Aktuelles aus dem InZentIM

Neuerscheinung: Sammelband „Youth in Superdiverse Societies“    

15. Januar 2020 / InZentIM

Unter Mitherausgeberschaft von Prof. Dr. Philipp Jugert, UDE-Professur für Interkulturelle Psychologie und InZentIM-Mitglied, ist kürzlich der folgende einschlägige Sammelband erschienen:


Fitzmann, P. T., Jugert, P. (eds.) (2019). Youth in Superdiverse Societies. Growing up with globalization, diversity, and acculturation. 1st edition. London: Routledge.



Youth in Superdiverse Societies brings together theoretical, methodological and international approaches to the study of globalization, diversity, and acculturation in adolescence. It examines vital issues including migration, integration, cultural identities, ethnic minorities, and the interplay of ethnic and cultural diversity with experiences of growing up as an adolescent. This important volume focuses on understanding the experiences and consequences of multicultural societies and offers valuable new insights in the field of intergroup relations and the complexity of growingly heterogeneous societies.

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