

  • Abedini, Morteza; Hanke, Stefanie
    Microstructural and tribological properties of multilayered coatings developed through heat treatment on the surface of CP-Ti
    In: Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 495 (2025) 131590
  • 2024

  • Abedini, Morteza; Lopez de Arcaute y Lozano, Christina; Kostka, Aleksander; Hanke, Stefanie
    Influence of surface finishing by grinding on the cavitation erosion resistance of 316L and NiAl-bronze
    In: Wear Vol. 554-555 (2024) 205432
  • Kimm, Janis; Hanke, Stefanie; Weber, Sebastian; Lentz, Jonathan
    Processing of High Interstitial Austenitic Steel with Powder Bed Fusion-Laser Beam/Metal : Evolution of Chemical Inhomogeneity and Microstructural Features during Postprocessing
    In: Advanced Engineering Materials Vol. 26 (2024) Nr. 8, 2301902
  • Ngeru, Timothy; Kurtulan, Dzhem; Hanke, Stefanie
    Mechanical Behavior and Life Prediction of a Low Nickel/High Nitrogen Austenitic Steel under Pure Torsion, Uniaxial Tension-Compression, and Multiaxial Fatigue
    In: Materials Performance and Characterization Vol. 13 (2024) Nr. 1, 20230065
  • 2023

  • Kühlmann, Jonas; Lopez de Arcaute y Lozano, Christina; Hanke, Stefanie; Kaiser, Sebastian A.;
    Correlation of laser-induced single bubbles with cavitation damage via in-situ imaging
    24th International Conference on Wear of Materials ; 16–20 April 2023, Banff, Alberta, Canada,
    In: Wear Vol. 522 (2023) 204723
  • Abedini, Morteza; Hanke, Stefanie;
    Improving the wear resistance of aluminum by a nickel-filled anodized porous alumina layer
    24th International Conference on Wear of Materials ; 16–20 April 2023, Banff, Alberta, Canada,
    In: Wear Vol. 522 (2023) 204858
  • Sieberg, Philipp; Hanke, Stefanie;
    Challenges and potentials in the classification of wear mechanisms by artificial intelligence
    Konferenz 24th International Conference on Wear of Materials, 16.–20.04.2023, Banff, Alberta, Canada,
    In: Wear Vol. 522 (2023) 204725
  • Ehrich, Jonas;
    Influence of Mg and Si Content in Aluminum Alloys on Dynamically Recrystallized Microstructure During Solid-state Joining Using Friction Surfacing
    Duisburg, Essen (2023) XI, 153 Seiten
  • Roos, Arne; Metternich, Franziska; Kallien, Zina; Baumann, Jonas; Ehrich, Jonas; Kipp, Monika; Hanke, Stefanie; Biermann, Dirk; Klusemann, Benjamin
    Friction surfacing of aluminum to steel: influence of different substrate surface topographies
    In: Materials & Design Vol. 235 (2023) 112390
  • Hanke, Stefanie;
    Message from the Editorial Chairwoman
    24th International Conference on Wear of Materials, 16.–20.04.2023, Banff, Alberta, Canada,
    In: Wear Vol. 522 (2023) 204892
  • Abedini, Morteza; Hanke, Stefanie; Reuter, Fabian
    In situ measurement of cavitation damage from single bubble collapse using high-speed chronoamperometry
    In: Ultrasonics Sonochemistry Vol. 92 (2023) 106272
  • Lopez de Arcaute y Lozano, C.; Kühlmann, Jonas; Kaiser, Sebastian; Hanke, Stefanie;
    Observing early cavitation damage evolution from repeated laser-induced single bubbles on aluminium, austenitic steel and nickel-aluminium bronze
    24th International Conference on Wear of Materials ; 16–20 April 2023, Banff, Alberta, Canada,
    In: Wear Vol. 523 (2023) 204862
  • Biswas, Abhishek; Kurtulan, Dzhem; Ngeru, Timothy; Azócar Guzmán, Abril; Hanke, Stefanie; Hartmaier, Alexander
    Mechanical Behavior of Austenitic Steel under Multi-Axial Cyclic Loading
    In: Materials Vol. 16 (2023) Nr. 4, 1367
  • 2022

  • Schütte, Malte R.; Ehrich, Jonas; Linsler, Dominic; Hanke, Stefanie
    Effects of Microstructure Modification by Friction Surfacing on Wear Behavior of Al Alloys with Different Si Contents
    In: Materials Vol. 15 (2022) Nr. 5, 1641
  • Kühlmann, Jonas; Lopez de Arcaute y Lozano, Christina; Hanke, Stefanie; Kaiser, Sebastian
    In-situ Investigation of the Onset of Cavitation Damage from Single Bubbles on Technical Alloys
    In: Tribology Letters Vol. 70 (2022) Nr. 4, 122
  • Huber, Daniel; Stich, Philipp; Fischer, Alfons
    Heat Treatment of 17–4 PH Stainless Steel Produced by Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing (BJAM) from N2-Atomized Powder
    In: Progress in Additive Manufacturing Vol. 7 (2022) Nr. 2, pp. 187 - 199
  • Ngeru, Timothy; Kurtulan, Dzhem; Karkar, Ahmet; Hanke, Stefanie
    Mechanical Behaviour and Failure Mode of High Interstitially Alloyed Austenite under Combined Compression and Cyclic Torsion
    In: Metals Vol. 12 (2022) Nr. 1, 157
  • Sieberg, Philipp Maximilian; Kurtulan, Dzhem; Hanke, Stefanie
    Wear Mechanism Classification Using Artificial Intelligence
    In: Materials Vol. 15 (2022) Nr. 7, 2358
  • Ehrich, Jonas; Staron, Peter; Karkar, Ahmet; Roos, Arne; Hanke, Stefanie
    Precipitation evolution in the heat‐affected zone and coating material of AA2024 processed by Friction Surfacing
    In: Advanced Engineering Materials Vol. 24 (2022) Nr. 11, 2201019
  • 2021

  • Wimmer, Markus A.; Radice, Simona; Janssen, D.; Fischer, Alfons
    Fretting-corrosion of CoCr-alloys against TiAl6V4 : The importance of molybdenum in oxidative biological environments
    In: Wear Vol. 477 (2021) 203813
  • Schreiner, Felix; Hanke, Stefanie; Skoda, Romuald
    Assessment of flow aggressiveness and erosion damage topography for different gap widths in ultrasonic cavitation testing
    In: Wear Vol. 484-485 (2021) 203989
  • Lübke, Christiane; Hanke, Stefanie; Weimar, Markus
    Barrieren beim Umstieg vom Individualverkehr auf den öffentlichen Personennahverkehr : Ein Mobilitätsexperiment zum Pendleralltag im Ruhrgebiet
    In: Making Connected Mobility Work: Technische und betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte / Making Connected Mobility Work ; 12. Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität 2020 ; 18.06.2020, Duisburg (abgesagt) / Proff, Heike (Eds.) 2021, pp. 371 - 379
  • Mitevski, Bojan; Kurtulan, Dzhem; Hanke, Stefanie
    The influence of submechanisms of abrasion on the wear of steels under lubricated sliding
    In: Wear Vol. 477 (2021) 203836
  • Kauther, Max Daniel; Gödde, Kai; Burggraf, Manuel; Hilken, Gero; Wißmann, Andreas; Krüger, Christine; Lask, Sara; Jung, Ole; Mitevski, Bojan; Fischer, Alfons; Dudda, Marcel; Behr, Björn; Herten, Monika
    In-vivo comparison of the Ni-free steel X13CrMnMoN18–14-3 and titanium alloy implants in rabbit femora : A promising steel for orthopedic surgery
    In: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials Vol. 109 (2021) Nr. 6, pp. 797 - 807
  • Hanke, Stefanie; Kaiser, Sebastian
    Comparison of damage mechanisms : Acoustic cavitation versus series of single laser-induced bubbles
    In: Wear Vol. 476 (2021) 203641
  • Huber, Daniel; Vogel, Lucas; Fischer, Alfons
    The effects of sintering temperature and hold time on densification, mechanical properties and microstructural characteristics of binder jet 3D printed 17-4 PH stainless steel
    In: Additive Manufacturing Vol. 46 (2021) pp. 102114
  • Paolantonio, Mario; Hanke, Stefanie
    Damage mechanisms in cavitation erosion of nitrogen-containing austenitic steels in 3.5% NaCl solution
    In: Wear Vol. 464-465 (2021) 203526
  • Ehrich, Jonas; Roos, Arne; Klusemann, Benjamin; Hanke, Stefanie
    Influence of Mg content in Al alloys on processing characteristics and dynamically recrystallized microstructure of friction surfacing deposits
    In: Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing Vol. 819 (2021) 141407
  • 2020

  • Burkert, Torsten; Fischer, Alfons
    The effects of heat balance on the void formation within Marage 300 processed by selective laser melting
    In: Proceedings - 26th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium - An Additive Manufacturing Conference / SFF 2015; Austin, United States; 10 - 12 August 2015 2020, pp. 745 - 757
  • 2019

