


  • J. Sprengepiel, C. Böhm, E. Kubalek:
    "Digital Signal Measurements on Passivated Submicron ICs by Scanning Force Microscope-Testing"
    Microelectronic Engineering 31 (1996) 181-186
  • U. Müller, S. Hofschen, C. Böhm, J. Sprengepiel, E. Kubalek, A. Beyer:
    "Finite Difference Simulation of Electric Force Microscope Measurements"
    Microelectronic Engineering 31 (1996) 235-240
  • C. Böhm (eingeladene Veröffentlichung):
    "Electric Force Microscopy: Gigahertz and Nanometer Measurement Tool"
    Microelectronic Engineering 31 (1996) 171-179
  • W. Mertin (eingeladene Veröffentlichung):
    "New Aspects in Electro-Optic Sampling"
    Microelectronic Engineering 31 (1996) 365-376
  • A. Leyk and E. Kubalek:
    "Two-dimensional measurements of microwave voltage- amplitude and phase distributions within a monolithic integrated interdigital capacitor with a high frequency scanning force microscope test system"
    Microelectronic Engineering 31 (1996) 187-194
  • M. Batinic, B. Weisbrodt, W. Mertin, E. Kubalek:
    "Comparison of measurements results obtained by electron beam testing and indirect electro-optic sampling"
    Microelectronic Engineering 31 (1996) 33-40
  • H. Hamadeh, J. Söllner, J. Hermans, U. Küster, J. Woitok, J. Geurts, B. Bollig, M. Heuken:
    "Optical, structural and lattice dynamical properties of epitaxial Zn1-yMgySx Se1-xlayers grown by metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy"
    Journal of Crystal Growth 159 (1996) 21-25
  • H. Lakner:
    "Composition and Structure Analysis on the (Sub) - Nanometer Scale in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy"
    17. Tagung des Arbeitskreises "Rastermikroskopie in der Materialpr& uuml;fung", Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung und -prüfung e.V., Halle, DVM-Bericht 517 (1996) 143-148
  • H. Lakner (eingeladene Veröffentlichung):
    "Subnanometer Scale Characterization of III-V-Heterostructures"
    Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on InP and Related Materials (IPRM '96) Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany, IEEE Catalogue # 96 CH 35930 (1996) 15-18
  • C. Böhm, J. Sprengepiel, M. Otterbeck, E. Kubalek:
    "Voltage contrast in submicron integrated circuits by scanning force microscopy"
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 14 (2) (1996) 842-844
  • C. Böhm, J. Sprengepiel, E. Kubalek (eingeladene Verö ffentlichung):
    "Diagnosis in Submicron Integrated Circuits by Electric Force Microscopy"
    Microelectron. Reliab., Vol. 36, No. 7/8 (1996) 1113-1118
  • H.Lakner, B. Bollig, S. Ungerechts, E. Kubalek:
    "Characterization of III-V-semiconductor interfaces by Z-contrast imaging, EELS and CBED"
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 29 (1996) 1767-1778
  • A. Leyk, C. Böhm, E. Kubalek:
    "Voltage Amplitude and Voltage Phase Mapping within sub-µm Devices by High Frequency Scanning Force Microscopy"
    IEEE MTT-S Digest, Vol. .3, (1996) 1525-1528
  • C. Böhm, M. Otterbeck, S. Lipp, L. Frey, R. Reuter, A. Leyk, W. Mertin, F. J. Tegude, E. Kubalek:
    "Design and Characterization of Integrated Probes for Millimeter Wave Applications in Scanning Probe Microscopy"
    IEEE MTT-S Digest, Vol. 3 (1996) 1529-1532
  • W. Mertin (eingeladene Veröffentlichung):
    "Two-dimensional field mapping of monolithic microwave integrated circuits using electrooptic sampling techniques"
    Optical and Quantum Electronics 28 (1996) 801-817
  • B. Bollig, H.-G. Fischer, E. Kubalek:
    " Multislice simulation of high resolution STEM Z-contrast images of semiconductor heterointerfaces"
    Scanning 18 (1996) 291
  • W. Mertin, A. Leyk (eingeladene Veröffentlichung):
    "Contactless Testing of MMICs"
    in Proc. of 1996 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC '96) 1996, New Delhi, Indien, 1027-1030
  • S. Ungerechts, H. Lakner:
    "Characterisation of C-doped GaAs by quantitative Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction (CBED)"
    in Proc. of XI European Congress on Microscopy (EUREM '96), Dublin, Irland (1996) (CD-ROM, Vol. 1, published by: ucd belfield, dublin 4, IRELAND)
  • C. Mendorf, H. Lakner, B. Bollig:
    "Compositon analysis in ultrathin layers of a resonant tunneling diode (RTD) by Z-contrast imaging and PEELS"
    in Proc. of XI European Congress on Microscopy (EUREM '96), Dublin, Irland (1996) (CD-ROM, Vol. 1, published by: ucd belfield, dublin 4, IRELAND)
  • C. Mendorf, H. Lakner:
    "Maximum entropy reconstruction of high-resolution STEM Z-contrast images from semiconductor heterointerfaces"
    in Proc. of XI European Congress on Microscopy (EUREM '96), Dublin, Irland (1996) (CD-ROM, Vol. 1, published by: ucd belfield, dublin 4, IRELAND)
  • H. Lakner (eingeladene Veröffentlichung):
    "Advances in the analysis of chemical composition and crystal structure of semiconductor heterostructures and interfaces"
    in Proc. of XI European Congress on Microscopy (EUREM '96), Dublin, Irland (1996) (CD-ROM, Vol. 1, published by: ucd belfield, dublin 4, IRELAND)
  • G. Brockt, M. Bronowicki, M. Heuken, H. Lakner:
    "PEELS Analysis of ZnMgSSe/GaAs-Heterostructures"
    in Proc. of XI European Congress on Microscopy (EUREM '96), Dublin, Irland (1996) (CD-ROM, Vol. 1, published by: ucd belfield, dublin 4, IRELAND)
  • S. Ungerechts, H. Lakner:
    "Experimental and simulated CBED patterns from semiconductor heterointerfaces"
    in Proc. of XI European Congress on Microscopy (EUREM '96), Dublin, Irland (1996) (CD-ROM, Vol. 1, published by: ucd belfield, dublin 4, IRELAND)
  • H.Lakner, C. Mendorf, Bernd Bollig, Werner Prost, F.J. Tegude:
    "Determination of Interface Composition in III-V Heterojunction Devices (HBT and RTD) with Atomic Resolution using STEM Techniques"
    in Proceedings of EXMATEC '96 (Mai 1996) Freiburg, accepted f. publicationin Material Science and Engineering B.
