Feminist Conversations

Feminist Conversations is dedicated to fostering meaningful discussions around gender-related issues and creating a space for women to engage in these important conversations. The events are created by, for, and with women across all status groups. Feel free to bring your thoughts, questions, and perspectives to contribute to the dialogue!

Past events

"Rage and Retro: How Hollywood keeps failing women"

07 February 2024

6.30 to 7.30pm

S06 S01 B35, Campus Essen


How do you get there?

Casino (im Gästehaus) https://www.uni-due.de/de/universitaet/gebaeude_essen_gaestehaus.php

Other rooms on Campus Essen https://www.uni-due.de/imperia/md/content/dokumente/lageplaene/lageplan_essen_campus.jpg

24. Januar 2024

"Frauen leben länger, aber wovon? Der Gender Pension Gap und seine Ursachen

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Ute Klammer


13. Dezember 2023

"Beyond Words - Investigating Gender and Age Biases through Sociolinguistic Research"

Vortrag und Diskussion mit Johanna Mechler. More in this blog post https://blogs.uni-due.de/lifespanchange/2024/01/11/lavali-and-feminism/


8. November 2023

Invisible Women – Unsichtbare Frauen

Eine erste Kennenlernrunde