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Innovative screw connections
The project "Laserauftragsschweißen von Funktionsschichten aus Formgedächtnislegierungen" aims to develop an innovative bolted joint that compensates for temperature-related setting losses. It is co-financed by the European Union and offers a sustainable and cost-efficient solution.

MSE Congress 2024
Together with Steffen Brinckmann, Sylvie Descartes and Christian Greiner, we are organizing a session on tribology at Germany's largest materials science conference! You are very welcome to participate. Symposium C11: "Understanding mechanisms of friction and wear across scales and disciplines"

Sustainable metallurgy
Our three-year doctoral program, in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute and the Ruhr University Bochum, focuses on the development of carbon-free and sustainable metallurgy. The interdisciplinary projects bring together experts from materials science, physics, chemistry and engineering.