Aktuelles aus dem InZentIM

17. September 2019, 16 Uhr: InZentIM-Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Simona Montanari   

16. September 2019 / InZentIM


Das InZentIM lädt herzlich ein zum morgigen Gastvortrag:

InZentIm kindly invites to its guest lecture:

Raising Multilingual Children: The Importance of Family Language Policy

Prof. Dr. Simona Montanari (California State University, Los Angeles)

17.09.2019, 16 Uhr / 4 pm

Campus Essen, S06 S01 B35

This presentation reviews the latest research on the promotion of multilingualism in infancy and early childhood. It addresses the importance of Family Language Policy – the family’s conscious planning of language use based on parental language goals, attitudes and intentions – to promote early multilingual learning and highlights strategies to maximize exposure to and learning of more than two languages in early childhood. It also covers other important factors – such as education, siblings, extended family, media and literacy – that enhance the acquisition of multiple languages in young children.

Dr. Montanari holds a professorship at the Department of Child & Family Studies at Cal State U, Los Angeles. She received her B.A. from the University of Bologna, and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. Her research focuses on bilingual/multilingual development and on the development of biliteracy skills in children in dual language programs.


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