Günter Törner - Publikationen Journals

  • (together with B. Rösken)
    Teacher graduation as a means of continuing professional development, Jornal of Mathematics Teacher Education (JMTE), Special Issue on Teacher Change (2009), First Guest Editor Prof. Dr. Laurinda Brown, Bristol University, UK.
  • (together with V. Grotensohn & B. Rösken)
    The Threefold Dilemma of Missing Coherence: Bridging the Artificial Reef between the mainland and some islands. In: Damlamian, A. et. al. (Eds.) Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry, New ICMI Study Series (2013), 157 - 164.
  • (together with M. Bosse)
    Out-of-field teaching mathematics teachers and the ambivalent role of beliefs. A first report from interviews. In: Hannula, M. et. al. Current State of research on mathematical beliefs, MAVI 18 (2013), 341 - 353, Finnish Research Association for Subject Didactics (Helsinki).
  • Looking Back and Ahead – Some Very Subjective Remarks on Research in Mathematics Education. In: Li, Y. & Moschkovich, J.N. (Eds.) Proficiency and Beliefs in Learning and Teaching Mathematics. Learning from Alan Schoenfeld and Günter Törner, (2013) Sense Publishers (New York).
  • The affective domain. In: Andrews, P. & Rowland, T. (2013) The Masterclass in Mathematics Education: International perspectives on Teaching and Learning, 63 - 74, Bloomsbury Academic (London).
  • (together with A. Törner)
    (2012) Underqualified math teachers or out-of-field-teaching in mathematics - a neglectable field of action? In: Blum, W. et. al. Mathematikunterricht im Kontext von Realität, Kultur und Lehrerprofessionalität. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Gabriele Kaiser, 196 - 206. Springer (Berlin).
  • (together with B. Rösken & B. Pepin)
    (2012) Approaches to mathematics teachers professional development - a northern european perspective. In: Gunnarsdottir, G. et. al. (Eds.) Proceedings of NORMA 11, the sixth Nordic conference on mathematics education. May 11-14, 2011, 679 - 685, University of Reykjavik, Iceland Press.
  • (together with B. Rösken & B. Pepin)
    (2011) Beliefs and Beyond - Affect and the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. Editorial. ZDM Mathematics Education 43 (4), 451 - 455.
  • (together with B. Rösken)
    (2010). Epistemological aspects of beliefs. In: Furinghetti, F. & Morselli, F. (Eds.) Proceedings of the conference MAVI-15: Ongoing research on beliefs in mathematics education. September 8-11, 2009 in Genoa, Italy, 111 - 120. University of Genoa, Dept. of Mathematics.
  • (together with K. Rolka, B. Rösken & Bh. Sriraman)
    Understanding a teacher's actions in the classroom by applying Schoenfeld's theory Teaching-In-Context: Reflecting on goals and beliefs. In: English, L. & Sriraman, Bh. (Eds.) Theories of Mathematics Education - Seeking New Frontiers (2010), 401 - 420. Springer (New York).
  • (together with B. Rösken)
    Aspects of accomplished mathematics teaching reflected as characteristics of a signature pedagogy. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, USA.
  • (together with B. Rösken & G. Goldin)
    (2009) Professionalism and Identity: On the Structured Nature of Affect, Motivation and Beliefs. PME 34, Annual Conference, Belo Horizonte.
  • Epistemological aspects of beliefs. In: Furinghetti, F. & Morselli, F. (Edts.), MAVI-15: Ongoing research on beliefs in mathematical education. Proceedings of the conference, University of Genova, September 08 - 11, 2009. pp 111 - 120, Italy: Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Genova.
  • (together with B. Rösken)
    (2009). 'Blended Learning' as a mean to initiative developmental processes in teacher learning. Paper presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, USA.
  • (together with B. Rösken)
    (2009). Beliefs of university teachers of mathematics revisited as empistemological world views.
