© R. Msiska/J. Schaab/D. Meier/amb design & illustrations

Pioneering studyNew Possibilities for Reservoir Computing

The team led by Prof Dr Everschor-Sitte laid the foundations for magnetic reservoir computing around seven years ago. Now, together with Norwegian colleagues, they have developed the idea of ferroelectric reservoir computing. Nature Reviews Physics reports.

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© Anusorn - stock.adobe.com

Molecular Stop Signal IdentifiedThe Surveillance System of Cell Division

During cell division, each of the resulting daughter cells receives one part of a pair of chromosomes. But how is this process monitored and how are potential errors prevented? Biologists at the UDE have been able to clarify the matter. Current Biology reports.

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© UDE/Fabian Strauch

Co-Creation Lab Product InnovationsCreative minds develop prototypes

When creativity and technology come together, ideas can be transformed into prototypes. At the CCLP, people interested in founding a company can make products tangible with the help of 3D printers. An interdisciplinary team is on hand to provide advice.

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© Fritz Winter Eisengießerei GmbH & Co. KG

Reducing Global Dependence on Raw MaterialsDomestic Lime Instead of Magnesium from Overseas

© UDE/Laura Karsch und Ali Ata Tuz
© Andreas Schmitter/GDCh
© shaiith - stock.adobe.com

New methods for biodiversity monitoring in Europe's riversUDE coordinates international 2-million-EUR-project

Strategic Research Areas

In research, the UDE supports five interdisciplinary profile focuses in particular across the university.

UDE Research Strategy

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