KIWaSuS project. The aim of this work package is to check the plausibility of data from different sensors relevant to water management, to evaluate their reliability and, if possible, to carry out the necessary corrections or strategies for substitute value formation for the data in a comprehensible manner.

Development and testing of criteria for assessing the patency of structure sites.
Together with the planning office Koenzen and the BUGeFi, a recommendation for the evaluation of the continuity of structure locations will be developed.
Project Review

Emschergenossenschaft and Lippeverband The Emscher River near Dortmund-Deusen - Scientific Monitoring and Evaluation of the Development of an Ecological Improvement
In a project funded by the Emscher Genossenschaft /Lippeverband, the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management in close cooperation with the Department of Aquatic Ecology at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Prof. Dr. Daniel Hering) is investigating the different morphological alteration measures and their ecological effects in an approximately 2 km long section of the Emscher near Dortmund-Deusen.

Ministry for Innovation Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia Future Water
Within the framework of the Progress College "Future Water", the contribution possibilities of population models for the expansion of water-compatible hydropower at remaining transverse structures in North Rhine-Westphalia are analyzed.

BMWi, MKULNV Feasibility of an Underground Pumped Storage
With the expiry of the coal industry in 2018, the mining industry leaves behind an extensive infrastructure. In a second phase of the project, the feasibility of an underground pumped storage at the Prosper-Haniel mine will be investigated.
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Europäische Komission DESSIN
Demonstrate Ecosystem Services Enabling Innovation in the Water Sector (DESSIN)
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Land NRW, EU Underground pumped storage
With the expiry of the coal industry in 2018, the mining industry leaves an extensive infrastructure. Shaft depths of up to 1,200 meters, numerous extensions at depth and a large-scale drainage system may open up prospects for subsequent use as an underground pumped storage facility.
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Assimilation of Remote Sensing Data into a Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model for Hydrological Forecasting Applications
Remote sensing information has extensively developed over the past few years and spatially distributed data for hydrological applications has now become available at high resolution.
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Short-Term Reservoir Optimization by Stochastic Optimization for Mitigation Downstream Flood Risks
An important objective of the operation of multi-purpose reservoirs is the mitigation of flood risks in downstream river reaches.
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Application of Chance Constrained Stochastic Optimization for Mitigating Downstream Flood Risks
Ensemble forecasting is a growing field in the operation of multi-purpose reservoirs and mitigation of flood risks in downstream river reaches.
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