  • Sajjad, Hafiz Muhammad; Hanke, Stefanie; Güler, Sedat; ul Hassan, Hamad; Fischer, Alfons; Hartmaier, Alexander
    Modelling Cyclic Behaviour of Martensitic Steel with J2 Plasticity and Crystal Plasticity
    In: Materials Vol. 12 (2019) Nr. 11, pp. 1767
  • Ehrich, Jonas; Roos, Arne; Hanke, Stefanie
    Effect of mg and si content in aluminum alloys on friction surfacing processing behavior
    In: Light Metals 2019 2019, pp. 357 - 363
  • Shen, Junjun; Hanke, Stefanie; Roos, Arne; Santos, Jorge F. Dos; Klusemann, Benjamin
    Fundamental study on additive manufacturing of aluminum alloys by friction surfacing layer deposition
    In: Proceedings of the 22nd International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming / Proceedings of the 22nd International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, 8–10 May 2019, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain 2019, pp. 150015
  • Abedini, Morteza; Reuter, Fabian; Hanke, Stefanie
    Corrosion and material alterations of a CuZn38Pb3 brass under acoustic cavitation
    In: Ultrasonics Sonochemistry Vol. 58 (2019) 104628
  • Alba, Diego Rafael; Roos, Arne; Wimmer, Georg; Gonzalez, Arnaldo Ruben; Hanke, Stefanie; dos Santos, Jorge Fernandez
    Application of response surface methodology foroptimization of hybrid friction diffusion bonding oftube-to-tube-sheet connections in coil-wound heatexchangers
    In: Journal of Materials Research and Technology Vol. 8 (2019) Nr. 2, pp. 1701 - 1711
  • Becerikli, Mustafa; Jaurich, Henriette; Wallner, Christoph; Wagner, Johannes Maximilian; Dadras, Mehran; Jettkant, Birger; Pöhl, Fabian; Seifert, Merlin; Jung, Ole; Mitevski, Bojan; Karkar, Ahmet; Lehnhardt, Marcus; Fischer, Alfons; Kauther, Max Daniel; Behr, Björn
    P2000 - A high-nitrogen austenitic steel for application in bone surgery.
    In: PLoS ONE Vol. 14 (2019) Nr. 3, pp. e0214384
  • 2018

  • Hanke, Stefanie; Staron, P.; Fischer, T.; Fitseva, V.; dos Santos, J.F.
    A method for the in-situ study of solid-state joining techniques using synchrotron radiation - observation of phase transformations in Ti-6Al-4V after friction surfacing
    In: Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 335 (2018) pp. 355 - 367
  • Hall, Deborah J.; McCarthy, Stephanie M.; Ehrich, Jonas; Urban, Robert M.; Fischer, Alfons; Jacobs, Joshua J.; Lundberg, Hannah J.; Pourzal, Robin
    Imprinting and column damage on CoCrMo head taper surfaces in total hip replacements
    In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Beyond the Implant: Retrieval Analysis Methods for Implant Surveillance / Symposium on Beyond the Implant; Toronto; Canada; 9 May 2017 2018, pp. 131 - 155
  • Sagar, Hemant J.; Hanke, Stefanie; Underberg, Martin; Feng, Chaojie; el Moctar, Bettar Ould; Kaiser, Sebastian
    Experimental and numerical investigation of damage on an aluminum surface by single-bubble cavitation
    In: Materials Performance and Characterization Vol. 7 (2018) Nr. 5,
  • Dovzhenko, Gleb; Hanke, Stefanie; Staron, Peter; Maawad, Emad; Schreyer, Andreas; Horstmann, Manfred
    Residual stresses and fatigue crack growth in friction surfacing coated Ti-6Al-4V sheets
    In: Journal of Materials Processing Technology Vol. 262 (2018) pp. 104 - 110
  • Stemmer, Priska; Fischer, Alfons
    Pathways of dissipation of frictional energy under boundary lubricated sliding wear of martensitic materials
    In: Lubricants Vol. 6 (2018) Nr. 2, pp. 34
  • Güler, Sedat; Fischer, Alfons
    Fatigue behavior of cold-worked high-interstitial steels
    In: Metals Vol. 8 (2018) Nr. 6, pp. 442
  • Mitevski, Bojan; Weiß, Sabine
    Fatigue of thin, oligo-crystalline wires made of X2 CrNiMo 18-15-3
    In: Metals Vol. 8 (2018) Nr. 5, pp. 333
  • Güler, Sedat; Schymura, M.; Fischer, Alfons; Droste, M.; Biermann, H.
    The influence of the nitrogen/nickel-ratio on the cyclic behavior of austenitic high strength steels with twinning-induced plasticity and transformation-induced plasticity effects
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Vol. 49 (2018) Nr. 1, pp. 61 - 72
  • 2017

  • Jäger, Marcus; Jennissen, Herbert; Dittrich, Florian; Fischer, Alfons; Köhling, Hedda
    Antimicrobial and osseointegration properties of nanostructured titanium orthopaedic implants
    In: Materials Vol. 10 (2017) Nr. 11, pp. 1302
  • Fischer, Alfons; Janssen, D.; Wimmer, M.A.
    The influence of molybdenum on the fretting corrosion behavior of CoCr/TiAlV couples
    In: Biotribology Vol. 11 (2017) pp. 8 - 19
  • Pourzal, Robin; Hall, Deborah J.; Ehrich, Jonas; McCarthy, Stephanie M.; Mathew, Mathew T.; Jacobs, Joshua J.; Urban, Robert M.
    Alloy microstructure dictates corrosion modes in THA modular junctions
    In: Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research Vol. 475 (2017) Nr. 12, pp. 3026 - 3043
  • Espallargas, N.; Fischer, Alfons; Igual Muñoz, A.; Mischler, S.; Wimmer, M.A.
    In-situ generated tribomaterial in metal/metal contacts : current understanding and future implications for implants
    In: Biotribology Vol. 10 (2017) pp. 42 - 50
  • Fischer, Alfons;
    Message from the Editorial Chairman
    21st International Conference on Wear of Materials ; 26–30 March 2017, Long Beach, California, USA,
    In: Wear Vol. 376-377 (2017) pp. 1
  • Fitseva, V.; Hanke, Stefanie; dos Santos, J.F.
    Influence of rotational speed on process characteristics in friction surfacing of Ti-6Al-4V
    In: Materials and Manufacturing Processes Vol. 32 (2017) Nr. 5, pp. 557 - 563
  • Hanke, Stefanie; dos Santos, J.F.
    Comparative study of severe plastic deformation at elevated temperatures of two aluminium alloys during friction surfacing
    In: Journal of Materials Processing Technology Vol. 247 (2017) pp. 257 - 267
  • Hanke, Stefanie; Lemos, G.V.B.; Bergmann, L.; Martinazzi, D.; dos Santos, J.F.; Strohaecker, T.R.
    Degradation mechanisms of pcBN tool material during Friction Stir Welding of Ni-base alloy 625
    In: Wear Vol. 376-377 (2017) pp. 403 - 408
  • Mitevski, Bojan; Weis, Sabine; Fischer, Alfons
    In-situ tensile testing of notched poly-and oligocrystalline 316L wires
    In: Materials Testing: Materialprüfung Vol. 59 (2017) Nr. 2, pp. 130 - 135
  • Janssen, Daniel; Hanke, Stefanie; Wimmer, Markus; Fischer, Alfons
    The influence of Mo on the fretting corrosion behaviour of CoCr-alloys vs. TiAl6V4
    In: EUROCORR 2017 - The Annual Congress of the European Federation of Corrosion, 20th International Corrosion Congress and Process Safety Congress 2017 / Joint European Corrosion Congress 2017, EUROCORR 2017 and 20th International Corrosion Congress and Process Safety Congress 2017, Prague Congress CentrePrague, Czech Republic, 3 September 2017 - 7 September 2017 2017
  • Lemos, G.V.B.; Hanke, Stefanie; Dos Santos, J.F.; Bergmann, L.; Reguly, A.; Strohaecker, T.R.
    Progress in friction stir welding of Ni alloys
    In: Science and Technology of Welding and Joining Vol. 22 (2017) Nr. 8, pp. 643 - 657
  • Belei, C.; Fitseva, V.; dos Santos, J.F.; Alcântara, N.G.; Hanke, Stefanie
    TiC particle reinforced Ti-6Al-4V friction surfacing coatings
    In: Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 329 (2017) pp. 163 - 173
  • Hanke, Stefanie; Sena, Ian; Coelho, Rodrigo S.; dos Santos, Jorge F.
    Microstructural features of dynamic recrystallization in alloy 625 friction surfacing coatings
    In: Materials and Manufacturing Processes (2017) pp. 1 - 7
  • 2016

  • Stickel, Daniel; Fischer, Alfons; Goeke, Sebastian; Biermann, Dirk; Geenen, Karina; Theisen, Werner
    Gegen den Verschleiß : Einfluss der spanenden Oberflächenkonditionierung auf die lokale dissipierte Reibleistung hochbelasteter Funktionsflächen
    In: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2016) Nr. 48: Materials Chain : Forschung aus dem UA Ruhr-Profilschwerpunkt, pp. 100 - 113
  • Pieper, Christoph; Oschmann, Tobias; Markauskas, Darius; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Fischer, Alfons; Kruggel-Emden, Harald
    Numerical Investigation of Third-Body Behavior in Dry and Wet Environments under Plane Shearing
    In: Chemical Engineering and Technology: CET Vol. 39 (2016) Nr. 8, pp. 1497 - 1508
  • Effertz, P.S.; Infante, V.; Quintino, L.; Suhuddin, U.; Hanke, Stefanie; Dos Santos, J.F.
    Fatigue life assessment of friction spot welded 7050-T76 aluminium alloy using Weibull distribution
    In: International Journal of Fatigue Vol. 87 (2016) pp. 381 - 390
  • Fischer, Alfons; Stickel, Daniel; Schoss, Christian; Bosman, Rob; Wimmer, Markus
    On the Growth Rate of Tribomaterial in Bovine Serum Lubricated Sliding Contacts
    In: Lubricants Vol. 4 (2016) Nr. 2, pp. 21
  • Fitseva; Hanke, Stefanie; Santos, J.F. dos; Stemmer, Priska; Gleising, Birgit
    The role of process temperature and rotational speed in the microstructure evolution of Ti-6Al-4V friction surfacing coatings
    In: Materials & Design Vol. 110 (2016) pp. 112 - 123

