CENIDE Early Career Fellow
CENIDE Early Career Fellow describes a CENIDE membership for postdoctoral scientists who should not yet hold a permanent position or junior professorship, but are already working on an independent project and have innovative ideas for CENIDE.
Criteria/Framework Conditions
- Postdoctoral Researcher (completion of PhD within the last four years*).
- No permanent position or junior professorship
- Active participation in a research project
- Innovative ideas for CENIDE
- High level of motivation and professional competence
- Duration 2 years
- One-time extension by 2 years possible, only upon application
- After expiration, an "upgrade" will be considered, if permanent position or professorship is in prospect
* = parental leave or sick leave is not taken into account
- Increased visibility within CENIDE, but also externally (website, social media, CENIDE Conference)
- Internal and interdisciplinary networking & exchange with other CENIDE members
- Promotion of one's own research project and personality
- Financial support from CENIDE
Required documents
- Letter of motivation (What is the added value of a CENIDE membership as an Early Career Fellow for me? What are the expectations towards CENIDE?)
- Curriculum Vitae
- List of publications
For any question regarding the membership or for application please send an e-mail to Dr. Tobias Teckentrup (tobias.teckentrup@uni-due.de).
Current Members

Tista Roy Chaudhuri
Faculty of Chemistry
CENIDE Early Career Fellow
- Room:
- S05 V01 E14
- Tel.:
- +49 201 183 6843
- E-Mail:
- r.tista@gmail.com
- Website:
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/tista-roy-chaudhuri-42687045/

Dr. rer. nat.
Zhipeng Huang
Faculty of Physics
CENIDE Early Career Fellow
- Room:
- MG463
- Tel.:
- +49 (203) 379-4694
- E-Mail:
- zhipeng.huang@uni-due.de
- Website:
- zhipeng-huang.netlify.app

André Olean-Oliveira
Faculty of Chemistry
CENIDE Early Career Fellow
- Room:
- NETZ 4.05
- Tel.:
- +49 (203) 379 8208
- E-Mail:
- andre.oliveira@cec.mpg.de
- Website:
- www.uni-due.de/tech3chem

Vineetha Vinayakumar
Faculty of Engineering
CENIDE Early Career Fellow
- Room:
- Tel.:
- +49 (203) 379 8207
- E-Mail:
- vineetha.vinayakumar@uni-due.de
- Website:
- www.uni-due.de/empi/pst

Jan Wegner
Faculty of Engineering
CENIDE Early Career Fellow
- Room:
- MA 128A
- Tel.:
- +49 203 37-93075
- E-Mail:
- jan.wegner@uni-due.de
- Website:
- www.uni-due.de/fertigungstechnik/mitarbeiter_jwegner.php

Seung-Jin Baik
Faculty of Engineering
CENIDE Early Career Fellow
- Room:
- NETZ 1.04
- Tel.:
- +49 (203) 379 8094
- E-Mail:
- seung.baik@uni-due.de
- Website:
- www.uni-due.de/empi/cfd

Claudia-Francisca Lopez-Camara
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology
CENIDE Early Career Fellow
- Room:
- Gemini South 2.132 (Building 15)
- Tel.:
- E-Mail:
- c.f.lopez.camara@tue.nl
- Website:
- www.tue.nl/en/research/research-groups/power-flow

Pradeep Kodimana Ramakrishnan
Department of Chemistry
Northwestern University
CENIDE Early Career Fellow
- Room:
- Tech K259, 2145 North Sheridan Road Evanston, IL, USA, 60208
- Tel.:
- +1(773)800-5762
- E-Mail:
- pradeep.kodimanaramakrishnan@northwestern.edu
- Website: