Johanna Mechler

Johanna Mechler studied English and Biology at Leipzig University, Germany, from which she obtained her First State Examinations (teaching degree for secondary schools) and MA in Anglophone Studies in 2018. In her graduation thesis she focused on language variation and change, mainly investigating the (in)stability of (ing) across the lifespan of six individuals from the Tyneside area. She then proceeded with her “Referendariat” (18 months teaching practice), receiving her Second State Examinations in 2019.
In 2020, Johanna joined the Sociolinguistics Lab at the University of Duisburg-Essen, where she is currently pursuing her PhD on age effects on language perception under the supervision of Prof. Isabelle Buchstaller (University Duisburg-Essen). In 2022, she spent six months at the Ohio State University as a Fulbright visiting researcher (advisor: Prof. Kathryn Campbell-Kibler).
45141 Essen
Doktorand/in, Anglistik: Linguistik II - English Linguistics & Language History
Current lectures
No current lectures.
Past lectures (max. 10)
The following publications are listed in the online university bibliography of the University of Duisburg-Essen. Further information may also be found on the person's personal web pages.
Post-educator relaxation in the U-shaped curve : Evidence from a panel study of Tyneside (ing)In: Language Variation and Change Vol. 35 (2023) Nr. 3, pp. 325 - 350Online Full Text: (Open Access)
Towards an Empirically-based Model of Age-graded Behaviour : Trac(ing) linguistic malleability across the entire adult life-spanIn: University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 28 (2022) Nr. 2, pp. 101 - 110
[In]stability in the use of a stable variableIn: Linguistics Vanguard Vol. 5 (2019) Nr. s2, pp. 20180024Online Full Text: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Age grading across 42 years of panel data from the North East of EnglandIn: Corpora for Language and Aging Research 4: CLARe 4 in Helsinki, Finland ; 27 February – 1 March 2019 ; Book of Abstracts / Corpora for Language and Aging Research ; CLARe ; 27.02.-01.03.2019, Helsinki / Lindholm, Camilla; Gerstenberg, Annette (Eds.) (2019) pp. 8 - 9
Age-graded patterns in the realisation of (ing) : Expanding the window of analysis into middle and old ageIn: UK Language Variation and Change 12: Book of Abstracts / 12th UK Language Variation and Change Conference ; UKLVC 12 ; 3-5 September 2019, London (2019) pp. 40
[In]stability in the use of a stable variable across the life-span : Evidence from TynesideIn: 8th Northern Englishes Workshop 2018: Book of Abstracts / Northern Englishes Workshop ; 27th-28th March 2018, Newcastle (2018) pp. 1
Exploring the effect of linguistic architecture and heuristic method in panel analysisIn: Language Variation and Language Change Across the Lifespan: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives from Panel Studies / Beaman, Karen V; Buchstaller, Isabelle (Eds.) 2021, pp. 185 - 208
Journal articles
Book articles / Proceedings papers
- Language perception and cognition
- Language change across the lifespan
- Methods in panel research and sociolinguistic experiments
- Northern English dialects
10/2022. “U-shaped curve meets linguistic professionalism: Mapping the realisation of (ing) across 50 years”. James Grama, Isabelle Buchstaller, Johanna Mechler, Lea Bauernfeind, Mirjam Eiswirth. NWAV50, Stanford University
08/2022. “Exploring effects of age and gender in sociolinguistic perception: Evidence from Tyneside English”. Johanna Mechler. Methods XVII, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. [Young Scholar Award (3rd place)]
04/2022. “Age-based perception of linguistic variability in Tyneside English: Towards a lifespan perspective on language processing”. Johanna Mechler. ICLaVE11, University of Vienna
04/2022. “Life-span trajectories in the realization of (ING): A dynamic perspective”. Isabelle Buchstaller, James Grama, Johanna Mechler, Mirjam Eiswirth. ICLaVE11, University of Vienna
03/2022. “Effects of speaker and listener age on professionalism rat(ing)s: A study from the North-East of England”. Johanna Mechler. CLARe5, University of Alaska
10/2021. “Towards an empirically-based model of age-graded behaviour: Explor(ing) linguistic malleability across the entire adult life-span”. Johanna Mechler, James Grama, Lea Bauernfeind, Mirjam Eiswirth, Isabelle Buchstaller. NWAV49, University of Texas at Austin
09/2021. “Explor(ing) age-grading: A dynamic model for testing linguistic malleability across the entire adult life-span” (poster). Lea Bauernfeind, Johanna Mechler, James Grama, Mirjam Eiswirth, Isabelle Buchstaller. UKLVC13, University of Glasgow
09/2021. “Age effects on sociolinguistic perception of (ing) in Tyneside English”. Johanna Mechler. UKLVC13, University of Glasgow
06/2021. “Relevance of age in sociolinguistic perception: Evidence from Tyneside English”. Johanna Mechler. Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference 21, University of Edinburgh
04/2021. “Methodological challenges in sociolinguistic perception research”. Johanna Mechler. STaPs17, Freiburg University
09/2019. “Age-graded patterns in the realisation of (ing): Expanding the window of analysis into middle and old age”. Johanna Mechler, Isabelle Buchstaller. UKLVC12, Queen Mary University of London
02/2019. “Age grading across 42 years of panel data from the North East of England”. Johanna Mechler, Isabelle Buchstaller. CLARe4, University of Helsinki
03/2018. “[In]stability in the use of a stable variable”. Johanna Mechler, Isabelle Buchstaller. NEW8, Newcastle University