  • D. Eisert, G.Bacher, N, Mais, J.P. Reithmaier, A.Forchel, B. Jobst, D. Hommel, G.Landwehr
    "First order gain and index coupled DFB lasers in ZnSe-based structures with finely tunable emission wavelengths"
    Applied Physics Letters 68 (5), pp. 599 - 601, (1996)
  • R. Spiegel, G.Bacher, K. Herz, M. Illing, T. Kümmell, A.Forchel, B. Jobst, D. Hommel, G. Landwehr, J. Söllner, M. Heuken
    "Excitonic lifetimes in CdZnSe/ZnSe and ZnSe/ZnSSe quantum wires"
    Physical Review B 53 (8), pp. R4233 - R4236, (1996)
  • R. Spiegel, G.Bacher, K. Herz, A.Forchel, T. Litz, A. Waag, G.Landwehr
    "Recombination and thermal emission of excitons in shallow CdTe/CdMgTe quantum wells"
    Physical Review B 53 (8), pp. 4544 - 4548, (1996)
  • G. Bacher, N. Mais, D. Eisert, M. Illing, A. Forchel, K. Schüll, J. Nürnberger, G. Landwehr
    "Realization and analysis of DBR laserdiodes based on ZnSe"
    Proc. International Symposium on Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes, Chiba, Japan, March 5 - 7, pp. 248 - 251, (1996)
  • G. Bacher, D. Tönnies, D. Eisert, A. Forchel, M.O. Möller, M. Korn, B. Jobst, D. Hommel, G. Landwehr, J. Söllner, M. Heuken
    "Thermal stability of ZnSe-based heterostructures grown on GaAs"
    Journal of Applied Physics 79 (8), pp. 4368 -4372, (1996)
  • D. Eisert, G.Bacher, N, Mais, J.P. Reithmaier, A.Forchel, B. Jobst, D. Hommel, G.Landwehr
    "Gain-coupled distributed feedback lasers in the blue-green spectral range by focused ion beam implantation"
    Journal of Crystal Growth 159, pp. 591 - 594, (1996)
  • G.Bacher, W. Braun, B. Ohnesorge, A. Forchel, F.H. Karg, W. Riedl
    "Recombination dynamics in polycrystalline CuInSe2 layers"
    Crystal Research and Technology 31 (Spec. Issue 1), pp. 737 - 740, (1996)
  • G.Bacher, M.Illing, R. Spiegel, T. Kümmell, K. Herz, A.Forchel, B. Jobst, D. Hommel, G.Landwehr
    "Room temperature emission in narrow (14nm) CdZnSe/ZnSe quantum wires with strong lateral confinement"
    Journal of Crystal Growth 159, pp. 455 - 458, (1996)
  • D. Eisert, G. Bacher, M. Legge, A. Forchel, J. Nürnberger, W. Faschinger, G.Landwehr
    "Longitudinal single mode emission in first order DBR laser diodes based on ZnSe"
    in Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, edited by M. Scheffler and R. Zimmermann (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996), Vol. 4, pp. 3195 - 3198, (1996)
  • R. Spiegel, G. Bacher, A. Forchel, B. Jobst, D. Hommel, G. Landwehr
    "Exciton spin relaxation and biexciton formation in CdZnSe/ZnSe quantum wells"
    in Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, edited by M. Scheffler and R. Zimmermann (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996), Vol. 3, pp. 2103 - 2106, (1996)
  • D. Eisert, M. Legge, G. Bacher, A. Forchel, J. Nürnberger, K. Schüll, G.Landwehr
    "First order single mode DBR laser diodes emitting in the blue-green spectral range "
    15th International Semiconductors Laser Conference, Haifa, Israel, Conference Digest, pp. 147 - 148, (1996)


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