Early Career

Welcome to CENIDE's Early Career Support

Here you will find summarized information about the support of scientists, such as all relevant facts about workshops & events, network meetings and our offers for pupils, students and postdocs.

CENIDE Funding Support

CENIDE offers (in special cases) the opportunity to support you on your next scientific event or project. If you are interested in funding in general or in support with travel expenses for e.g. attending a conference please send an e-mail to Tobias Teckentrup. The e-mail should contain all relevant information about the event and of the expected costs. Please consider, that it will require some time to execute your request.


CENIDE appreciates the principles of equality for all employees, researchers and students. For any kind of questions or more information about diversity, please contact Tobias Teckentrup or follow the link for university-wide information on diversity.