Intercultural Psychology Group - Migration and Integration

Our research
Intercultural Psychology researches human experience and behavior in situations in which people come into contact with different cultures.
The research topics of the group are at the interface of social and developmental psychology and focus on the development of children and adolescents in the context of ethnic diversity. The research focus of the group is on intergroup relations, identity development, acculturation and educational processes, and political socialization.

Our Team
With our team's research, we want to contribute to children and young people's social participation and political participation in a plural and diverse society. To this end, we use a broad spectrum of methods, ranging from quantitative methods (longitudinal and diary studies) to qualitative methods (interviews/focus group, discourse analysis).

In our courses, we aim to provide students with basic knowledge of central models and findings in intercultural psychology as well as skills for critical reception and application of intercultural research in their professional practice.
Ialuna, F., Civitillo, S., McElvany, N., Leyendecker, B., & Jugert, P. (in press). Resilience in multicultural classrooms: school relationships can protect the school adjustment of immigrant, refugee and non-immigrant children. British Journal of Educational Psychology. (Open Access).
Ialuna, F., Civitillo, S., Schachner, M., & Jugert, P. (2024). Culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy and cultural diversity climate are positively associated with the academic and psychological adjustment of immigrant and non-immigrant students. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology (Open Access | Paywall).
Ialuna, F., Civitillo, S., & Jugert, P, (2024). Culturally Responsive Teaching, Teacher-Student Relationship and School Belongingness: A Multi-Informant Study in Ethnically Diverse Classrooms. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 47.
Civitillo, S., & Jugert, P. (2023). Zooming in on everyday ethnic-racial discrimination: A review of experience sampling methodology studies in adolescence. European Journal of Developmental Psychology (Open Access).
Civitillo, S., Mayer, A.-M., & Jugert, P. (2023). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the associations between perceived teacher-based racial-ethnic discrimination and student well-being and academic outcomes. Journal of Educational Psychology. (Open Access | Paywall)
Kaiser, M. J., Moffitt, U., Hagelskamp, C., & Jugert, P. (2023). 'Tolerance is inherent to our family': White German parents' racial-ethnic socialization in an East German city. Applied Developmental Science (Open Access | Paywall).
Mayer, A.-M., Neubauer, A., & Jugert, P. (2023). What is in the news today? How media-related affect shapes adolescents’ stance towards the EU. Journal of Adolescence, 95(8), 1553-1563. (Open Access).
Spiegler, O., Zingora, T., & Jugert, P. (2023). Classroom ethnic diversity, teacher support and peer victimization: Evidence from four European countries. Infant and Child Development (Open Access).