Publications before 2016

Year: 1996  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010 2011  2012  2013  2014  2015




Stemmer P., Gleising B., Kirch F., Fischer A.: Beschreibung des Verschleißverhaltens austenitischer Stähle nach Kavitation. (Proc.Conf.) 49. Metallographie-Tagung, 16.-18. Sept. 2015, Dresden, Germany, DGM/Inventum GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany, Prakt. Metallo. Sonderband 47 (2015) S. 83-88 

Heyer J., Holthaus M., Neißer-Deiters W., Fischer A., Nickenig L., Schneider W., Vogelsang A.: Überprüfung der maximal zulässigen Härtewerte von thermisch geschnittenen Kanten nach DIN EN 1090-2 in Hinblick auf die Kaltrissanfälligkeit. DVS Berichte 315, DVS Media GmbH, Duesseldorf, Germany (2015) S.333-337

Stoyanov P., Merz R., Romero P.A., Wählisch F.C., Abad O.T., Gralla R., Stemmer P., Kopnarski M., Moseler M., Bennewitz R., Dienwiebel M.: Surface softening in metal-ceramic sliding contacts: An experimental and numerical investigation, ACS Nano, 9 (2015) 1478-1491

Mlikota M., Weber U:, Schmauder S:, Mitevski B., Weiß S.: Multiscale and multidisciplinary analysis of deformation and damage in the case of oligocrystalline structures, International conference on CSET & MSBE (2015), Hong Kong, DOI: 10.1142/9789814651011_0017

Weiß S., Mitevski B.: Microstructure and Deformation of Coronary Stents from CoCr- Alloys with Different Design, Materials 8(5):2467-2479 (2015), DOI: 10.3390/ma8052467

Goeke S., Biermann D., Stickel D.,  Stemmer P., Fischer A., Geenen K., Huth S., Theisen W.: Verbesserung der Verschleißbeständigkeit tribologisch beanspruchter Oberflächen durch gezielte Oberflächenstrukturierung. Werkstoffe in der Fertigung, 2 (2015) S. 18-21

Burkert T., Fischer A.: The Effects of heat balance on the void formation within Marage 300 processed by selective laser melting. Proc. Conf. (D. Bourell, Ed.) 2015 Solid Free Form Symposium, August 10-12, 2015, Austin TX, USA (2015) pdf

Stickel D., Lohmann C. ,Fischer A., Tenberge P.: Analysing tribological stresses of gear teeth contacts: The distribution of the specific dissipated friction power along the line of contact. (Proc. Conf.) Int. Conf. on Gears 2015, October, 5-7 2015, Munic, Germany, VDI-Berichte 2255.2, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, Germany (2015) S.783-798

Hanke S., Fischer A., dos Santos J. F.: Sliding Wear Behaviour of a Cr-base Alloy after Microstructure Alterations induced by Friction Surfacing. Wear 338-339 (2015) S.332-338 


Goeke S., Biermann D., Stickel D.,  Stemmer P., Fischer A., Geenen K., Huth S., Theisen W.: Verbesserung der Verschleißbeständigkeit tribologisch beanspruchter Oberflächen durch gezielte Oberflächenstrukturierung. Werkstoffe in der Fertigung, 2 (2015) S. 18-21

Burkert T., Fischer A.: The Effects of heat balance on the void formation within Marage 300 processed by selective laser melting. Proc. Conf. (D. Bourell, Ed.) 2015 Solid Free Form Symposium, August 10-12, 2015, Austin TX, USA (2015) pdf

Stickel D., Lohmann C. ,Fischer A., Tenberge P.: Analysing tribological stresses of gear teeth contacts: The distribution of the specific dissipated friction power along the line of contact. (Proc. Conf.) Int. Conf. on Gears 2015, October, 5-7 2015, Munic, Germany, VDI-Berichte 2255.2, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, Germany (2015) S.783-798

Hanke S., Fischer A., dos Santos J. F.: Sliding Wear Behaviour of a Cr-base Alloy after Microstructure Alterations induced by Friction Surfacing. Wear 338-339 (2015) S.332-338 

Schymura M., Güler S., Fischer A.: Fatigue of Austenitic High Interstitial Steels: Finite and Infinite Life, METEC & 2nd ESTAD, Düsseldorf, Germany, 18. Juni 2015, Conference Proceedings

Stickel D., Fischer A.: The influence of topography on the specific dissipated friction power in ultra-mild sliding wear: Experiment and simulation. Tribology International, Vol. 91 (2015), S. 48-59, doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2015.06.016

Ranjbarnodeh E., Serajzadeh S., Kokabi AH., Fischer A.: Grain Size Distribution after similar and dissimilar Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of a Ferritic Stainless Steel. J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall. 51 (1) B, (2015), S. 61 - 66

Stickel D., Goeke S., Geenen K., Huth S., Theisen W., Biermann D., Fischer A.:  Reciprocating sliding wear of case-hardened spheroidal cast iron against 100Cr6 under boundary lubrication. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology,  (2015) doi:10.1177/1350650115576245

Güler S., Schymura M., Fischer A.: Austenitic High Interstitial Steels vs. CoCrMo - Comparison of Fatigue Behavior. Int. J. Fatigue  75, (2015), S. 145-152

Schymura M., Stegemann R., Fischer A.: Crack propagation behavior of solution annealed austenitic high interstitial steels. Int. J. Fatigue 79, (2015), 25-35

Stickel D., Fischer A., Bosman R.: Specific dissipated friction power distributions of machined carburized martensitic steel surfaces during running-in. Wear, Volumes 330–331, (2015), S. 32-41

Wimmer MA., Mathew MT., Laurent MP., Nagelli C., Liao Y., Marks LD.,Fischer A., Jacobs JJ.: Load Dependant Tribochemical Reactions Minimize Wear from CoCrMo Alloy. Wear 332-333, (2015), S.643-649 

Stickel D., FischerA.: The Alteration of Micro-Contact Parameters during Run-In and their Effect on the Specific Dissipated Friction Power. Tribolology International 82, (2015), S.287–296

Güler S., Schymura M., Fischer A.: Vergleich der Ermüdungseigenschaften von hochstickstoffhaltigen Stählen und konventionellen biomedizinischen Werkstoffen bei totaldehnungskontrollierten Versuchen, 1. Niedersächsisches Symposium Materialtechnik (NSM) 2015, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, 12. Februar 2015, Seiten 18-30, ISBN: 978-3-8440-3403-5



P. Stoyanov, P.A. Romero, R. Merz, M. Kopnarski, M. Stricker, P. Stemmer, M. Dienwiebel, M. Moseler: Nanoscale sliding friction phenomena at the interface of diamond-like carbon and tungsten, Acta Materialia, 67 (2014) 395-408.

Panigrahi P., Liao Y., Mathew M.T., Fischer A., Wimmer M.A., Marks L.D.: Intergranular Pitting Corrosion of CoCrMo Biomedical Implant Alloy. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B. Appl. Biomater. 102B (2014) S.850-859

Pourzal R., Cichon R., Mathew M.T., Pacione C.A., Fischer A., Hallab N., Wimmer M.A.: Design of a tribocorrosion bioreactor for the analysis of immune cell response to in-situ generated wear products. Journal of Long Term Effects of Medical Implants, 24, 1 (2014) S.65-76

Goeke S., Biermann D., Stickel D., Stemmer P., Fischer A., Geenen K., Huth S., Theisen W.: Enhancing the Surface Integrity of Tribologically Stressed Contacting Surfaces by an Adjusted Surface Topography. 2nd CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (CSI) Procedia CIRP, 13 (2014)  S.214-218

Güler S., Schymura M.A., Fischer A.: Fatigue Properties of Austenitic High-Nitogen-Steels and Conventional FCC Biomedical Alloys. Conference Proceedings of the HNS2014 - 12th International Conference on High Nitrogen Steels (2014), S. 144-151

Schymura M., FischerA.: Fatigue of Austenitic High Interstitial Steels – The Role of N and C. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 891-892 (2014) S. 403-409

Mathew M.T., Nagelli C., Pourzal R., Fischer A., Laurent M.P., Jacobs J.J., Wimmer M.A.: Tribolayer Formation in a Metal-on-Metal (MoM) Hip Joint: An Electrochemical Investigation. JMBBM 29 (2014) S.199-212

Schymura M., Fischer A.: Metallurgical Aspects on the Fatigue of Solution-Annealed Austenitic High Interstitial Steels. Int. J. Fatigue 61C (2014) S.1-9



Hanke S., Beyer M., dos Santos J., Fischer A.: Friction Surfacing of a Cold Work Tool Steel – Microstructure and Sliding Wear Behavior. Wear (2013), in Press s.a.

