Prof. Dr. Dr. Nele Noesselt


Prof. Dr. Dr. Nele Noesselt
Chair, Political Science with a special focus on China/East Asia



List of Publications (selection)


Noesselt, Nele (2018), Chinesische Politik: Nationale und globale Dimensionen (Chinese Politics: National and Global Dimensions). Baden-Baden: Nomos. (2nd (updated and revised) edition)

Noesselt, Nele (2016), Chinesische Politik: Nationale und globale Dimensionen. (Chinese Politics: National and Global Dimensions). Baden-Baden: Nomos /Rote Reihe UTB.

Noesselt, Nele (2012), Governance-Formen in China: Theorie und Praxis des chinesischen Modells (Governance in China: Theory and Practice of the Chinese Model). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Noesselt, Nele (2010), Alternative Weltordnungsmodelle? IB-Diskurse in China (Alternative Models of World Order? International Relations Discourses in China). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Noesselt, Nele (2008), Die Beziehungen der EU zu China und Taiwan – Hintergründe und Perzeptionen (The EU’s relations with China and Taiwan: Background Constellations and Perceptions). Hamburg: Kovacs.

Edited Books

Noesselt, Nele/Hartmann, Christof (eds.) (2019/2020), China’s New Role in African Politics: From Non-Intervention towards Stabilization? London/New York: Routledge.

Noesselt, Nele (ed.) (2019), Reassessing Chinese Politics: National System Dynamics and Global Implications. Baden-Baden: Tectum/Nomos.

Noesselt, Nele (ed.) (2018), Governance Innovation and Policy Change: Re-Calibrations of Chinese Politics under Xi Jinping. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

Journal Articles, Book Chapters, Essays (selection)

Noesselt, Nele (2020), A Presidential Signature Initiative: Xiong’an and Governance Modernization under Xi Jinping, Journal of Contemporary China, DOI: 10.1080/10670564.2020.1744378.

Noesselt, Nele (2020), Ein Land, zwei Systeme: Genese und Auslegung eines Schlüsselkonzepts (One Country, Two Systems: Genesis and Transformation of a Chinese Key Concept), Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Februar 2020).

Noesselt, Nele (2020), City Brains and Smart Urbanization: Regulating ‘Sharing Economy’ Innovation in China, Journal of Chinese Governance, DOI: 10.1080/23812346.2020.1762466.

Noesselt, Nele with Gansen, Ulrike/Miller, Martin/Seyferth, Jonas (2020), Konstitutionalisierungsprozesse in der chinesischen Staatstheorie: Top-Down-Orchestrierung institutioneller Reformen (Processes of constitutionalization and Chinese Theory of the State: Top-Down Orchestration of Institutional Reforms), ASIEN (forthcoming, accepted for publication).

Noesselt, Nele (2020), Microblogs and the Transformation of Political Debate, in: Latham, Kevin (ed.) (2020), Routledge Handbook on Chinese Culture and Society. London; New York: Routledge (forthcoming, accepted for publication).

Noesselt, Nele/Hartmann, Christof (2020), China’s New Silk Road and (Changing) State Trajectories in Africa, Berliner Chinablätter (forthcoming, accepted for publication).

Noesselt, Nele/Hartmann, Christof (2020), Introduction, in: Noesselt, Nele/Hartmann, Christof (eds.) (2020), China’s New Role in African Politics: From Non-Intervention towards Stabilization? London/New York: Routledge, 1-14.

Noesselt, Nele (2020), China’s African Dream: Assessing China’s New Strategy, in: Noesselt, Nele/Hartmann, Christof (eds.) (2020), China’s New Role in African Politics: From Non-Intervention towards Stabilization? London/New York: Routledge, 17-31.

Noesselt, Nele/Hartmann, Christof (2020), Conclusion: China and Africa’s Complex Security Challenges, in: Noesselt, Nele/Hartmann, Christof (eds.) (2020), China’s New Role in African Politics: From Non-Intervention towards Stabilization? London/New York: Routledge, 229-240.

Noesselt, Nele (2019), Diplomatischer Tanz auf dem Eis: China, Russland und die „Arktis-Seidenstraße“ (Diplomatic Dancing on Ice: China, Russia, and the Artic Strategy), Rußland-Analysen, 374, 5-8.