  • (together with V. Gondek & B. Rösken)
    (2008). Algebra vs. analysis: University students' views on the role of proofs. In: Lin, F.-L.; Hanna, G. & de Villiers, M. (Eds.) Proof and proving in Mathematics Education. 1, 178 - 183. National Taiwan Normal University, Dept. of Mathematics (Taipeh).
  • (together with K. Hoechsmann)
    (2008). The fifteen puzzle. A new approach to its solution.
  • (together with K. Rolka)
    (2008). Linking epistemological views between psychology and mathematics education - the case of empirical data of mathematics teachers from the two view points.
  • Kein Kinderspiel. Unikate - Universität Duisburg-Essen. Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre 33 (2008), 42-53.
  • (together with G. Goldin & B. Rösken)
    (2008). Beliefs - no longer a hidden variable in mathematical teaching and learning processes. In J. Maaß & W. Schlöglmann (Eds.), Beliefs and Attitudes in Mathematics Education: New Research Results (pp. 1-18). Rotterdam: Sense Publisher.
  • (together with K. Rolka, B. Rösken & Bh. Sriraman)
    (2008). On the internal structure of goals and beliefs. The University of Montana - Department of Mathematical Sciences, Technical Report 20, (pp. 1-10). Retrieved August 19, 2008 from http://www.umt.edu/math/reports/sriraman/2008_abstract_20.html
  • (together with K. Hoechsmann and B. Rösken)
    (2008). Pedagogies in action: the role of mathematics teachers professional routines. Paper presented at the Symposium on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of ICMI (Rome, 5-8 March 2008). Retrieved November 7, 2008 from http://www.unige.ch/math/EnsMath/Rome2008/WG2/Papers/ROHOTO.pdf.
  • (together with Sriraman)
    (2008). Political Union / Mathematics Educational Disunion: Building Bridges in European Didactic Traditions. Chapter 25: Political Union / Mathematics Educational Disunion: Building Bridges in European Didactic Traditions. English, L. (Ed.),Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education (2nd Edition), pp. 656-690. Milton Park: Routledge Education. ISBN 9780805858761.
  • (together with B. Rösken)
    (2008). 'Mathematics Done Differently' - An Innovative Approach to Furthering the Professional Development of German Teachers. Paper presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York.
  • (together with K. Reiss) (2007). Problem Solving in the Mathematics Classroom: The German Perspective. In: Törner, G.; Schoenfeld, A.H.; Reiss, K. Problem solving around the world: summing up the state of art. ZDM Mathematics Education 39, 431-441.
  • (together with K. Reiss & A. Schoenfeld)
    (Eds.) (2007). Problem Solving Arround the World? Summing up the State of Art. ZDM Mathematics Education 39 (5-6) (2 Issues).
  • (together with Sriraman, Bh.)
    (2007). A contemporary analysis of the six 'Theories of Mathematics Education' thesis of Hans-Georg Steiner. ZDM Mathematics Education 39 (1-2), 155- 163.
  • (together with B. Rösken)
    Beliefs of university teachers of mathematics - revisited as epistemological world views. Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Metting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) , Chicago.
  • (together with B. Sriraman)
    (2006). Political Union / Mathematics Educational Disunion: Building Bridges in European Didactic Traditions. To appear in Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education (2nd Edition).
  • (together with M. Kleine, Chr. Gross & B. Sriraman)
    (Eds.) (2006). Selected papers from the 2006 German annual meeting of mathematics education at Osnabrück. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik - International Reviews on Mathematical Education 38 (October), Number 6. 434-505.
  • (together with K. Rolka & S. Wüllner)
    Die fachmathematische Struktur als 'Auffangnetz' - Analyse einer Unterrichtsstunde im Lichte von Schoenfeld´s Theorie 'Teaching-In-Context'. In Kaune, C.; Schwank, I.; Sjuts, J. (Eds.) Mathematikdidaktik im Wissenschaftsgefüge: Zum Verstehen und Unterrichten mathematischen Denkens. Osnabrück: Schriftenreihe des Forschungsinstituts für Mathematikdidaktik Nr. 40.2. S. 155-168.