Stoyanov P., Stemmer P., Järvi T.T., Merz R., Romero P.A., Scherge M., Kopnarsi M.,  Moseler M., Fischer A., Dienwiebel M.: Friction and Wear Mechanisms of Tungsten–Carbon Systems: A Comparison of Dry and Lubricated Conditions. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2013), 5, S. 6123−6135

Stickel D., Wimmer M.A., Fischer A.: Analyzing Pin-on-Ball Wear Tests by means of the Greenwood Williamson Contact Model. Wear 301, (2013), S. 4-10, doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2012.12.056 

Rechberger M., Paschke H., Fischer A., Bertling J.: New Tribological Strategies for Cutting Tools Following Nature. Tribol. Int. 63 (2013) S.243-249

Bishop N., Witt F., Pourzal R., Fischer A., Rütschi M., Michel M., Morlock M.: Wear patterns of taper connections in retrieved large diameter metal-on-metal bearings, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 31, (2013) S.1116-1122


Liao Y., Hoffman E., Wimmer M.A., Fischer A., Jacobs J.J., Marks L.D.: Nanotribology of Metal-on-Metal Hip Replacement. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15 (2013) S.746-756

Wimmer M.A., Mathew M.T., Laurent M.P., Nagelli Ch., Liao Y., Marks L.D., Pourzal R., Fischer A., Jacobs J.J.: Tribochemical Reactions in Metal-on-Metal Hip Joints Influence Wear and Corrosion. ASTM International, (2013) doi:10.1520/STP156020120050

Stemmer P., Pourzal R., Liao Y., Marks L.D., Morlock M., Jacobs J.J., Wimmer M.A., FischerA.: Microstructure of Retrievals made from Standard Cast HC-CoCrMo Alloys. ASTM International, (2013) doi:10.1520/STP156020120033

Stoyanov P., Romero P.A., Järvi T.T., Pastewka L., Scherge M., Stemmer P., Fischer A., Dienwiebel M., Moseler M.: Experimental and numerical atomistic investigation of the third body formation process in dry tungsten/tungsten-carbide tribo couples., Tribology Letters, (2012) doi:10.1007/s11249-11012-10085-11247.

Hanke St., Beyer M., Silvonen A., dos Santos J.F., Fischer A.: Cavitation Erosion of Cr60Ni40 coatings Generated by Friction Surfacing. Wear (2012)



Schymura M.A., Fischer A.: Beitrag zur Untersuchung der Ermüdungseigenschaften dünner Drähte aus Kupferbasiswerkstoffen unter Biegewechselbeanspruchung nach ASTM B470 – 02. Metall, 66, 11 (2012), S.514-517, ISSN 0026-0746

Hanke St., Beyer M., dos Santos J., Fischer A.: Microstructure and properties of self-mating coatings on cold work tool steel generated by friction surfacing. In (Proc. Conf.) 9th Int. Tooling Conf. 2012 (H.Leitner, R.Kranz, A.Tremmel, Eds.) Montanuniversität Leoben, Leoben, Austria (2012) S.563-570

Liao Y., Pourzal R., Stemmer P., Wimmer M.A., Jacobs J.J., Fischer A., Marks L.D.: New Insights into Hard Phases of CoCrMo Metal-on-Metal Hip Replacements: A Case StudyJMechBehaviourBiomedMater 12 (2012) 8, S.39-49

Fischer A., Weiß S., Wimmer M.A.:  The Tribological Difference between Biomedical Steels and CoCrMo-Alloys. JMechBehaviourBiomedMater 9 (2012) 1, S. 50-62

Ranjbarnodeh E., Weiss S., Hanke St., Fischer A.: EBSD Characterization of the Effect of Welding Parameters on HAZ of AISI409. J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall. 48 (1) B (2012) S. 115-121

Ranjbarnodeh E., Serajzadeh S., Kokabi A.H., Fischer A.: Prediction of temperature distribution in dissimilar arc welding of stainless steel to carbon steel. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture. (2012) DOI: 10.1177/0954405411403551

Ranjbarnodeh E., Serajzadeh S., Kokabi A.H., Fischer A.: Effect of welding parameters on the HAZ of AISI409: FE modeling and EBSD characterization. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials (2012) in print



Liao Y., Pourzal R., Wimmer M.A., Jacobs J.J., Fischer A., Marks L.D.: Graphitic Tribological Layers in Metal-on-Metal Hip Replacements. SCIENCE, Vol. 334 no. 6063,(2011), p. 1687-1690

Ranjbarnodeh E., Serajzadeh S., Kokabi A.H., Fischer A.: Effect of welding parameters on residual stresses in dissimilar joint of stainless steel to carbon steel. Journal of Materials Science 46, 9, (2011), S. 2599-2609

Hahn M., Bauer Ch.,Theissmann R., Gleising B., Dudzinski W., Fischer A.: The Impact of Microstructural Alterations at Cylinder Running Surfaces of Diesel Engines - Findings from Motor and Laboratory Benchmark Tests. Wear  271, 9-10 (2011) S.2599-2609

Mathew M.T., Uth T., Hallab N.J.,Pourzal R., Fischer A., Wimmer M.A.: Construction of a tribocorrosion test apparatus for the hip joint: validation, test methodology and analysis. Wear 271, 9-10 (2011) S.2651-2659

Pourzal R., Catelas I., Theissmann R., Kaddick C., Fischer A.: Characterization of CoCrMo particles generated under different sli ding wear conditions. Wear 271, 9-10 (2011) S.1658-1666

Laurent M.P., Pourzal R., Fischer A., Bertin K., Jacobs J.J., WimmerM.A.: In vivo Wear of a Squeaky Alumina-on-Alumina Hip Prosthesis - A Case Report. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A 93 (7), (2011), S.e27 1-6

St. Hanke, A. Fischer, M. Beyer, J. dos Santos: Cavitation Erosion of NiAl-Bronze Layers Generated by Friction Surfacing. Wear 273 (2011) S.32-37



Ranjbarnodeh E., Serajzadeh S., Kokabi A. H., Hanke S., Fischer A.: Finite element modeling of the effect of heat input on residual stresses in dissimilar joints International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2010) doi 10.1007/s00170-010-3095-3

Hanke S., Fischer A., Beyer M., dos Santos J.: Cavitation Erosion of NiAl-Bronze Layers Generated by Friction Surfacing, (Proc. Conf.) 14th Nordic Symposium on Tribology - Nordtrib 2010

Hahn, M., Fischer, A.: "Characterization of Thermal Spray Coatings for Cylinder Running Surfaces of Diesel Engines", Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, JTST, Volume 19, Issue 5 (2010), p. 866-872

Pourzal R., Theissmann R.,Gleising B., Williams S., Fischer A.: Micro-structural alterations in MoM hip implants:.Materials Science Forum, Volume 638-642 (2010), 1872-1877

Wimmer M., Fischer A., Büscher R., Sprecher Ch., Hauert R., Jacobs J.: Wear Mechanisms in Metal-on-Metal Bearings: The Importance of Tribochemical Reaction Layers. Harris Award, JOR 28, 4 (2010) S.436-443



Mathew M.T., Srinivasa Pai P., Pourzal R., Fischer A., Wimmer M.A.: Significance of tribocorrosion in bio-medical applications: Overview and current status. Advances in Tribology (2009) doi:10.1155/2009/250986

Ranjbarnodeh E., Fischer A., Kokabi A.H., Serajzadeh S.: Evaluation of the effect of welding parameters on the residual stresses in dissimilar welding of high strength steels. (Proc. Conf.) Jahazi M., Vatabara M. (Eds) IIW 2009, Int. Conf. On Welding and Joining, 30.11.-3.12.2009 Teheran, Iran.

Samerski I., Vdovak J., Schöfer J., Fischer A.: The transition between high and low wear regimes under multidirectional reciprocating sliding. Wear, 267, 9-10 (2009) S.1446-1451

Pourzal R.,Theissmann R.,Williams S., Gleising B., Fisher J. and Fischer A.: Subsurface changes of a MoM hip implant below different contact zones (2009). Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Volume 2, Issue 2, 186-191

Hanke S., Fischer A., Beyer M., dos Santos S.: Reibauftragschweißen von NiAl-Bronze - Verfahren und Materialeigenschaften unter Kavitation. Metall 11 (2009 )S. 507-510

Mathew M.T., Srinivasa Pai.P., Pourzal R., Fischer A., Wimmer M.A.: Significance of tribocorrosion in bio-medical applications: Overview and current status. Advances in Tribology (2009) doi:10.1155/2009/250986

Ranjbarnodeh E., Fischer A., Kokabi A.H., Serajzadeh S.: Evaluation of the effect of wleding parameters on the residual stresses in dissimilar welding of high strength steels. (Proc. Conf.) M.Jahazi, M.Vatabara (Eds) IIW 2009, Int. Conf. On Welding and Joining, 30.11.-3.12.2009 Teheran, Iran

Pourzal R., Wimmer M.A., Fischer A., Schwenke T., Urban R.: Determination of polyethylene wear location and volume in well functioning acetabular cups (2006). Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 39, Supplement 1, 140

Wimmer M., Fischer A., Büscher R., Sprecher C., Hauert R., Jacobs J.: Wear Mechanisms in Metal-on-Metal Bearings: The Importance of Tribochemical Reaction Layers. Harris Award, JOR 28, 3 (2009) S.436-443

Mathew M.T., Sirinivasa Pai P., Pourzal R., Fischer A., Wimmer M.A.: Significance of Tribocorrosion in Biomedical Applications: Overview and Current Status (2009), Advances in Tribology, Article ID 250986, Volume 2009

Jacobs J.J., Urban RM., Hallab NJ., Skipor AK., Fischer A., Wimmer M.A.: Metal-on-metal bearing surfaces. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 17, 2 (2009) S.69-76

Fischer A.: Subsurface Microstructural Alterations during Sliding Wear of Biomedical Metals. Modelling and Experimental Results. Comput. Mater. Sci. 46 (2009) S.586-590

Pourzal R., Theissmann R., Morlock M., Fischer A.: Micro-structural alterations within different areas of articulating surfaces of a metal-on-metal hip resurfacing system. Wear 267 (2009) S.689-694

