The University of Duisburg-Essen strongly recommends its scientists to publish Open Access (see UDE Open Access Policy). The free availability of OA publications increases the worldwide visibility of research achievements at the UDE.

The UL supports this goal and manages an OA publication fund in addition to regular literature funds to facilitate the publication of research results in open access journals, monographs and anthologies.

With DuEPublico, the UL additionally offers the possibility to make publications available on an institutional repository in a globally visible and reliably citable manner.

Bild: Open Access Logo

What is Open Acess?

Open access means free and open access to scientific publications and other scientific materials for all users on the Internet.

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Bild: Open Access Förderung


In addition to the regular literature funds, the UB manages a DFG-funded publication fund. The aim is to support authors by paying publication fees (e.g. Article Processing Charges: APCs) for Open Access publications (journals, monographs and collective works).

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Wortwolke: Inhalte von DuEPublico auf einen Blick

Initial and secondary publication

The publication of articles in Open Access journals, contributions to Open Access collected works, or as Open Access monographs directly provides free and open access to scientific publications.

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Sample contract for OA books

The BMBF project AuROA (Autor:innen und Rechtssicherheit für Open Access) has developed a contract generator that authors and publishers can use to create their individual and customisable contract for an open access monograph. You will be guided through questions about your requirements for the creation and receive a Word document, free of charge and without obligation. Click on "Start contract creation".

Please note the privacy policy of Mioto Labs GmbH.

To the contract generator

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All contents on these pages are for information purposes only and are not legally binding.