
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Torben Weis

Office: BC 407
Campus Duisburg

Phone: +49 203 379 4210

Please make sure to use the function e-mail address for any concerns addressed to the Dean! It is also monitored by Ms. Lisa Holthoff, who ensures the proper adherence to all process steps.

Dean of Studies

Prof. Dr. Barbara König

Office: LF 264
Campus Duisburg

Phone: +49 203 379 3397

Please make sure to use the function e-mail address for any concerns addressed to the of Dean Study Affairs! The mailbox is also read and processed by Ms. Lisa Nowak.

Managing Director

Dr. Evgenia Princi

Office: BB 919
Campus Duisburg

Phone: +49 203 379 2595

Department of Human-centered Computing and Cognitive Science Deputy Dean

Prof. Dr. Maic Masuch

Office: LE 307a
Campus Duisburg

Phone: +49 203 379 1341

Department of Software Engineering Deputy Dean

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schneegaß

Office: SM 208
Campus Essen

Phone: +49 201 183 4251

Department of Business Informatics Deputy Dean Prof. Dr. Ralf Plattfaut Deputy Dean

Prof. Dr. Ralf Plattfaut

Office: R09 R00 H16
Campus Essen


Executive Officer to the Dean

Dr. Lisa Holthoff

Office: BB 917b
Campus Duisburg

Phone: +49 203 37 91134

Executive Officer to the Dean of Studies

Lisa Nowak

Office: LF 259
Campus Duisburg

Phone: +49 203 379 4034

Marketing and Communications Officer

Monika Funke

Office: BB 917b
Campus Duisburg

Phone: +49 203 37 92537


Dr. Thorsten Kimmeskamp

Office: SH 502
Campus Essen

Phone: +49 201 183 3733


Dean's Office

Bettina Rindfleisch-Dauster

Office: SH 507
Schützenbahn 70
Campus Essen

Phone: +49 201 183 5082

Silke Motz
Sonja Buron

Office: BB 918
Oststr. 99
Campus Duisburg

Phone: +49 203 37 91075


Please be sure to use the function e-mail addresses so that your request can be processed promptly even in the event of unforeseen absences. You are welcome to write to the “Dean's Office team”.

Functional e-mail addresses of the deans officeContact persons

Please be sure to use the functional e-mail addresses for matters that are processed centrally by the Dean's Office! This way, your request can be dealt with promptly by a representative even in the event of unforeseen absences.

Personnel matters


... is usually read by

  • Silke Motz

... is the right address for

  • Personnel applications  (except SHK/WHF/WHK)
  • Refinancing applications

SHK/WHF/WHK-Applications must be submitted in paper form and can be sent to the dean's office by internal post.

Matters relating to doctoral candidates


... is usually read by

  • Bettina Rindfleisch-Dauster

... is the right address for all administrative tasks relating to doctorates.

Flexible working hours and annual leave


... is usually read by

  • Bettina Rindfleisch-Dauster
  • Silke Motz

... is the right address for

Please note that applications for special leave may not be processed by the Dean's Office. Please send these with supporting documents to Department 4.4, Tina Lohmann,


Faculty website


... is usually read by

  • Monika Funke
  • Dr. Jörg Petersen
  • Dr. Claudia Weis

... is the right address for all matters concerning the faculty websites.

You can recognize faculty websites by the webmaster e-mail address linked at the bottom. You are welcome to write to the "Team Webmaster Informatik".