Hanke S., Samerski I., Schöfer J., Fischer A.: The role of wear particles under multidirectional sliding wear, Wear 267 (2009) 1319-1324

Hahn M., Theissmann R., Gleising B., Dudzinski W., Fischer A.: Microstructural Alterations within Thermal Spray Coatings during Highly Loaded Diesel Engine Tests, Wear 267 (2009) S.916-924

Hahn M., Theissmann R., Gleising B., Dudzinski W., Fischer A.: Investigation of Wear Mechanisms and Microstructural Changes of Thermally Sprayed Coatings in Cylinder Bores after Motor Tests. (Proc.Conf.) Friction, Wear and Wear Protection (A.Fischer, K.Bobzin, eds.) WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany (2009) S.140­-151

Zietsch C., Fischer A.: Multiple Asperity Dry Contacts -- Comparison of Experiments and Analytical Computer Simulation. (Proc.Conf.) Friction, Wear and Wear Protection (A.Fischer, K.Bobzin, eds.) WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany (2009) S.271­-277

Samerski I., Schöfer J., Schipper D.J., Fischer A.: Influence of the Surface Topography on the Transition between High and Low Wear Regimes under Multidirectional Reciprocating Sliding. (Proc.Conf.) Friction, Wear and Wear Protection (A.Fischer, K.Bobzin, eds.) WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany (2009) S.278-289

Pourzal R., Fischer A.: Reciprocating Sliding Wear of Surface Modified Austenitic High Nitrogen Stainless Steel and CoCrMo-alloy. (Proc.Conf.) Friction, Wear and Wear Protection (A.Fischer, K.Bobzin, eds.) WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany (2009) S.479-486

Weiß S., Schnauber T., Fischer A.: Microstructure Characterization of thin structures after deformation. Materials and Devices for Smart Systems III, edited by J. Su, L-P. Wang, Y. Furuya, S. Trolier-McKinstry, J. Leng (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Volume 1129, Warrendale, PA, 2009), V11-19

Amer A.E., Weiß S., Fischer A.: Improvement of fatigue resistance of low-nickel stainless steels for biomedical applications compared to CoCr-alloys. STEEL GRIPS 7 (2009) No. 6, S. 457/461

Hahn M., Fischer A.: Characterisation of Thermally Sprayed Micro- and Nanocrystalline Cylinder Wall Coatings by Means of a Cavitation Test, Proc. IMechE Part J: J. Engineering Tribology, Vol. 223, J1 (2009) S. 27-37

Weiß S., Szymczak H., Meißner A.: Fatigue and endurance of coronary stents. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 40 (1-2) (2009), S. 61-64

Weiß S., Meißner A., Fischer A.: Microstructural changes within similar coronary stents produced from two different austenitic steels. Journal of the Mechanical Behaviour of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 2, Iss. 2 (2009) S. 210-216



Laurent M.P., Pourzal R., Fischer A., Bertin K.C., Jacobs J.J., Wimmer M.A.:., In Vivo Wear of Squeaky Alumina-on-Alumina Hip Prothesis, Trans ORS 33:1775, 2008

Bobzin K., Ernst F., Zwick J.,Schlaefer T.,Verpoort C., Nassenstein K., Schwenk A., Schreiber F., Wenz T., Flores G., Hahn M.: Coating Bores of Light Metal Engine Blocks with a Nano-Composite Material Using the Plasma Transferred Wire Arc Thermal Spraying Process, (Proc. Conf.) Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol. 17 (3), pp. 344-351, September 2008

Pourzal R., Theissmann R., Williams S., Gleising B., Fisher J., Fischer A.: Subsurface changes of a MoM hip implant below different contact zones. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, in press

Hahn M., Fischer A.: Investigation on Surface Fatigue of Thermally Sprayed Coatings Micro- and Nanocrystalline Cylinder Wall Coatings by Means of Cavitation. Int. J. Mater. Res. 99 (2008) 10, S.1079-1089

Hahn M., Fischer A.: Characterisation of Nanocrystalline Thermally Sprayed Coatings by Means of 4-Point-Bending Fatigue Tests, 2008, (Proc.Conf.) E. Lugscheider (Eds.) Conference Abstracts, Verlag für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren, DVS-Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, 2008

Fischer A., Burgaud D., Amer E.A., Weiß S.: THE FATIGUE ASPECT IN METAL-ON-METAL WEAR. (Proc.Conf.) Cost533, Biotribology. Materials for improved wear resistance of total artificial joints. A.Iagurta et al (Eds.) Fundacion Tekniker, Eibar, Spain ISBN 978-84-932064-4-4 (2008) S. 35-44


Urban R.M., Hall D.J., Jacobs J.J., Pourzal R., Wimmer M.A., Summer D.R., Galante J.O.: Long-Term Fixation and Potential Failure Mechanisms in Cementless Acetabular Components Retrieved Postmortem, Trans ORS 32:1716, 2007

Salineros M.J., Crowninshield R.D., Wimmer M.A., Pourzal R., Galante J.O., Jacobs J.J.: Comparison of Crosslinked and Older Polyethylene Types in THR: An Implant Retrieval Study, Proceedings of the 74th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 8:421, 2007

Shakhvorostov D., Gleising B., Büscher R., Dudzinski W., Fischer A., Scherge M.: Microstructure of tribologically induced nanolayers produced at ultra-low wear rates. Wear 263, 7-12 (2007) S. 1259-1265

Hahn M., Gleising B., Dudzinski W., Fischer A.: Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung von thermisch gespritzten Schichten in Zylinderlaufflächen aus Motorversuchen. (Proc. Conf.) Forstschritte in der Metallographie. H.Vetters, F.Mücklich (Eds.) DGM Werkstoff Informationsgesellschaft. Sonderband Prakt. Metallographie 39 (2007) S.137-146

Hahn M., Fischer A.: Charakterisierung nanokristalliner, thermisch gespritzter Schichten für Zylinderlaufflächen im Kavitationstest. (Proc.Conf.) 48. Tribologie Fachtagung, 24.-28.9.2007, GfT e.V., Aachen, Germany (2007) S.25/1-25/11

Fischer A., Meißner A., Weiß S.: Microstructural peculiarities and mechanical properties of coronary stents. H.Yuan, F.H.Wittmann (Eds.) Nonlocal Modelling of Failure of Materials. (Proc.Conf.) Aedificio Publishers, Freiburg, Germany (2007) S.91-104

Amer A.E., EL-Ghazaly S.A., Weiss S., Fischer A.: Influence of nitrogen additions on the fatigue behaviour of 4Mn-10Ni and Ni-free steel alloys compared with the 316L-type stainless steels. Proc. Metals Processing and Manufacturing Conference MPM 2007, Cairo-Egypt, 19-22 Nov, 2007



Weiß S., Meißner A., Fischer A.: Zyklische Beanspruchung und Mikrostruktur von koronaren Stents; Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung (2006), Hrsg. M. Borsutzki, S. Geisler, ISBN 3-514-00734-9, S. 463

Reuter S., Weßkamp B., Büscher R., Fischer A., Barden B., Löer F., Buck V.: Correlation of structural properties of commercial DLC-coatings to their tribological performance in biomedical applications. Wear, Vol. 261, Issues 3-4 (2006)S.419-425

Fischer A., Tikhovskiy I., Büscher R., Weiß S.: Mechanische und tribologische Eigenschaften von hochstickstoffhaltigen Austeniten, Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 37, 9 (2006) S. 747-754

Wimmer M.A., Nassutt R., Sprecher Ch., Loos J., Täger G., Fischer A.: Investigation on stick phenomena in metal-on-metal hip joints after resting periods. Proc Institn Mech Eng, Vol. 220 Part H, J Eng Med. (2006) S.219-227

Fischer A., Meißner A., Brauer H., Weiß S.: Stent fatigue testing according to in vivo strain cycles. Journal of Biomechanics 39(suppl. 1) (2006), S.591

Weiß S., Meißner A.: Ermüdung und Mikrostruktur von koronaren Stents; Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 9 (2006), S. 755-761

Runiewicz A., Dudzinski W., Fischer A.: Microstructure of Laser Hardened Martensitic High Nitrogen Steel Subsurfaces. Prakt. Metallogr. 43 (2006) 7, S.363-372

Weiß S., Meißner A., Guillardeau A., Dudzinski W., Fischer A.: Characterisation of Microstructure and Microtecture of Coronary Artery Stents after Fatigue Deformation, (Proc.Conf.) Fatigue 2006, 9th Int. Fatigue Congress, Atlanta GA, USA, 14.-19. Mai 2006, Elsevier Ltd., UK (2006) CD:FT449

Meißner A., Weiß S., Brauer H., Fischer A.: Peculiarities in Stent Fatigue Testing, 4(Proc.Conf.) Fatigue 2006, 9th Int. Fatigue Congress, Atlanta GA, USA, 14.-19. Mai 2006



Weiß S., Gleising B., Schremmer S., Dudzinski W.: Charakterisierung der Mikrostruktur von Kobalt-Chrom-Molybdän Drähten; Tagungsband der Metallographietagung 2005, Erlangen, S. 207–212

Büscher R., Fischer A.: The Pathways of Dynamic Recrystallization in All-Metal Hip Joints. Wear 259 (2005) S.887-897

Meißner A., Zimprich P., Betzwar-Kotoas A., Fischer A.: Mechanischen Eigenschaften wenigkristalliner Strukturen – axiale Prüfung dünner Drähte. Berichtsband DVM Werkstoffprüfung (2005), Berlin, S.487-492

Fischer A., Meißner A.(eds.): Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 12/2005 – Special Edition: Biomaterials, Weilheim, Wiley-VCH (Peer Revied)

