International Mobility

When it comes to international mobility in research and teaching, all groups at the university are important to the UDE. It focuses in particular on young researchers and students, but also takes into account all researchers, teachers and employees in technology and administration.

An important pillar for the internationalization of research is young scientists. On the one hand, internationally experienced young scientists are to be attracted to the UDE (incoming) in order to sustainably promote the international networking of the UDE and to increase the internationality on campus. On the other hand, the UDE supports its junior researchers in their efforts to build international networks by spending time abroad (outgoing). Only with this internationality and experience can the researchers pass on impulses for experience abroad to the students. Therefore, the UDE participates in numerous different international mobility and excellence programs for young scientists.

In view of the special composition of its student body, the UDE is committed to achieving educational equity and social inclusion also in the field of international mobility and to counteracting the mechanisms of social selectivity in the well-known exchange programs. The UDE, which counts an above-average number of educational climbers among its student body, pays special attention to manifesting participation in education also as participation in exchange programs.

Students who come from non-academic homes are more likely than average to have little money and therefore lack adequate access to study abroad programs. At the same time, students with an immigrant background bring with them experiences that make them particularly qualified for exchange studies or internships abroad. When advising students, it is therefore necessary to take into account issues of funding and the recognition of study achievements abroad. In addition, the heterogeneity of study motivations and prerequisites must be taken into account. At the central level, the International Office is responsible for the international mobility of students and cooperates closely with the relevant advisory offices at the faculty level. Through firmly established service and other support services for the group of students with different backgrounds, the UDE shows itself to be diversity-conscious and educationally appropriate in the area of study abroad. This commitment applies in a special way to the group of students with educational advancement and equally to the area of international mobility of students with disabilities as well as students with children.

The UDE increases the number of students who spend time abroad in the form of a study abroad program or an internship abroad. It undertakes targeted efforts such as a systematic expansion of internship lines or structured offerings for individual degree programs to promote international mobility. Mandatory stays abroad for student teachers in foreign language philologies as well as targeted scholarship programs also lead to an increase in the numbers in foreign mobility. In accordance with the Lisbon Convention, the University of Duisburg-Essen applies the principle of student-friendliness when it comes to the recognition of credits earned abroad.

Teachers, researchers and employees in technology and administration are supported in the realization of stays abroad and the acquisition and intensification of international competence. They can access an established range of advice and services to clarify content-related, organizational and financial aspects and, if necessary, are also supported by the UA Ruhr's international offices. The UDE also encourages teachers, researchers and other employees to continuously expand their international experience by providing appropriate training.

International Office First Contact

The central service office for international contacts of the University of Duisburg-Essen.