UB|SchreibCamp - Summer Term 2024

UB|SchreibCamp - what is it?

We at the library are hosting the UB|SchreibCamp, a one-week writing event, for the third time in the summer edition from 12.08. to 16.08.2024.

During this intensive writing week, the programme is entirely focused on academic writing. We will support you from the beginning to the completion of your writing assignments. The programme covers everything from planning, correct citation and literature management to tips on Word, LaTex and other tools. In individual counselling sessions and in the ResearchCafé, the experts from the UB training team will answer all your questions about literature and the correct use of information and data.

You can also take part in our collaborative, guided writing sprints: UB|SchreibSprints and experience how motivating it can be to master the task of writing together with others. Become writing buddies who will continue to support each other after the UB|SchreibCamp. In addition, we also have various offers from university sports and the ABZ/Psychological Counselling Centre.

Use this opportunity to work on your projects in an inspiring environment and make new contacts at the same time. Register now and join the UB|SchreibCamp - your perfect writing week in summer!

Why should you join?

We know it from our own experience: writing academic texts is not something you can do on the side, and it can sometimes feel overwhelming. In addition, you often feel like the only person who has to tackle the challengs of writing - it is helpful to know that others feel the same way.

What do former participants of the UB|SchreibCamp say?

We asked you what you liked about the UB|SchreibCamp ... here are the answers:

  • "The most important thing for me was a productive environment and other fellow students. BaseCamp was ideal, with a relaxed yet focussed atmosphere and other people."
  • "I liked having a fixed place and a kind of 'commitment' to come to the library and write."
  • "What helped me? The group atmosphere, the rooms and the new people with whom it was easy to 'just go with the flow'."
  • "The chance to take a break together motivated me to reach my goal by then."
  • "The most important thing for me was no longer feeling alone while writing my term paper."
  • "What helped the most was the lunchtime exercise followed by a writing sprint. This meant I didn't experience a midday low and kept me very balanced and able to work productively."

When and where?

The UB|SchreibCamp 2024 – summer edition takes place from 12.08. to 08.03.2024 in the LK Library at the Duisburg campus.

In our BaseCamp you will find an info Point, a cup of coffee and several writing tips from your WritingBuddies and our experts. In addition to a space for consultations, we have various training rooms for the courses and another training room for our WritingSprints. Please register for the sessions. Registrations will be activated in our Moodle course room two weeks ahead.

For whom?

The UB|SchreibCamp is open to all UDE students who have an academic paper to write and may want to submit it in late summer 2024.


Participation is of course free of charge. There are limited spots for the sessions. Please register in our Moodle course room.

Why are we doing this?

Our aim is for you to find a good writing community that helps you write your text, motivates you, and shows you that you are not alone in facing the sometimes very challenging task of writing.

What happens next, how can I register?

You can find all information about registration here on the website and in our Moodle course room. Registration will be activated approx. two weeks before the start of the event. We will inform you about the announcements in the forum and of course on our our Instragram channel (@ub.de).

If you have any questions, please write to us at schreibcamp.ub@uni-due.de.


We have put together a wide range of events for you. You have to register for most of them, but you can come along spontaneously to some of them without registering.

Skip directly to the programme (in German)

Registration & participation

Participation is free.

You can find all the information about registration in our Moodle course room.

Missed it?

Practice writing in our regular writing sprints, the UB|SchreibSprints.

Registration & participation

Participation is free.

You can find all the information about registration in our Moodle course room.

Missed it?

Practice writing in our regular writing sprints, the UB|SchreibSprints.