Meißner A., Fischer A.: Beitrag zur Untersuchung des Ermüdungsverhaltens von Koronarstents. MATWER 36(2005)(12), S.788-794

Amer A.E., EL-Ghazaly S.A., Shash Y.S., Weiss S.: Influence of microstructural changes and grain boundary precipitation on the behaviour of 25Ni-15Cr-2Ti superalloy during high temperature creep. Materials Science Forum Vols. 475-479 (2005) pp. 643-649

Pinto H., Pyzalla A., Büscher R., Fischer A., Aßmus K., Hübner W.: The effect of hydrogen on the deterioration of austenitic steels during wear at cryogenic temperature. Wear, 259 (2005) S.424-431

Büscher R., Gleising B., Dudzinski W., Fischer A.: Durchstrahungselektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung an explantierten Metall-Metall-Hüftgelenken. Prakt. Metallogr. 42 (2005) 1, S.15-34

Büscher R., Täger G., Dudzinski B.W., Gleising B., Wimmer M.A., Fischer A.: Subsurface Microstructure of Metal-on-Metal Hip Joints and its Relation to Wear Particles Generation. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part B: Appl. Biomater. 72B (2005) S.206-214



Podrez-Radziszewska M., Lachowicz M., Haimann K., Widanka K., Checmanowski J. G., Zietsch Chr.: Properties of surface layers on Ti6Al4V alloy after vacuum nitriding (in polish) XXXII School of Materials Science, 28.09-1.10.2004 Krynica, S.339-344

Pyzalla A., Stempniewicz M., Sander M., Weiß S., Hinkel P.: Anwendung präparativer Methoden aus der Werkstoffkunde zur Untersuchung von Sauropodenknochen; Tagungsband der Metallographietagung 2004, Bochum, S. 217-221

Weiß S., Gleising B., Dudzinski W.: Mikrostruktur- und Mikrotextur-Charakterisierung nach der Verformung des hochstickstoffhaltigen Edelstahls (1.4452); Tagungsband der Metallographietagung 29. September - 1. Oktober 2004, Bochum S.103-108

Runiewicz A., Dudzinski W., Fischer A.: Microstructure of Laser Hardened Martensitic High Nitrogen Steel Subsurfaces; Tagungsband der Metallographietagung 29. September - 1. Oktober 2004, Bochum S.91-96

Büscher R., Fischer, A.: Tribological performance of austenitic high nitrogen steels for biomedical applications. Proc. Conf. HNS 2004, Ostende, Belgien, 19.-22. September 2004, Akdut, N., De Cooman, B.C., Foct, J. (Eds.), (2004) S. 481-489

Weiß S., Dudzinski W., Tikhovskiy I.: TEM Observation of Deformation Structures in High Nitrogen Steel; Proceedings of the HNS-Conference 20.09.-22.09.2004 in Ostende, Belgien, S.225-228

Weiß S., Klement U.: Orientation determination on non planar surfaces; Proceedings of the CHANNEL Users Meeting 2004, Ribe, Dänemark, Hrsg. HKL-Technology (DK), June 9-11, 2004, S.62 – 66

Meißner A., Fischer A.: Prüfung des Ermüdungsverhaltens ballonexpandierbarer koronarer Stents. Biomedizinische Technik, Band 49, Ergänzungsband 2 (2004), S. 542. ISSN 0939-4990

Amer A.E., EL-Ghazaly S.A., Shash Y.S., Weiß S.: Factors affecting the creep behaviour of the solution treated and double aged iron base Super alloy A- 286. Proc. Heat Treatment of Metals & Alloys 2nd HT2004, 4-6 Dec.2004, Cairo-Egypt

Tikhovskiy I., Weiß S., Fischer A.: Cyclic deformation behaviour of austenitic CrMnMoN steel in solution annealed and cold worked States. Steel Grips, Supp. High Nitrogen Steels 2 (2004) S. 259-263

Büscher R., Gleising B., Dudzinski W., Fischer A.: The Effects of Subsurface Deformation on the Sliding Wear Behaviour of a Microtextured High-Nitrogen Steel Surface. Wear 257, 3-4 (2004) S. 284-291


Heitkemper M., Bohne C., Pyzalla A., Fischer A.: Fatigue and Fracture Behaviour of a Laser Heat Treated Martensitic High-Nitrogen Tool Steel, International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003), S. 101-106

Voggenreiter G., Leiting S., Brauer, H., Leiting, P., Majetschak, M., Bardenheuer, M., Obertacke U.: Immuno-inflammatory tissue reaction to stainless steel and titanium plates used for internal fixation of long bones. Biomaterials, 24 (2003), S. 247/54

Wieneke H., Dirsch O., Sawitowski T., Gu J.L., Brauer H., Dahmen U., Fischer A., Wnendt S., Erbel R.: Synergistic Effects of a Novel Nanoporous Stent Coating and Tacrolimus on Intima Proliferation in Rabbits. Cather. Cardiovasc. Interv. 60 (2003) S.399-407

Büscher R., Fischer A.: Metallurgical Aspects of Sliding Wear of fcc Materials for Medical Applications. MATWER 34, 10/11 (2003) S.966-975

Wimmer M.A., Sprecher C., Hauert R., Täger G. Fischer A.: Tribochemical Reaction on Metal-On-Metal Hip Joint Bearings - A Comparison between in-vitro and in-vivo Results. Wear 255 (2003) S.1007-1014

Stolpmann J., Brauer H., Stracke H.-J., Erbel R., Fischer A.: Practicability and Limitations of Finite Element Simulation of the Dilatation Behaviour of Coronary Stents. Materialwiss. Werkstofftechn. (2003) MATWER 34 (2003) S.736-745

Büscher R., Fischer A.: Sliding Wear of an Electrochemically Modified Austenitic High-Nitrogen Steel Surface. Wear 254, 12 (2003) S.1318-1325

Tikhovskiy I., Gleising B., Weiß S., Fischer A.: Mikrostrukturentwicklung des hochstickstofflegierten austenitischen Stahles X13CrMnMoN 18-14-3 unter zyklischer Beanspruchung. In: A.Kneissl, F.Jeglitsch (Eds.) Fortschritte in der Metallographie. Prakt. Met. Sonderband 34, Werkstoffinformationsgesellschaft, Frankfurt, (2003) S.43-50

Tikhovskiy I., Brauer H., Mölders M., Wiemann M., Bingmann D., Fischer A.: Fatigue Behavior and in-vitro Biocompatibility of the Ni-Free Austenitic High-Nitrogen Steel X13CrMnMoN18-14-3. In: G.L.Winters and M.J. Nutt (Eds.) Stainless Steels for Medical and Surgical Applications, ASTM STP 1438, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, (2003) S.119-136

Heitkemper M., Fischer A., Bohne C., Pyzalla A.: Investigation on the Fracture Behaviour of Laser-Surface Treated High-Nitrogen Steels. 10th International Congress on Fracture (ICF 10), 2.-6. 12. 2001, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, USA, Advances in Fracture Research, Proc. Conf. CD-ROM, K. Ravi Chandar, B. L. Karihaloo, T. Kishi, R. O. Ritchie, A. T. Yokobori Jr., T. Yokobori (Hrsg.), Elsevier Science (2001) Aufsatz-Nr. 0249


Weiß S., Mattissen D., Dudzinski W.: Microstructure of the Laser Beam Welded Iron-Base Superalloy A286 after High Temperature Creep. Advanced Engineering Materials. Vol. 4 (2002), S.142

Wieneke H., Sawitowski T., Wnendt S., Dirsch O., Karoussos I.A., Fischer A., Erbel R.: Stent-Coating. A New Approach in Interventional Cardiology. Herz 27, 6 (2002) S.518-526

Koch S., Büscher R., Tikhovskiy I., Brauer H., Runiewicz A., Dudzinski W., Fischer A.: Mechanical, Chemical and Tribological Properties of the Nickel-free High-Nitrogen Steel X13CrMnMoN18-14-3 (1.4452). MATWER 33, 12 (2002) S.705-715

Mölders M., Fischer A., Wiemann A.: Cells and Ni-Free Austenitic High-Nitrogen Steel. MATWER 33, 12 (2002) S.775-778

Karoussos I.A., Wieneke H., Sawitowski T., Wnendt S., Fischer A., Dirsch O., Dahmen U., Erbel R.: Inorganic Materials as Drug Delivery Systems in Coronary Artery Stenting. MATWER 33, 12 (2002) S.738-746

Büscher R., Fischer A.: Topographical Effect on a Novel Surface Modification on the Sliding Wear Behaviour of a High-Nitrogen Steels. G.W.Stachowiak (Ed.) Frontiers in Tribology (Proc. Conf.) 6th Int. Tribology Conf. AUSTRIB2002. 2.-5. Dezember 2002, Hyatt Regency, Perth, Western Australien (2002) S.693-700

Büscher, R., Fischer, A.: Gleitverschleißverhalten von Nanostrukturierten, Austenitischen hochstickstofflegierten Stählen. Reibung, Schmierung und Verschleiß (Proc Conf) GfT Tribologie Fachtagung 2002. Göttingen, 23. – 25. Sept. 2002. Band I, S. 38/1 – 38/10 (ISBN 3-00-003404-8)

Brauer H., Dudzinski W., Becker A., Fischer A.:´Präparation und Untersuchung von Gefäßstützen (Stents) aus dem Implantatstahl 1.4441 (316L). Praktische Metallographie 39 (2002) 11, S.565-579

