Ph. D. Student
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Group Members - __________ STAFF __________
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Bovensiepen
- Christina Boese
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten
- Dr. Alexander Tarasevitch
- Dr. Ping Zhou
- Dr. Andrea Eschenlohr
- Rauesch Barzangi
- ________ POSTDOCS ________
- Dr. Jesumony Jayabalan
- Dr. Tanusree Saha
- _____ PH. D. Candidates _____
- Florian Denizer
- Hamed Abbasi
- Mahendra Kabbinahithlu
- Newsha Vesalimahmoud
- Thies Albert
- Vivek Mondal
- Rajdwip Bhar
- Dominik Kaczmarek
- _________ ALUMNI _________
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