Work with us

Open Positions
Update 14.10.2024:
Open PostDoc position within the research profile "Natural Water to Hydrogen". We are looking for experts in electrocatalytic materials characterization. You will have the opportunity to independently work in a team of 10 Post-Docs in order to investigate and understand the role of organic and inorganic impurities on the elctrocatalytic activity. More details can be found here: Link
Theses and Internships
Our group is an interdisciplinary working group of engineers and chemists who focus on the synthesis and processing of nanomaterials and catalysts using high-power short- and ultrashort-pulsed lasers. From these nanoparticles we synthesize catalysts and/or further modify their composion and defect density by controlled laser-processing in order to write defects or dope other elements with pulse-by-pulse precision. Due to the high laser power reaching up to 400 W we not only process the nanomaterials with high precision and purity but also achieve g/h-scale thoughputs making our synthesis not only very controlled but also productive enough to perform catalytical tests in an industrial context (with our cooperation partner). Given our excellent equipment of laser sources and analytical devices, we perform different projects and research endavours ranging from fundamental studies into applied research and development of catalysts and energy materials.
In this context, we always offer Master-/Bachelor-Theses, internships or student research projects which can be adapted to your requirements.
If you are interested just get in touch with us by email or phone.