Heitkemper M., Fischer A., Bohne Ch., Pyzalla A.: Laser Surface Treatment of High Nitrogen Steel X30CrMoN15-1. (Proc.Conf.) J.Bergström, G.Fredriksson, M.Johansson, O.Kotik, F.Thuvander (Eds.) 6th Int. Tooling Conf. Karlstad University Press, Karlstad, Schweden (2002) S.785-796

Bohne C., Heitkemper M., Pyzalla A., Fischer A.: Mikrostruktur und Eigenschaften des kurzzeitwärmebehandelten hochstickstofflegierten Werkzeugstahls X30CrMoN15-1. (Proc.Conf.) G.Sepold, F.Wagner, J.Tobolski (Eds.) Strahltechnik, Bd. 18, Handbuch zum DFG-Abschlusskolloquium.BIAS Verlag, Bremen, (2002) S.77-96

Wimmer M.A., Nechtow W., Kleingries M., Schwenke T., Rosenberg A.G., Jacobs J.J., Andriacchi T.P.: TKR Wear scar formation is influenced by the host’s gait pattern, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, RUSH-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center, Chicago

Weiß S., Brauer H.: A short report about the difficulties of orientation determination in coronary artery stents, Proceedings on the CHANNEL Users Meeting 2002, Skarrildhus, Dänemark, 5.-8. Juni 2002 (2002), S. 53-57

Weiß S., Tikhovskiy I., Meißner A.: Microstructure and microtexture evolution during recrystallisation of high-nitrogen medical steel P2000; Proceedings CHANNEL USERS Meeting 2002, Skarrildhus, Dänemark, 5.-8.6.2002, 58-62

Brauer H., Fischer A.: Mechanische Prüfung metallischer koronarer Stents unter überlagerter chemischer Beanspruchung. (Proc.Conf.) C.Fleck, D.Eifler (Eds.) Eigenschaften und Prüftechniken mechanisch beanspruchter Implantate ( Proc. Conf.) 3. Tagung des DVM-AK “Biowerkstoffe”, 12.-13.4.2002, Köln, DVM Bericht 314, Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, (2002) Pp. 121-136 s.a. Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 33 (2002) S.474-481

Tikhovskiy I., Brauer H., Fischer A.: Ermüdungsverhalten des hochstickstofflegierten und nickelfreien Stahles X13CrMnMoN18-14-3 in Luft und Ringerlösung. C.Fleck, D.Eifler (Eds.) Eigenschaften und Prüftechniken mechanisch beanspruchter Implantate ( Proc. Conf.) 3. Tagung des DVM-AK “Biowerkstoffe”, 12.-13.4.2002, Köln, DVM Bericht 314, Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, (2002) Pp. 31-40 MATWER 33 (2002) S.448-452

Büscher R., Jennissen H.P., Chatzinikolaidou M., Fischer A.: Characterisation of Wet-Chemically Nanostructured Stainless Steel Surfaces. H.W.Hahn, R.Tannenbaum, D.L.Feldheim, C.P.Kubiak, R.W.Siegel (Eds.) Synthesis, Functional, Properties and Applications of Nanostructures (Proc.Conf.) Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 676, MRS, Warrendale, PA, USA (2002) Pp.Y3.14.1-Y3.14.6

Steinhauser E., Fischer A., Mittelmeier W.: Analyse von Schäden an Implantaten für die Osteosynthese. Biomaterialien 3 (2002) 1, S. 48-50

Spirowski T., Saggau R., Pries H., Wohlfahrt H., Fischer A.: High Temperature Fatigue Behaviour of a Laser Beam Welded Ni-Base Superalloy, in G. Biallas, H. J. Meier, O. Hahn, K. Herrmann, F. Vollertsen (Hrsg.) Conf. on Applied Mechanics, Materials, Science and Joining and Forming Processes (Proc.Conf.) CAMP 2002 - High-Temperature Fatigue, 3.-4. April 2002, Bad Lippspringe, 2002, Bonifatius GmbH Druck Buch Verlag, Paderborn, (2002) S. 98-110

Büscher R., Fischer A.: Sliding Wear Behavior of Wet-Chemically Modified High-Nitrogen Steels. In W. J. Bartz (Ed.) 13th International Colloquium Tribology: Lubricants, Materials, and Lubrication Engineering (Proc.Conf.). 15.-17. Januar 2002, Stuttgart / Ostfildern, Technische Akademie Esslingen, Stuttgart (2002) S. 1297-1305


Vorpahl M., Wiemann M., Brauer H., Bingmann D.: Effects of Metal Ions on Proliferation of Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells and Myoblastic Cells In Vivo. MATWER 32, (2001) S. 970/5

Spirowski T., Saggau R., Pries H., Wohlfahrt H., Fischer A.: Fatigue Behaviour of a Laser Beam Welded Ni-Base Superalloy during Cyclic Deformation, Vortrag auf dem 10th International Congress on Fracture (ICF 10) vom 2.-6. Dezember 2001, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, USA, Advances in Fracture Research, Proceedings of ICF 10, 1 CD-ROM, K. Ravi-Chandar, B.L. Kariloo, T.Kishi, R.O. Ritchie, A.T. Yokobori Jr., T.Yokobori (Hrsg.), Elsevier Science, (2001) Aufsatz-Nr. 0391

Heitkemper M., Bohne C., Pyzalla A., Fischer A.: Fatigue and Fracture Behaviour of a Laser Heat Treated Martensitic High-Nitrogen Tool Steel, (Proc.Conf.) 10th International Congress on Fracture (ICF 10), 2.-6. Dezember 2001, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, USA, Advances in Fracture Research, Proceedings of ICF 10, 1 CD-ROM. K. Ravi-Chandar, B.L. Karihaloo, T. Kishi, R.O. Ritchie, A.T. Yokobori Jr., T. Yokobori (Hrsg.), Elsevier Science, (2001) Paper-No. 0249

Voggenreiter G., Leiting St., Assenmacher St., Oliver L.C., Brauer H., Nast-Kolb D.: Gewebereaktion auf Titanpartikel - Histologische Untersuchungen an Plattenbettgewebe (LC-DCP). 2. Essener Symposium “Biomaterialien - Grundlagen und klinische Bedeutung”, MATWER 2, (2001) S. 172-177

Wieneke H., Haude M., Dirsch O., Sawitowski Th., Fischer A., Brauer H., Erbel R.: Stent-coating – what are the real differences? Progress in Biomedical Research, 6 (2001) 3, S.215-221

Heitkemper M., Fischer A., Bohne C., Pyzalla A.: Improvement of Wear Properties of High-Nitrogen-Steels by Laser-Surface-Treatment. In K. Ichimaru (Eds. ) ITC 2000 (Proc.Conf.) 29.10.-2.11.2000 Nagasaki, Japan, Japanese Society of Tribology, Kikai Shinko Kaikan 407-2, Minato-ku, Tokio, Japan, (2001) S.961-966

Fischer A., Brauer H.: Metallische Werkstoffe für koronare Stents. in “Koronarstenting (eds.Machraoui A.; Grewe P.; Fischer A.), Steinkopff Verlag Darmstadt, (2001) S. 20-44

Heitkemper M., Fischer A., Bohne C., Pyzalla A.: Wear Mechanisms of Laser-Hardened Martensitic High-Nitrogen-Steels under Sliding Wear 250, (2001) S.477-484

Wimmer M.A., Loos J., Heitkemper M., Fischer A.: The Acting Wear Mechanisms on Metal-On-Metal Hip Joint Bearings – In-Vitro Results. Wear 250, (2001) S.129-139

Peuster M., Wohlsein P., Brügmann M., Ehlerding M., Seidler K., Fink C., Brauer H., Fischer A., Hausdorf G.: A Novel Approach to Temporary Stenting. Degradable Cardiovascular Stents Produced from Corrodible Metal. Heart 86, (2001) S.563-569

Heitkemper M., Bohne C., Pyzalla A., Fischer A.: Ermüdungs- und Bruchverhalten von kurzzeitwärmebehandeltem hochstickstofflegierten martensitischen Werkzeugstahl X30CrMoN15 1. in P.Mayer, St.Hock (Eds.) “Ermüdung hochharter Stähle” (Proc.Conf.). 21.-22. Juni 2001, Weimar, AWT e.V., Schlangenbad, (2001) S.33-39

Fischer A., Wieneke H., Brauer H., Erbel R.: Metallische Biowerkstoffe für koronare Stents. Z.f.Kardiol, Band 90, Heft 4 (2001) S.251-262

Pyzalla A., Bohne C., Heitkemper H., Fischer A.: Influence of a rapid laser heat treatment on the corrosion resistance of the high nitrogen steel X30CrMoN15 1 + 0,3 % N. Materials and Corrosion 52, (2001) S.99-195

Möller D., Reimers W., Pyzalla A., FischerA.: Residual Stresses in Coronary Stents. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Applied Biomaterials, Vol. 58, Nr. 1 (2001) S.69-74


Biallas G., Fischer A., Eifler D.: Influence of Mean Stress on the Fatigue Behaviour of Sintered Iron. in (Proc.Conf.) Euromat 2000, Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and Damage (D.Miannay, P.Costa, D.Francois, A.Pinneau) Tours, 7.-9.11.2000, Eisevier, Amsterdam (2000) S.967-972

Fischer A., Erbel R.: Metallische Biowerkstoffe für koronare Stents. Essener Unikate Bd. 13, Materialwissenschaft (2000) S.94-111

Weiß S., Becker A., Dudzinski W., Fischer A.: Mikrostrukturuntersuchungen zum Ausscheidungsverhalten der technischen Nickel-Basis Superlegierung INCONEL 718, Metallographietagung 1999 in Rostock, Sonderband Praktische Metallographie, Hrsg. G. Petzow, Werkstoff Informationsgesellschaft (2000) S.417-422