  • (together with Sriraman, B.)
    (2006). A brief historical comparison of tendencies in mathematics didactics / Education in Germany and United States. To appear in Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 38 (1), 14-21.
  • (together with Rolka, K.; Rösken, B.; Schoenfeld, A.)
    (2006). Teacher monologue as a safety net: Examining a German mathematics classroom situation through the lens of Schoenfeld's theory of teaching in context. Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, USA, April 07-11, 2006.
  • Törner, G. et al. (2005). Video-based research on mathematics teaching and learning: Research in the context of video. In Lloyd, G.M.; Wilson, M.; Wilkins, J.L.M., & Brehm, S.L. (2005), Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) - North America Chapter (PME-NA) at Roanoke, Virginia (October 20-23, 2005), 11 pages. Roanoke: Virginia Tech.
  • (together with M. Kleine, Chr. Gross & B. Sriraman)
    Teaching mathematics between standards and individual learning - selected papers from the 2005 German annual meeting of mathematics education. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik - International Reviews on Mathematical Education 37 (October 2005), Number 5. 335 - 449. (Eds.) (2005)
  • (together with M. Kleine; Chr. Gross & B. Sriraman)
    Current topics within the international mathematics education research. Zentralblatt für Mathematikdidaktik (ZDM) 37 (3), 129 - 262.(Eds.) (2005)
  • (together with B. Rösken)
    Some characteristics of mental representations of the integral concept: An empirical study to reveal images and definitions. In Chick, H.L.; & Vincent, J.L. (Eds.), 2005. Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. University of Melbourne, Australia, July 10-15, 2005. Volume I (pp. 274). Melbourne: Department of Science and Mathematics Education, University of Melbourne.
  • (together with B. Sriraman, B.)
    Issues and tendencies in German mathematics-didactics: An epochal perspective. In Chick, H.L.; & Vincent, J.L. (Eds.), 2005. Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. University of Melbourne, Australia, July 10-15, 2005. Volume I (pp. 197-202). Melbourne: Department of Science and Mathematics Education, University of Melbourne.
  • Epistemologische Beliefs? State-of-Art-Bemerkungen zu einem aktuellen mathematikdidaktischen Forschungsthema vor dem Hintergrund der Schraw-Olafson-Debatte. In Henn, W. (Eds.), In H.-W. Henn, G. Kaiser (Eds.): Mathematikunterricht im Spannungsfeld von Evolution und Evaluation Festschrift Werner Blum) p. 308-323. Hildesheim: Franzbecker.
  • (together with L. Bauer & K. Rolka)
    Mentale Repräsentationen von Irrationalzahlen - eine Analyse von Schülerinnenaufsätzen. 2005. Journal für Mathematikdidaktik 26 (1) p. 3-27.
  • (together with K. Hoechsmann)
    Schisms, breaks, and islands - seeking bridges over troubled waters: a subjective view from Germany. In McDougall, D. (Eds.), 2004. Proceedings of the 26th Conference for the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) - North America Chapter (PME-NA) at Toronto (October 2004), Vol. 3, (p. 993--1001).
  • Epistemological dimensions for knowledge systems of teachers - the case of linear functions. Research Report. International Congress for Mathematics Education. Kopenhagen. 2004.
  • (together with E. Pehkonen)
    Methodological Considerations on Investigating Teachers' Beliefs of Mathematics and Its Teaching. Norma Mathematics Education 9 (2004), 21 - 49.
  • Mathematische Weltbilder und ihr Einfluss auf Bildung. In Wissenschaftler und Verantwortung - Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Verantwortung in der Wissenschaft (GVW) 12 (2004), Heft 3, 15-29.
