Current Projects

JUROP: Youth and Europe - Between Polarisation and Cohesion

Duration: 2020-2023

Sponsor: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)



Europe as a continent, and even more so the European Union (EU) as a political union of the majority of European states, are experiencing difficult times. Against this backdrop, the proposed project, with reference to the thematic area "Perception and communication of cohesion", investigates the question of how young people in Germany experience democratic cohesion in Europe and the EU, what their attitude to it is and which factors influence it. The focus is on young people as those who will live in the future Europe and help shape it. In addition to Europe- and EU-related orientations and behaviors of young people, the project pays special attention to populist attitudes and the susceptibility to such attitudes. At the individual level, populist attitudes are seen as a significant factor influencing Europe- and EU-related attitudes and behaviors. On the contextual level, family and peer-related as well as media influences are taken into account. The project is particularly interested in the impact of school factors, since school is a relevant place of learning as well as a mediating instance with a wide reach. The results of the empirical work will not only provide information for the scientific field and the general public, but will also lead to various events and the development of mediation formats already during the project period.

PIs: Philipp Jugert (UDE), Peter Noack und Katharina Eckstein (FSU Jena), Janine Dieckmann (IDZ Jena)

Project staff: Anna-Maria Mayer



SIGN - School integration of newly arrived children

Duration: 2020-2023

Sponsor: Mercator Research Center Ruhr (MERCUR)


Description:  The primary school years are extremely relevant for successful educational careers. Therefore, the project focuses on this school period with the aim of identifying resilience-promoting aspects to enable a successful transition to secondary school.

The focus of the planned study on children with refugee and migration experience and their special challenges is A) on the investigation of the influences of family as well as out-of-school contexts of the children on educational participation and integration; B) on the quality of the social relationships these children develop with teachers and peers and the associated support, which should have a positive impact on their learning motivation and school performance; and C) on multiple conditioning factors of transitions to school forms with Abitur option, taking into account potential, competencies and educational aspirations. To investigate the questions, surveys will take place in fourth grades.

PI: Philipp Jugert (UDE), Nele McElvany (TU Dortmund), Birgit Leyendecker (Ruhruni Bochum)

Project Staff: Francesca Ialuna (UDE)

The effects of teacher-based ethnic-racial discrimination on student well-being and academic outcome: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Duration: 2020-2023

Description: Although research has overwhelmingly demonstrated the negative consequences of racial-ethnic discrimination on children’s and youth’s well-being and academic outcomes, context- and perpetrator-specific discrimination experiences are rarely disaggregated. Racial-ethnic discrimination in the school environment is common, and the perpetrators are often teachers who may treat racial-ethnic minority students unfairly. This work used a three-level multilevel approach to meta-analytically synthesize existing evidence with the aim of 1) documenting the links between teacher-based racial-ethnic discrimination (TBRED) and students’ psychological, behavioral, physical well-being, substance use, grade point average and school motivation, and 2) examining whether these associations differ by sample and study characteristics.

PIs: Sauro Civitillo (Utrecht University), Philipp Jugert (UDE), Anna-Maria Mayer (UDE)


Socialization of Intergroup Attitudes and Ethnicity in Germany. Goals and Practices of Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Families from Turkey


Duration: 2020-2024

Sponsor: Stiftung Mercator (Gerhard Mercator Graduate Colleg for Cosmopolitanism, tolerance and public spirit)Mercator Logo

Projectpartner: Leipziger Forschungszentrum für Frühkindliche Entwicklung, Carolin Hagelskamp (Berlin)


"Racial-ethnic socialization" has so far been researched primarily in the U.S.. Little is known about the situation in Europe and especially in Germany. The project examines the transmission of intergroup attitudes and ethnicity in different life contexts in Germany.
The focus in the first part is on parents as essential socialization agents of their children. In qualitative interviews, parents of elementary school children in Duisburg and Leipzig are asked about their socialization goals and practices with regard to belonging, culture, and intergroup attitudes. Parents without migration experience and parents with migration history from Turkey will be interviewed.

In addition, the second part of the project will examine transmission processes in the interaction between parents and their children in situational terms.

PIs: Marie J. Kaiser, Philipp Jugert

Campus Essen



University of Duisburg-Essen
Faculty for Educational Sciences
Departement of Psychology
Chair for Intercultural Psychology - Migration and Integration

Campus Essen
Gebäude S06 S03

45141 Essen