ICCE - Usage Fees

Usage Fees

Usage of ICCE equipment is subject to usage fees. Please be aware that funds to cover usage fees can be requested as part of grant proposals (e.g. DFG; find more information on the DFG web page http://www.dfg.de/formulare/55_04/55_04_de.pdf).

Booking times are recorded via the booking system and are charged in 15 minute intervals. Invoices are prepared on a quarterly basis and are sent to the responsible PI, who signed the “ICCE User registration form” of the individual user. As long as it is consistent with German tax laws no VAT is charged within the University of Duisburg-Essen.

Overview ICCE usage fees (PDF Download)


Dr. Nina Schulze

Phone: +49201 183 2622

Room: S05 V05 F48

Campus Essen
Universitätsstraße 2
45141 Essen


Dr. Johannes Koch

Phone: +49201 183 2622

Room: S05 V05 F48

Campus Essen
Universitätsstraße 2
45141 Essen