  • (together with Hoechsmann)
    Obstacles for mental representations of real numbers: observations for a case study. In Pateman, N.A., Dougherty, B.J.; & Zillliox, J.T. (Eds.), 2003. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference for the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) held jointly with the 25th Conference of PME-NA 25 at Honolulu (Hawaii) (July 13 - 18, 2003) (Vol. 4, pp. 307 - 314).
  • Schwierigkeiten bei der mentalen Repräsentation von irrationalen Zahlen - Beobachtungen aus einer Fallstudie mit Schülern. In Henn, W. (Ed.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht. Vorträge auf der 37. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik vom 3. bis 7. März 2003 in Dortmund. Volume 37 (2003), 629 - 632. Hildesheim: div-Verlag Franzbecker.
  • (together with K. Scholz)
    Naive Schülervorstellungen zum Mächtigkeitsbegriff von Zahlbereichen. In Henn, W. (Ed.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht. Vorträge auf der 37. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik vom 3. bis 7. März 2003 in Dortmund. Volume 37 (2003), 569 - 572. Hildesheim: div-Verlag Franzbecker.
  • (together with K. Scholz)
    Vorstellungen zur Mächtigkeit von Zahlbereichen - Beobachtungen aus einer Fallstudie über reelle Zahlen bei Schülern und Studenten. In L. Hefendehl & S. Hußmann (Eds.) 2003. Mathematikdidaktik zwischen Fachorientierung und Empirie - Festschrift für Norbert Knoche (p. 238 - 248). Hildesheim: Franzbecker.
  • Mathematical Beliefs - A Search for a Common Ground: Some Theoretical Considerations on Structuring Beliefs, Some Research Questions, and Some Phenomenological Observations. In G. Leder, E. Pehkonen & G. Törner (Eds.) Beliefs - a hidden variable in mathematics education? (pp. 73 - 94). Dordrecht: Kluwer Publications 2002.
  • Epistemologische Grundüberzeugungen - verborgene Variablen beim Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik. Der Mathematikunterricht 48, Heft 4 / 5 (2002), 106 - 130.
  • (together with P. Berger)
    Zur mentalen Repräsentation von Mathematikwissen. In Peschek, W. (Hrsg.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht. Vorträge auf der 36. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik vom 5. bis 9. März 2002 in Klagenfurt. Volume 36 (2002), 103 - 106. Hildesheim: div-Verlag Franzbecker.
  • Allgemeinbildung durch Naturwissenschaften - die immanente Rolle der Mathematik. In G. Schäfer et al. (GDNÄ) (Eds.), Allgemeinbildung durch Naturwissenschaften. (S. 24 - 26). Köln: Aulis Deubner.
  • Narration as a Tool for Analyzing Beliefs on Calculus - A Case Study. In Hitt, F. & Santos, M. (Ed.). Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (October 22 - October 26, 1999) at Cuernava (Mexico) (Vol. 2, pp. 673 - 682). Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics and Environmental.
  • (together with E. Pehkonen)
    Teachers' professional development: what are the key factors for mathematics teachers to change? European Journal of Teacher Education 22 (1999) 2/3, 259 - 275.
  • Views on Mathematics held by University Teachers of Mathematical Sciences. Manuskript.
  • (together with S. Grigutsch)
    Mathematische Weltbilder von Hochschul-Lehrenden im Fach Mathematik. Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Mathematik, Universität Duisburg, 415  (1998).
  • Self-estimating Teachers' Views on Mathematics Teaching - Modifying Dionne's Approach. In Dossey, J. A.; Swafford, J. O. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (October 30 - November 3, 1998) at Rayleigh/Durham (Vol. 2, pp. 627 - 634). Columbus (OH): ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education.
  • (together with E. Pehkonen)
    Teacher's Beliefs on Mathematics Teaching Assessed with the Dionne Method: a case study. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the GDM. Developments in Mathematics Education in German-speaking Countries - Selected Papers from the Annual Conference on Didactics of Mathematics, Munich, 1998.