Noesselt, Nele (2019), Über Pekings Afrika-Dilemma: Rollenkonflikte und geostrategische Machtkonkurrenz (Beijing’s Africa Dilemma: Role Conflicts and Geo-Strategic Power Competition), Neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte.

Noesselt, Nele (2019), China als Rüstungsakteur. Von Maos Papiertigern zu robusten Regenbögen (China as a Rising Arms Developer and Military Power: From Mao’s Paper Tigers to Robust Rainbows),  Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte.

Noesselt, Nele (2019), Sino–EU Cooperation 2.0: Toward a Global “Green” Strategy?, East Asian Community Review, 2:1&2, 39-55.

Noesselt, Nele (2019), New Political Cartography of Eurasia: China’s Belt and Road- Initiative—The Eurasian Economic Union—India’s New Silk Road, in: Li, Yuan/Taube, Markus (eds.) (2019), How China’s Silk Road Initiative is Changing the Global Economic Landscape. London; New York: Routledge.

Noesselt, Nele (2018), Strategische G(e)o-Politik der fünften chinesischen Führungsgeneration (Strategic G(e)o-Politics of the Fifth Generation of Chinese Political Leaders), Zeitschrift für Politik, 65:4, 438-454.

Noesselt, Nele (2018), Reinventing the Chinese “Leviathan”: Constitutionalizing Politics under Xi Jinping, in: Noesselt, Nele (ed.) (2018), Governance Innovation and Policy Change: Re-Calibrations of Chinese Politics under Xi Jinping. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 171-191.

Noesselt, Nele with Gansen, Ulrike /Miller, Martin/Seyferth, Jonas (2018), 人民的名义 (Im Namen des Volkes) versus House of Cards: Polit-Serien als Legitimierungsinstrument aktueller chinesischer Reformpolitik (In the Name of the People versus House of Cards: Political Drama Series as an Instrument for Legitimizing Chinese Reform Politics), in: Switek, Niko (ed.) (2018), Politische Erzählungen in Fernsehserien. Bielefeld: transcript, 327-343.

Noesselt, Nele (2018), Die „Neue Seidenstraße“ – Zwischen Mythos und Geopolitik (The “New Silk Road” between Myth and Geo-Politics), in:  Gesellschaft. Wirtschaft. Politik (GWP), 67:2, 189-199.

Noesselt, Nele (2018), Cuba: The Cornerstone for China’s Latin America Strategy?, China Policy Institute Analysis.

Noesselt, Nele (2017), Chinesische Perspektive auf die Flüchtlingskrise: “Chaos” in Europa? (Chinese Views on the Refugee Crisis: “Chaos” in Europe?), in: Bieber, Christoph/Blätte, Andreas/Korte, Karl-Rudolf/ Switek, Niko (eds.) (2017), Regieren in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft: Impulse zur Integrationsdebatte aus Sicht der Regierungsforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 145-152.

Noesselt, Nele (2016), Mapping the World from a Chinese Perspective?, in: Zhang, Yongjin/Chang, Teng-chi (eds.) (2016), Constructing a Chinese School of International Relations: Ongoing Debates and Sociological Realities. London; New York: Routledge, 98-112.

Noesselt, Nele (2017), Governance Change and Patterns of Continuity: Assessing China’s “New Normal”, in: Journal of Chinese Political Science, 22:3, 341-355.

Noesselt, Nele (2016), Chinesische Demokratiediskurse: Imaginationen von Governance im nationalen und internationalen Kontext (Chinese Debates on Democracy: Imaginations and Visions of Governance in the National and in the International Context), in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 51, 536-550.

Noesselt, Nele (2016), Contested Global Order(s): Rising Powers and the Re-Legitimation of Global Constitutionalization, in: International Journal on Constitutional Law, 14:3, 639-656.

Noesselt, Nele/Senghaas, Dieter (2016), “Neue Normalität” (xin changtai) und Re-Konfuzianisierung des chinesischen Marxismus: Die VR China auf der Suche nach einem neuen Konzept politischer Herrschaft (New Normal and the Re-Confucianization of Chinese Marxism), in: Leviathan, 44:4, 558-577.

