Home of the Postcolonial Studies Section
Chair of Postcolonial Studies
Prof. Dr. Patricia Plummer
Room: R12 R05 B40
Tel.: 0201/ 183-3406
Fax: 0201/ 183-6507
Prof. Dr. Plummer ist im Sommersemester 2024 im Forschungssemester und vom 07.-30.08. im Urlaub. Studierende der Lehrveranstaltungen von Frau Ulfat wenden sich mit ihren Anliegen an Frau Dr. Althans, die die Vertretung übernimmt: katrin.althans@uni-due.de
Postcolonial Studies
The Postcolonial Studies section engages with academics, writers and artists by hosting Conferences and Guest Lectures , Postcolonial Writers in Residence and Artist Talks. Moreover, the section regularly offers excursions to diverse cultural institutions, and has curated Exhibitions. Postgraduate Research Workshops provide students with the chance to interact with visiting researchers, often in collaboration with the Essen Gender Research Institute.