  • Views of German Mathematics Teachers on Mathematics. In: Dossey, J. A., Swafford, J. O. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education} (October 18 - 21, 1997) at Illinois University Bloomington / Normal (Vol. I, pp. 275 - 281). Columbus (OH): ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education.
  • Changes in mathematical views of first-year-university students. In: Pehkonen, E. (Ed.), Current State of Research on Mathematical Beliefs. Proceedings of the MAVI-Workshop 3, University of Helsinki, August 23 - 26, 1996, Research Report 170 (1996), 90 - 96, Helsinki: Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki
  • Mathematische Weltbilder von Lehrern. In: Müller, K. P. (Hrsg.), Vorträge auf der 30. Bundestagung für Didaktik vom 4. bis 8. März 1996 in Regensburg, Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 30 (1996), 433 - 436, Hildesheim: Franzbecker
  • 'Basic concepts of mathematical contents' and 'mathematical worldviews' as didactical conceptualizations. In: Törner, G. (Ed.), Current State of Research on Mathematical Beliefs. Proceedings of the MAVI-Workshop 2, University of Duisburg, March 8-11,1996, Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Mathematik, Universität Duisburg 341 (1996), 57 - 66 (ME 97a.00582)
  • (together with E. Pehkonen)
    Literature on mathematical beliefs, Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Mathematik, Universität Duisburg 340 (1996) (ME 97a.00514)
  • (together with E. Pehkonen)
    On the structure of mathematical belief systems, Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 28 (1996) 4, 109 - 112 (ME 96e.03570)
  • (together with E. Pehkonen)
    Mathematical beliefs and their meaning for the teaching and learning of mathematics, Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 28 (1996) 4, 101 - 108 (ME 96e.03571)
  • (together with E. Pehkonen)
    Introduction to the theme: Mathematical beliefs, Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 28 (1996) 4, 99 - 100 (ME 96e.03361)
  • (together with S. Grigutsch & U. Raatz)
    Mathematische Weltbilder bei Mathematiklehrern, Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Mathematik, Universität Duisburg 296 (1995) & Journal für Mathematikdidaktik 19 (1998), 3 - 45 (ME 96c.02230)
  • Welche Faktoren verändern Lehrerverhalten? In: Müller, K. P. (Hrsg.), Vorträge auf der 29. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik vom 6. bis 10. März 1995 in Kassel, Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 29 (1995), 480 - 483
  • Factors for change in teachers' conceptions about mathematics. Research Report, Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki, 141 (1995), 174 - 179
  • (together with E. Pehkonen)
    Development of teachers' conceptions about mathematics teaching: Which are key experiences for the change of conceptions, Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Mathematik, Universität Duisburg 270 (1994) (ME 95a.00192)
  • (together with S. Grigutsch)
    'Mathematische Weltbilder' bei Studienanfängern - Quintessenz einer Erhebung - Festband zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Vollrath, (1994), 237 - 245, Stuttgart: Klett
  • (together with S. Grigutsch)
    Einstellungen und Haltungen bei Studienanfängern Journal für Mathematikdidaktik 15 (1994), 211 - 251 (ME 95a.00171)
  • (together with U. Zielinski)
    Problemlösen als integraler Bestandteil des Mathematikunterrichts - Einblicke und Konsequenzen, Journal für Mathematikdidaktik 13 (1992), 253 - 270 (ME 92h.00845)
  • (together with W. Szetela)
    Assessment of critical analysis in problem solving, (1991), European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Turku: Finnland
  • (together with H. O. Weiler)
    Fachbibliographie zur Linearen Algebra, Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe (1986) (MathDi 86i.05898)
  • Über das Verhältnis von Geometrie und Lineare Algebra - eine Analyse. In: a Campo, A. (Ed.) 7. Fachleitertagung für Mathematik 1980 (1980), Hamburg: Deutscher Verein zur Förderung des mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts
  • Über freie Gruppen mit wenigen Erzeugenden, Didaktik der Mathematik 2 (1974), 127 - 138