Noesselt, Nele (2016), The European Union and China’s Multidimensional Diplomacy: Strategic Triangulation?, in: European Foreign Affairs Review, 21 (October 2016), 11-27.

Noesselt, Nele (2015), China’s Foreign Strategy After the 18th Party Congress: Business as Usual?, in: Journal of Chinese Political Science, 20:1, 17-33.

Noesselt, Nele (2015), Relegitimizing the Chinese Party-State: “Old” Sources of Modern Chinese Party Power, in: Asiatische Studien - Études Asiatiques, 69:1, 213-233.

Noesselt, Nele (2015), Revisiting the Debate on Constructing a Theory of International Relations with Chinese Characteristics, in: The China Quarterly, 222, 430-448.

Noesselt, Nele (2015), MarXismus auf chinesisch (MarXism in Chinese), in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 9, 2015.

Noesselt, Nele (2014), Microblogs and the Adaptation of the Chinese Party-State’s Governance Strategy, in: Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions, 27:3, 449-468.

Noesselt, Nele (2014), Alexis de Tocqueville in China: Spiegeldebatten über Reformbedarf und Revolutionsgefahr (Alexis de Tocqueville in China: Mirror Debates on Reform Needs and the Risk of Revolution), in: Leviathan, 42:3, 346-362.

Noesselt, Nele (2014), Die Grenzen „nicht-westlicher“ Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen (The Limits of “Non-Western” Theories of International Relations), in: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 21:1, 79-107.

Noesselt, Nele (2014), Internationale Dimensionen des „chinesischen“ Internets (International Dimensions of the “Chinese” Internet), in: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 21:1, 161-177.

Noesselt, Nele (2014), China’s Contradictory Role(s) in World Politics: Decrypting China’s North Korea Strategy, in: Third World Quarterly, 35:7, 1307-1325.

International Conferences & Workshops

  *   Organization of international workshops & conferences (November 2015- May 2020, selection)

International Expert Workshop “China’s Silk Road Initiative: Concepts and Actors”, Berlin, June 28-30, 2019 (in cooperation with Prof. Katja Levy, FU Berlin)

International Authors Workshop “Governance Innovation and Policy Change under Xi Jinping”, Tutzing, September 9 - 15, 2019 (in cooperation with Dr. Saskia Hieber, APB Tutzing)

DFG Project Final Results Workshop “Governance-Innovation in China”, Duisburg, January 26-28, 2018

International Authors Workshop “China & Afrika”, supported by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Duisburg, June 22-24, 2017 (with Christof Hartmann)

DFG Project Preliminary Findings Workshop on “China’s New Normal”, Duisburg, December 1-3, 2016

  *   Conference Papers & Invited Talks (November 2015- May 2020, selection)

2020: “The PRC’s Global Leadership Claims in the ‘Green’ Economy”, IN-EAST Research Forum Lecture, Duisburg, May 27, 2020.

2020: “Global Leadership Transition? China’s Role in the Global Energy Poker”, Mittagsforum (Brown Bag Research Forum Lecture), Institute of Political Science/UDE, Duisburg, May 6, 2020 (with Bruna Bosi Moreira).

2019: “China’s New Regional Responsiveness: Agency and Counter-Agency in Processes of Democratic Backsliding in Asia”, International Workshop on “Democratic Backsliding in Asia: Resilience, Responses, Revival”, (University of) Heidelberg, December 7-9, 2019.

2019: “Cross-Regional Connectivity: Silk Road Dreams and Overlapping Regionalism”, AREA Ruhr Graduate School Workshop “Research Design and Practice in Transnational Asian Studies”, Tokyo (University), September 18 - 24, 2019.

2019: “Governance Innovation under Xi Jinping”, International Author Workshop “Governance Innovation and Policy Change under Xi Jinping”, (APB) Tutzing, September 9 - 15, 2019.

2019: “Re-Making the Chinese Leviathan 4.0” (Division 11: Comparative Politics, September 29, 2019), APSA Annual Meeting, Washington, August 29 - September 1, 2019.

2019: “Construction of system competition: cooperation and communication between hybrid regimes?”, AREA Workshop “System Competition in East Asia”, (Ruhr University) Bochum, July 19, 2019

2019: Roundtable “Political Instability in Africa and China’s New Silk Road”, International Expert Workshop “China’s Silk Road Initiative: Concepts and Actors”, (Free University of) Berlin, June 28, 2019.