Heitkemper M., Bohne C., Fischer A., Pyzalla A.: Verschleißverhalten des laser- wärmebehandelten hochstickstofflegierten Werkzeugstahls X30CrMoN15 1, Materialwiss. u. Werkstofftechn. 31, 10 (2000) S.918-922

Mahr P., Fischer A., Brauer H., Denk A., Haude M., Erbel E.: Biophysikalische Prüfung koronarer Stents: Welche Faktoren beeinflussen das Dilatations- und Recoilverhalten? Z Kardiol., 89 (2000), S.513-521

Spirowski Th., Weiß S., Fischer A.: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Power Beam Weld Superalloys during Cyclic Deformation, Beitrag auf der DGM-EUROMAT 99 vom 27.-30. September 1999 in München, Materials for Transportation Technology, EUROMAT 99-Volume 1, P.-J. Winkler (Hrsg.), WILEY-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, (2000) S.231-236

Pyzalla A., Bohne C., Heitkemper M., Fischer A.: Influence of Laser Hardening on the Microstructure, Wear and Chemical Properties of High Nitrogen Tool Steels. in E.J.Mittermeijer, J.Grosch (Eds.) Progress in Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (Proc.Conf.) 5th ASM Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Conference. 7.-9. Juni 2000, Gothenburg, Sweden. ASM, Metal Park, Ohio, USA (2000) S.299-309

Sawitowski Th., Brandau W., Fischer A., Heilmann A., Schmid G.: Nanoporous Alumina Coatings for Medical Implants and Stents - Radiotherapy, Drug Delivery, Biological Compatibility. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp., Vol.581 (2000) S.523-526

Heitkemper M., Bohne C., Fischer A., Pyzalla A.: Properties of Rapid HeatTreated High Nitrogen Steel, (Proc. Conf.) EUROMAT 99 - Surface Engineering, Vol. 11, H. Dimigen (Hrsg.) Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim (2000) S.445-450

Bohne C., Pyzalla A., Heitkemper M., Fischer A.: Influenceof Rapid HeatTreatments on Residual Stresses and Corrosion Resistance of a High Nitrogen Tool Steel. (Proc.Conf.) 6th Int. Conf. on Residual Stresses, ICRS-6, 10.-12.July 2000, Oxford, UK, IOM Communications Ltd., 1 Carlton House Terrace, London, UK (2000), S.1275-1282

Brauer H., Bück V., Fischer A.: Mechanical Properties of Metallic Coronary Stents. in Stallforth H., Revell P. (Eds.): Materials for Medical Engineering Euromat 99, Vol. 2, Weinheim, Wiley-VCH (2000) S.166-172

Fischer A., Pyzalla A., Heitkemper M., Bohne C.: Gefüge und Eigenschaften des hochstickstoffhaltigen, martensitischen Werkzeugstahls X30CrMoN15 1 nach Kurzzeitwärmebehandlung, HTM, Bd. 55, 1 (2000) S.20-26


Brauer H., Fischer A., Stoipmann J.: Untersuchungen zum mechanischen Aufweitungsverhalten von marktgängigen koronaren Stentsystemen. DVM-Tagung Werkstoffprüfung 1999 „Fortschritte in der Prüftechnik", Bad Nauheim, 02./03.12.1999, DVM, (1999) S.341-349

Bohne C., Heitkemper M., Pyzalla A., Reimers W., Fischer A.: Microstructural Changes Due to Rapid Heat Treatment of a High Nitrogen Steel. (Proc.Conf.) Randschichthärten AWT-ATZK, 25.-26.11.99, Karlsbad, Tschechien Bremen (1999) S.111-116

Heitkemper M., Fischer A., Bohne class=GramE>C., Pyzalla A., Reimers W.: Gefüge und Eigenschaften der kurzzeitwärmebehandelten, martensitischen Stähle X39CrMo17 1 und X30CrMoVN15 1. in (DFG, H.W.Bergmann Ed) Kurzzeitmetallurgie (Proc.Conf.) Bayreuth, 18.-19.11.99 (1999) Universität Bayreuth (1999) S.99-116

Angelillo F., Erb K., Fischer A., Kocak M., Lippert P., Ratjen R., Spirowski Th. Schmidt-zum Berge A.: Zerstörungsfreie Röntgenuntersuchung von Laser- und Elektronenstrahlschweißnähten, ZfP-Zeitung, Ausgabe 65, Heft März (1999) S.54-58

Angelillo F., Erb K., Fischer A., Kocak M., Lippert P., Ratjen R., Spirowski Th. Schmidt-zum Berge A.: Non-Destructive Examination of Power Beam-Welds: Development of Defect Catalogue for Power Beam Welds. European Symposium on Assessment of Power Beam Welds, 4.-5. February 1999,GKSS Research Center Geesthacht, Germany (1999)

Brauer H., Erbel R., Fischer A., Hallmann H., Stolprnann J.: Measurement and Numerical Simulation of the Dilatation Behaviour of Coronary Stents. 1. Essener Symposium „Biomaterialien - Grundlagen und klinische Bedeutung", Materialwiss. u. Werkstofftechn., 30 (1999), S.876-885

Pyzalla A., Fischer A., Berns H.: Charakterisierung thermischer Mikroeigenspannungen in partikelverstärkten Metallmatrix-Verbundwerkstoffen durch Experimente und Simulation. In D.Aurich, K.-H.KIoos, G.Lange, E.Macherauch (Eds.)DFG-Forschungsbericht: Eigenspannungen und Verzug durch Wäremeinwirkung Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (1999) S.427-441

Brauer H., Erbel R., Fischer A., Hallmann H., StoIpmann J.: Messung und rechnergestützte Simulation des Verhaltens marktgängiger koronarer Stentsysteme. In: Planck H., Stallforth H. (Hrsg.): Werkstoffe für die Medizintechnik Werkstoffwoche 98, Bd. 4, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (1999) S.125-130

Fischer A., Piotrowski A., Spirowski Th.: Thermometrische Verfahren zur Charakterisierung des Ermüdungsverhaltens metallischer Werkstoffe, Beitrag auf der DGM-Werkstoffwoche 98 vom 12.-15. Oktober 1998 in München, Werkstoffprüfung / Werkstoffwoche 98, Symposium 13, Walter Muster, Rainer Link, Josef Ziebs (Hrsg.), Bd. 10 Werkstoffprüfung, I.Auflage, WILEY-VCH, Weinheim (1999) S.207-212

Angelillo F., Erb K., Fischer A., Ratjen R., Kocak M., Lippert P., Schmidt-zum- Berge A.: X-Ray Non Destructive Examination of Laser and Electron Beam Weld Joints. IIW-Conference, Hamburg (1998), Z.f.P.Zeitung 65 (1999) S.54-58


Piotrowski A., Biallas G.: Influence of Mean Stress on the Fatigue Behaviour of Sintered Steel, Proc. PM98, Granada, 18.-22. Oktober 1998, Vol. 4, (1998) S. 362-367

Cam G., dos Santos J.F., Kocak M., Fischer A., Ratjen R.: Properties of Laser Beam Welded Superalloys Inconel 625 and 718. (Proc.Conf.) ECLAT '98, 21.-23.9.1998, Hannover, Germany, DGM-Informationsgesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt, Germany (1998) S.333-338

Bohne C., Pyzalla A., Reimers W., Heitkemper M., Fischer A.: Influence of Rapid Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Residual Stresses ofTools Steels. ( Proc.Conf.) ECLAT '98,21 .-23.9.1998, Hannover, Germany, DGM-Informationsgesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt, Germany (1998) S.183-188

Biallas G., Piotrowski A.: Significance of Microstructure and Pore Morphology on the Initiation and Growth of Fatigue Cracks in Sintered Steel. Proc. LCF4, Garmisch- Partenkirchen, 7.-11. September 1998; Rie K.-T. und Portella P.D. (Hrsg.), Eisevier Applied Science, London, (1998) S. 333-338

Cam GL., Fischer A., de Vries H., dos Santos J.F., Kocak M.: Investigation on Fracture Toughness of Laser Beam Welded Superalloys. in (Eds.) J.M. Vitek et al. (Proc.Conf.) 5th Int. Conf. on Trends in Welding Research. 1.-5. Juni 1998, Pine Mountains, ASM International, Material Park, Ohio, USA (1999) S.880-886

Denk A., Erbel R., Fischer A., HallmannH., Mahr P.: Untersuchungen zum mechanischen Aufweitungsverhalten von marktgängigen coronaren Stentsystemen. 1. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises „Biomaterialien - Mechanische Eigenschaften von Implantatwerkstoffen" 24.-25.4.1998, DVM, Berlin (1998) S. 141-146


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Biallas G., Piotrowski A.: Influence of sintering temperature on pore morphology, microstructure and fatigue behaviour of a NiCuMo-alloyed sintered steel; Euro PM 97, München (1997) S.107-114 s. a. Powder Metallurgy v 41 n 2 (1998) S.109-114

Goebbeler P., Fischer A.: In-vitro Fatigue Damage Evolution of Cold-Worked 316-TypeAustenitic Implant Steel. (Proc.Conf.) 5th European Conference onAdvanced Materials, Processes and Applications, 21.-23.April, 1997, Maastricht, NL (1997) S.3/593-3/596

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Dahme R., Fischer A.: Röntgenprüfung mit Mikrofokus. (Proc.Conf.) 100 Jahre Röntgenstrahlen und die heutige Vielfalt industrieller ZfP-Praxis. Jahrestagung der DGZfP, 22.-24.5.1995, Aachen, DGZfP, Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin (1995) S. 155-162