B.Sc. Electrical and Electronic Engineering (B-EEE)



Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (B-EEE)

Programme Commencement

winter semester

Standard Duration

6 semesters (3 years)

Place of Studies

Campus Duisburg 


Accredited by ASIIN


Electrical engineering and information technology are two of the most important areas of today’s economy. Engineers trained in Germany are seen as experts in these technologies and are in high demand worldwide. The aim of this Bachelor’s course is to prepare students for professional roles previously taken by graduates of diploma courses in these subjects. The level of education and mandated study hours of the Bachelor’s course mean that graduates can take on roles typically found in non-technical areas. These include roles with manufacturing firms relating to the servicing, testing, manufacture, sales, project planning, consultancy and marketing of electrical engineering components, equipment and systems. Other roles may involve the specification, procurement, testing and integration, as well as operation and maintenance, of components, equipment and systems with client firms and service providers.

The wide range of employment areas requires an equally broad-based education in

  • The mathematical and natural science principles necessary for technology-based subjects;
  • Engineering principles of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science, as well as in-depth training in the core areas of electrical engineering:
    • Electrical power engineering;
    • Communications technology;
    • Electronics.

Additional non-technical subjects are designed to enhance the employability of graduates who will go on to work in teams and whose products must be able to compete on international markets.

The Bachelor’s degree should also equip students for lifelong learning and involvement with new areas of work. It will also prepare them for continued study in the form of a Master’s degree.

Graduates will:

  • Master basic engineering and natural science principles and methods and the thinking that lies behind them;
  • Master the basic specialist principles of messaging and communications technology;
  • Master basic specialist principles of high voltage engineering and be able to handle electrical current safely and responsibly;
  • Master the basic specialist principles of computer engineering;
  • Master the basic specialist principles of semi-conductor technology;
  • Master the basic specialist principles of control engineering;
  • Will be able to pursue their preference for a commercial or academic career via their choice of electives;
  • Will have an enhanced general education with advanced language skills in German or English as well as increased employability from learning teamworking and communication skills;
  • Gain experience of their chosen profession and will be in a position of critically assess technical information and professional practice and the way they relate to each other;
  • Gain experience of applying scientific methods to deal independently with problems from the area of electrical engineering and information technology within a specific timeframe, and be able to present the issues clearly.


ECTS Credits

The B.Sc. programme has been completed when 180 ECTS credits have been acquired.

  • 128 ECTS credits in the technical compulsory course units
  • 5 ECTS credits in the technical elective module
  • 6 ECTS credits for a practical project
  • 13 ECTS credits in the non-technical module
  • 13 ECTS credits for the internship
  • 12 ECTS credits for the bachelor thesis
  • 3 ECTS credits for the bachelor thesis colloquium

Study Plan

Study Plan Bachelor Electrical and Electronic Engineering


time table