2019: “City Brains and Smart Urbanization: Governance Innovation in China”, ACPS Annual Conference, (Zhejiang University) Hangzhou, June 21-23, 2019.

2019: “Chinas globale Gestaltungsmacht: Transformation von Polit- und Finanzinstitutionen”, (China’s Global Rule-Making Power:  Transformation of (International) Political and Financial Institutions), (China Centrum & University of) Tübingen, May 21, 2019.

2019: “Re-shaping Eurasia: China’s Belt and Road Initiative”, International Workshop on “Asia, Europe and the Quest for Connectivity: Interests and Strategies in a Changing Global Environment”, (Ruhr-University) Bochum, April 2019.

2019: “China’s Views on Stability and Human Security: Comparing China’s Security Strategies for Libya, Mali, and Sudan” (with Christof Hartmann), ISA-Konferenz, Toronto, March 2019.

2019: “China’s Smart (Caribbean) Island Diplomacy” (main presenter; additional case study presented by Miquel Salvadó Gracia), ISA Annual Conference, Toronto, March 2019.

2018: “Re-Imaginations of Utopian Socialism: Political Communication and Strategic Legitimation under Xi Jinping”, Workshop on “Residual Futures: Rethinking Utopianism in Modern China”, Zurich & Castasegna, October 2018.

2018: “Political Historiography: Chinese Perspectives on the Rise of Great Powers”, EISA Conference, Prag, September 2018.

2018: “Competing Visions of Global Order: Chinese IR Debates”, EISA Conference, Prag, September 2018.

2018: “Transnational Dimensions of Europe-East Asia Cooperation: Moving Towards Global Green Financial Governance?”, Shanghai Forum, Roundtable, Shanghai, May 2018.

2017: “Digital Politics and Cyber Power: Chinese Governance in the Digital Age”, IPSA Annual Conference, Hannover, December 2017.

2017: “Demographic Change: China/HK/Taiwan”, International Workshop on “Global Political Demography”, Duisburg, November 2017.

2017: “Re-Organizing the Chinese Leviathan? Authoritarian Neo-Liberalism 2.0”, Panel FA03-1: Authoritarian Neoliberalism: Histories, Transitions, Futures, EISA Conference, Barcelona,  September 2017.

2017: “OBORing the World? Chinese and EUropean Perceptions and Configurations of the International System”, European Symposium of the World Forum on China Studies, Berlin, July 2017.

2017: “FB13: Roundtable: Assessing Chinese Foreign Policy under Xi Jinping”, ISA, Hong Kong, June 2017.

2017: “Pacific Approaches to Governance? Linkage Models and the Chinese Leviathan 2.0”, FD15: East Asian Models of Development, ISA, Hong Kong, June 2017.

2017: “Decrypting Chinese Politics: Critical Discourse Analysis meets fsQCA”, ACPS Conference on China’s Public Policy and National Governance, Nankai University, Tianjin, June 2017 (with Elizaveta Priupolina).

2017: “Digital Politics and Cyber Power – Current Developments in China”, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde, DGA Jahrestagung, Hamburg,  May 2017.

2017: “Local Responses to Changing Global Constellations: Re-Configurating the ‘Chinese Model’”, WISC Panel S01-P05: Chinese Responses to Global Challenges, Taipeh, April 2017.

2017: “Re-Imaging or Reproducing IR: How Critical is Chinese IR?“, WISC Roundtable RT-7: Re-imaging or Reproducing IR: How Critical is Chinese IR? (with Barry Buzan, LSE; Shih Chih-yu, NTU; Zhang Yongjin, Bristol), Taipeh, April 2017.

2017: “Testing the Ground as a Global Leader: China in Latin America”, international workshop on “Fundamentos de las relaciones entre China y América Latina en el contexto de la globalización”, Hamburg, February 2017 (workshop language: Spanish)

2016: „The Myriad Mirrors of the Chinese fazhi Debates: Change and Continuity in Theory and Practice”, EACS Conference, St. Petersburg, August 2016.

2015: “The Chinese Model: Governance Experiments and Learning Processes”, WC71: Economic Reform and Transition of Former Command Economies, ISA Conference, New Orleans, February 2015.

More to follow…