Good scientific practice

Good scientific practice

As one of the core tasks of their members and affiliates, the University of Duisburg-Essen safeguards the assurance of scientific quality standards, in particular the truthfulness and precision in research. According to the principles of the Safeguarding of Good Scientific Practice at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Senate decision on 16 July 2004, last modified via regulation of 2 February 2007), scientific misconduct is deemed to have taken place if, in the course of any research-relevant activity, false information is supplied intentionally or by gross negligence, the intellectual property of others is infringed or their research activity harmed in any other way. (cf. Section 7, Paragraph 1 ).

In the event of infringement of good scientific practice or in the event of suspected scientific misconduct, the mediators at the UDE should be contacted directly:

The University has established an investigation commission that serves to clarify accusations of scientific misconduct.

On 1 August 2019, the DFG's Code (DE) “Leitlinien zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis" (Kodex)” came into force. It replaces the previous memorandum "Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice", which was fundamentally reformed by a ten-member expert commission between August 2018 and February 2019.

The rules of good scientific practice were issued by the DFG in February 2016.

The DFG’s “Research Ombudsman” is responsible for every scientist, regardless of the employment relationship or connection with the DFG. There is a choice in each case between contacting the local ombudspersons or the “Research Ombudsman”.

» DFG-Good Sci. Practice

Topics Good Scientific Practice

  • Principles of scientific work
    • Work lege artis
    • Documentation of results
    • Handling primary data
    • Scepticism of own findings
  • Support of young researchers
  • Publication and authorship
  • Workgroups
    • Collaboration
    • Honesty towards contributions from others
    • Leadership responsibility